
Strange village

Ameanum was up in the morning as he got some sleep, but this time it didn't seem to make a TRANCE ROOM or be at the weird misty room. Instead, it was like usually sleeping, which was strange for in-game.

As he spent more time in this body, he started seeing minor differences between a few things felt before and how some felt now.

The game was like a second reality, but there was always the feeling of some things not feeling real.

But now, Ameanum was getting this feeling fewer times than before. 

He didn't pay it a lot in mind as it didn't seem to harm him, but it helped him with a few things.

Heading downstairs on the inn's ground floor as his room was on the first floor, he noticed Soryn and March at a table having breakfast.

Soryn was used to wake up early as part of his everyday routine, and Marcy, as a Player, needed little sleep. 

Ameanum ordered some breakfast for himself also as he joined their table.