
Setting the base economical foundation (2)

Quite a bit of time has passed by now, over an hour or so to be more exact, yet Aaron hasn't finished his self led first task of proper financial management.

He's gone through 51 houses so far, so by that he figured out that the ex chief's predicted population count might be faulty.

The ex chief predicted that about 400 people live here in the village of Footek, yet Aaron has registered almost 300 people so far and barely checked through half of the houses.

This screams that Footek carries a bigger population, which can be good and at the same time bad.

The good thing about it, there are enough workers to go around, this village meeting a man power shortage isn't likely in the near future.

While the bad thing about it is directly associated with the good thing. Due to the population count, the newly established government here in Footek would have to freely feed people who can't work.