
The Reincarnation

"I'm late, I'm so late!" In stress murmurs Aaron James as he hurries across the parking lot near his apartment building.

Sprinting to the point where he started having trouble breathing, if he slips now he could even suffer some injuries.

Falling against the concentrate covered with snow beneath his feet isn't to take lightly.

I suppose he needs to work out more, he isn't quite in shape to run through this patch of snow at such speed.

He woke up just a few minutes ago, that could be taken as a good alternative example to why his body is practically overheating in negative temperatures apart from being out of shape.

As a graduate in Economics, being a straight A student he was offered 3 Jobs before he actually graduated.

Which made him feel even better for all the hard work he put in and gave him more hope.

There were a lot of rumours about double standards when it comes to finding a good job, but hard work seems to have paid off better than he expected it.

He started the car, didn't even waste a second putting it in gear and took off with a drift. This is his first day on the job, which is why it is even more embarrassing if he showed up there very late, it would show big unprofessionalism even though it was just sheer misfortune.

He is basically an hour late due to his charger having a malfunction and even causing a few sparks from the looks of it, he could see a small dark spot near the Charger's head. It fried his phone, which cut every chance of the alarm ringing.

His Workplace is about 10km away and he feels like if he drives very fast, he can be there in 5 to 10 minutes or 15 at max.

But driving above 160km/h in the cold days of December is no doubt suicidal and should be avoided completely.

No authority recommends it and the fee if caught speeding, especially now, is great as well. Even Jail is possible if one has a criminal record or other speeding tickets following them.

But the authorities are right to begin with in this case. Taking a light right turn was all his car required for disaster to follow.

First the front wheels failed to turn the rest of the car towards the desired direction.

In a split second he got a theory of what is happening here, he has started sliding on ice at over 160km/h.

Violently hitting the brakes, praying to god to stop this car too, his job became of less value out of a sudden.

The attempt to stop the car however has been proven pale!

Because seconds after, he met himself with the wall of another building.

The car was forced to explode along with Aaron James, almost in the same second when it met the wall.

With his body lying on the sidewalk 30 feet away from the accident, having no feeling in his arms and legs whatsoever.

To make it worse, he can only see with one eye. Not having the strength to even move his neck, all he could wait for is death to end his misery.


"Move you pathetic wild boars!" Yelled a man standing over a 6 foot tall boulder.

Dressed in black to the point where even his face is covered with a black mask, making it impossible to know who this person is for these Victims. His identity being hidden made it all the more terrifying.

One other thing that separated this man over the boulder from the rest, is his cold low tone making everyone around him portray him as a lifeless human, as if torment doesn't bother him.

His tone is filled with rage, yet it's thick but lifeless.

These Victims though, all are portraying an image of slaves.

Aaron is under the same boulder where that man dressed in black is standing, believing what he's seeing is hard to comprehend.

How did he [Aaron] get here and why would god send him at such a destination filled with unnecessary suffering?

"Am I in hell?" He asks himself while feeling a sensation of pain on his back likely caused by a whip, likely caused by one of these Slavers.

But he understood that he ain't in hell when beams of sunlight struck on his face once in a while as the slaves were running helplessly, close to him.

He doesn't feel pain anywhere else, he doesn't have any broken bones or bruises so how could the person he seemingly incarnated too, have died?

If he died due to tripping and being trembled by the few hundreds of slaves, the situation would be worse. Aaron here wouldn't even be able to move and die, again in this new body!

But when he felt how dry his mouth is, his one and only theory if he really incarnated here, would be dehydration.

These people seemed to have been transferred here in ships, locked in a large cage in the storage area. At least Aaron got a flash memory about that.

Whoever brought them here, most likely didn't give a damn if these people were fed or hydrated. So the former body owner likely collapsed when dehydration merged with physical abuse.

"Move Bastards, move!" Yelled another man dressed exactly the same as the first man standing over the boulder, cracking a whip.

Then the other followed, then the other. Counting up to 20 people dressed exactly the same, carrying whips except these are working more.

"By the 3 Gods, these people have such a bad stench!" Said one of 20 as he stopped near the guy on the boulder, watching the other 19 continuing to chase the Slaves with whips cracking.

Not willing to reply to what this man just said, the Whipper over the boulder starts another topic. "I couldn't give a damn about the men, they are almost worthless but be sure to not hit any of the ladies who are from their late teens to late twenties.

His tone being muffled by the panicking masses, the screaming slaves, the Whipper waits a bit before continuing. "They are worth 4 gold coins each! My salary is 4 gold coins so you can assume how much they are worth."

Tad hidden near the boulder, hearing about such an act, Aaron couldn't help but getting angrier by the passing second. Trying to build up his strength and attack actually!

Being lower in authority, the Whipper on the ground answers. "As you wish sir. After we lead them near the outer walls of Hawk City, we will leave no women in that pile of stench."

Finishing the sentence, he notices a man struggling underneath the boulder, trying to get himself up and utters. "Who do we have here?"

"What?" Asked the Wiper standing on the boulder as he took a peek down. "I thought I killed this son of a whore... oh well."

Now it is made certain who the murderer was, showing the lack of care this foul man has towards anyone under his standard.

Grabbing his whip and yelling after, "Move you son of a bitch."

Afterwards whipping Aaron James on the right leg, such injury almost killed Aaron for the second time!

He was forced raised on his feet right away out of such strong instant pain.

He tries to catch up with the crowd after, with his hands holding the blood bursting on his leg and he could feel bits of blood breaking here and there from his back.

Little did he notice, the same person standing near the boulder to consult with the head Whipper, has started chasing him. Continuing to yell, "Move bastard move!"

Proceeding to hit Aaron with a Whip on his back and forcing him to fall down once more.

With mercy not on his name, the Slaver proceeds to kick Aaron on the stomach and shows no sign of stopping. This Slaver's voice is memorable, it sounds like this man is whistling due to his tone being so high pitch.

The Head Whipper arrived in the scene after and lifted Aaron off of the ground, yelling. "He said move!"

Afterwards giving him one kick on the behind to get him going.

"What did I do to deserve this." Aaron thought to himself as tears broke from his eyes due to the unbearable pain.

Arriving at the scene, the first full sentences Aaron heard was a beg for mercy. "Let go of my daughter. Please, have mercy. She is just 14!"

Aaron heard one male Slave yelling as he was approaching the group and heard several whips cracking later, putting the slave begging to spare his daughter into an unreturning rest.

They grabbed Women from all ages in the group of Slaves, from kids to adults to ladies in their 40s at max but if a lady over her 40s looked younger, they would take her too.

If any of these women noticably never shared a bed with a man before, they would be spared from an upcoming rape spree, because their value would rise to 6 Gold Coins as the buyers prefer them this way.

Aaron James hid in the group of slaves where there are more men were to be seen, in order to escape any Guard's or Whipper's sight, trying to treat his wound with no tools or medical experience at all.

But hey, at least he can see with two eyes again.

"Take these ladies back in the river and wash them, I want them all ready before nightfall." Yelled the Head Whipper, specifically the man who stood above the boulder a bit earlier

And of course his Commands were followed right away as no one dared to oppose!

Since April just broke in this world, washing these ladies in the River wouldn't be too torturous.

But since it's midday and the head Whipper wants them ready before midnight. The reason behind the amount of time he gave them is clear.

The head Whipper commands with a shout, "Don't rush the process."