
From Stage to Saga

In a world of magic and mystery, Oliver, a modern-world actor, finds himself transported to a realm he once only read about in novels. Assuming the persona of a genius, he joins an elite academy to teach magic to eager first-year students. However, his real mission goes beyond the classroom: to change the destiny of those he encounters. As whispers of innovation and intrigue fill the air, Oliver embarks on a calculated gambit, where deception is an art, and survival is his ultimate performance. But beneath the surface, transformations and complexities await. Dive into a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, and the magician's awakening is just the beginning.

Apostle9380 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter I: A Smile And A New Stage

Moments ago, I had been a performer on a modern world stage, captivating an audience with the art of acting. My world was one of spotlights and applause, a place where reality intertwined with imagination.

But as the final curtain fell and the applause faded, I found myself in an entirely different realm. The stage had given way to an unfamiliar carriage, the audience replaced by an unknown landscape. It was as if the boundaries of my existence had shifted, and I was now part of a different narrative.

I couldn't deny the disorientation that overcame me. The script of my life had been rewritten, and I was now a character in a story I had never imagined. The world outside the carriage window was no longer the familiar cityscape, but an otherworldly landscape that defied explanation.

In this new reality, I was an outsider, a modern world resident thrust into a place of swords and magic. The prospect of attending the legendary Arcanum Citadel was a testament to the inexplicable nature of my journey.

With each passing mile, I contemplated my role in this unfolding narrative. The performance had shifted from the stage to a world filled with enigmas, and I needed to determine the persona I would adopt in order to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

The carriage continued its journey, carrying me further into this fantastical realm. The adventure had begun, and I was about to step onto a stage unlike any I had ever known.

As I sat in the carriage, trying to make sense of this bizarre turn of events, my gaze fell upon the insignia adorning the vehicle. The emblem, the unmistakable symbol of the Starweaver family, sent a wave of realization surging through me.

Elandor Starweaver, one of the two Dukes of the Thaloria Empire, was my father. This revelation added a layer of complexity to my predicament. I, the son of a noble Duke, was now en route to the Veridia Empire as a transfer student to the renowned Arcanum Citadel.

The choice of the Arcanum Citadel as my destination underscored the mysteries of my journey. Why had I, a member of the Starweaver family, been uprooted from the Thaloria Empire and sent to the neighboring Veridia Empire?

The questions swirled in my mind as I contemplated the implications of my newfound identity. I was stepping into a world not only of swords and magic but also of noble lineage and politics. The lines of my role were becoming increasingly blurred, and the stage on which I now found myself held far more secrets than I had ever anticipated.

As the carriage continued on its path, my thoughts were consumed by the enigma of my circumstances. The journey ahead promised not only magical knowledge but also the unraveling of a family's legacy, and I was determined to discover the truth behind my unexpected role in this narrative.

The memories of the character, who bore the same first name as I did, flowed into my mind. He had been portrayed as a person of astute intellect and a slightly distant demeanor. The embodiment of a perfect noble, he excelled in matters of literature, politics, and strategy. But the world I found myself in was one that demanded a different persona.

My acting talent, honed in the modern world, provided me with the tools to step into this character's shoes. Supplemented by his memories, I was well-equipped to imitate him, to wear his identity like a mask. However, the challenge lay in adapting my personality to fit the situation.

In this world, I couldn't be the actor I had been on the modern world stage. Here, I needed to become someone else, a person who could navigate the intricacies of nobility and power. The burden of a dual identity now rested upon my shoulders.

As I continued my journey to the Arcanum Citadel, I contemplated the transformation I was about to undergo. The role I would play, the persona I would adopt, and the web of secrets I would navigate were all intertwined, shaping the narrative of my life in this fantastical realm.

The chapter of my story remained open, and I was poised on the precipice of a world filled with challenges and enigmas. The decisions I made would determine the path I would tread, and the name of this chapter, like my identity, would reveal itself in time.

As the carriage carried me across the borders, officially marking my entry into the Veridia Empire, I knew that the moment for transformation had arrived. I rapped gently on the carriage, instructing the driver to slow down, and then closed my eyes to focus.

In that very instant, I became Oliver Starweaver, the Genius. The son of Duke Starweaver, I adopted his habits, his mannerisms, and his very essence. It was as if I had been preparing for this role all my life, and my acting talent allowed me to adapt almost instantly.

I marveled at the reflection of this new identity. My physical appearance had transformed, and I was now the embodiment of a noble's son. My emerald green eyes were sharp and piercing, framed by sword-like eyebrows. An impeccable face, chiseled jawline, well-shaped lips, and a masculine presence all came together to create an impression of undeniable nobility.

My physique was immaculate, not an inch out of shape, standing well over six feet tall. The most striking feature, however, was my hair. A cascade of light blonde locks, voluminous and silky, extended to my hips, with a natural wave that caught the light, creating a sparkling effect.

It made perfect sense; light blonde hair and emerald eyes were the unmistakable trademarks of the Starweaver House. I was the living image of my father, Elandor, in both appearance and demeanor. Yet, beneath this noble facade, I carried my mother's intellect and talents, a hidden reservoir of abilities that would serve me well in the challenges that lay ahead.

As I opened my emerald eyes and looked upon my transformed self, I felt a sense of purpose and determination. I was now Oliver Starweaver, ready to navigate a world of power, politics, and arcane knowledge. The chapter of my story had been rewritten, and I was poised on the brink of a grand transformation.

The grandeur of the Veridia Empire's capital unfolded before me as I entered its bustling streets. The carriage had brought me to a new world, and a well-practiced smile graced my face. It was a smile I had worn countless times on movie sets and in works of fiction, a mask that concealed the whirlwind of emotions beneath.

Internally, a different kind of excitement coursed through my veins. Acting had always been my passion, a calling that allowed me to step into the shoes of countless characters. But this time, the stakes were higher, and the entire world had become my stage. This was not just make-believe in movies or fiction; the roles I would play now held very real consequences.

The thought of it quickened my heart, and I felt a rush of adrenaline. I was about to embark on a journey where every word, every gesture, and every expression had the power to shape the narrative of my life. The thrill of being a performer on this grand stage, where the consequences were palpable, was a sensation I could not ignore.

As the city of the Veridia Empire buzzed with activity, I embraced the duality of my existence. Outwardly, I was Oliver Starweaver, the embodiment of nobility. Inwardly, I was a performer ready to take on the most challenging role of my life.

The curtain had risen on this new chapter, and the audience, the world itself, awaited my performance. As I navigated the streets of the capital, I knew that my journey had only just begun, and every step I took would bring me closer to the secrets, alliances, and destinies that lay ahead.