
Chapter 3: Qi and Blood_1

Changfeng Dojo was sparsely populated.

Aside from a few staff members, there were six trainees and three martial artists.

Only a few people were present in the 3,000 square meter area, which seemed somewhat deserted.

Of course, it might have been because it had just opened.

Standing nearby, Shanhu seemed to see what was on Li Pin's mind and gently raised her eyebrow: "Since my master started cultivating qi into elixir energy, many of his business friends and relatives have wanted to send their children to him to learn martial arts. Many of them are of respectable status and my master couldn't refuse, so he opened the Changfeng Dojo."

She added: "The purpose of the Changfeng Dojo is twofold. On one hand, it provides a unified training ground for these people. On the other hand, when my master's friends come, they can have a place to spar. Teaching disciples is incidental, with selection based on merit."

Fang Yubai found himself feeling a bit awkward.

He felt that Shanhu's words contained subtle implications.

"Are these the trainers?"

Li Pin inquired.


Shanhu nodded: "My two senior brothers, Xu Huan and Zhang Le, both hold Martial Artist certification and moonlight as coaches. Also, we have five hired Strength control Cultivators, among which Martial Master Yang Danqing holds a third-grade practitioner qualification certification, a mid-grade professional title certified by the Association."

"Such a talented team."

Li Pin sincerely complimented.

In his previous life, he was only able to obtain a mid-grade professional title when he reached his prime. Now, he was increasingly looking forward to the martial arts scene of this world.

Shanhu stood on a dark green rubber mat.

Gazing at Li Pin, she beckoned with a stroke of her hand: "Come."

Her height of 1.73 meters made her no less imposing than a man, looking cool.

Li Pin wanted to experience the Elixir Energy of a Elixir Energy Master, but why should a stranger show him?

Unless… you yourself have investment value.

At the moment, he tapped the ground with his foot and only took one step, which, through strength control, propelled him a distance of more than two meters.

With no auxiliary movement and an upper body that was stationary, the single foot thrust had propelled him as far as 2.3 meters. This surprised Fang Lingjue who had been quiet.

"Not bad."

He commented.

Seeing that a match was about to happen, other free coaches also gathered around to watch.


Li Pin made a gesture of invitation with a Void Hand.


Shanhu replied, raising her hand to strike without showing a host's customary modesty.

Li Pin dealt with each move as presented, experiencing the differences between the martial arts in this world and the martial arts he knew.

Shanhu seemed to be one or two years younger than him, but when it came to Fist Techniques, movement techniques, and responses, she was quite proficient.


She was lacking a bit of ferocity.

Almost as soon as this thought came to his mind, Shanhu, who had just completed one round of exchanges, suddenly burst into action.

Summoning her strength, she maneuvered her body with the agility of a monkey and leapt forward.

With one move, the strength from her toes, calf, thigh, waist, and shoulder were concentrated into a single point. Over ninety percent of her body strength converged into that leap.

Fang Yubai hadn't seen it clearly, and she had already closed the four-meter distance between them. As her fingers transformed into a palm, she aimed to strike Li Pin's chest.


Li Pin had glanced at her shoulder when she dashed, and just as she was to pounce on him, he sidestepped. His right hand grabbed precisely at her wrist.

When he was about to use his arm strength to throw her out, Shanhu's wrist trembled, breaking free from Li Pin's grasp.

She twisted her body as she flew and, with a forceful twist of her waist, violently threw herself into a counterattack. Her slender right leg swung around 180 degrees, raising high, slashing down towards his head like a battle axe.

The force in the legs was considerably stronger in comparison to the arms.

Especially since Li Pin had just discerned through contact that the strength of his body seemed to be…

Inferior to Shanhu's!

Inferior to a woman's!

So, facing her leg which was descending like a battle axe, Li Pin advanced instead of retreating.

He released his strength and his body mysteriously advanced aggressively as Shanhu's power was about to reach its peak. His shoulder banged into her thigh ahead of him, and his right hand pushed ahead forcibly along his forward momentum…

Even without releasing her strength, Shanhu, who weighed only sixty kilograms, was still pushed three to four meters away by Li Pin.

However, Shanhu, who had been pushed away, didn't crash to the ground. Instead, she twisted her body, perfectly executing a mid-air turn, neutralizing the force of the push. After her right foot landed, she rebounded, taking three steps backwards to recover herself and stabilize her stance.

"Thank you for going easy on me."

Li Pin said calmly.

"It's not over yet, let's go again."

Shanhu was a bit defiant, ready to go forward again.


At this moment, Fang Lingjue spoke, stopping Shanhu's eagerness: "You were just testing your skills against Li Pin, so that I could get a sense of his strength. It wasn't about determining who was better.

Having said that, he turned to Li Pin, examining him in his eyes: "Have you fought in actual combat before?"

"After graduating from school and achieving some progress in my cultivation, I daringly ventured into the deep mountains and fought lone wolves."

Li Pin said.

After hearing this, Fang Lingjue laughed, not knowing whether to believe him or not. He didn't inquire further but said, "It seems like you've indeed stopped practicing for quite a while. Otherwise, with your strength control skills, your physique wouldn't be so ordinary."

Li Pin nodded.

He had only been practicing in this body for half a month.

Now, it was just a little better than an average person.

"Come, let's test your Qi and Blood."

Fang Lingjue spoke, tossing over an instrument similar to a wristwatch: "Qi and blood form the foundation of a martial artist! No matter how deep your understanding and usage of strength, it's nothing compared to the overpowering might of Qi and blood. Why can't Astral Energy Masters stand against Star Refiners who've not yet mastered strength control? Why would Martial Saints who possess Divine Force not dare to fight newly initiated Star Refiners head-on? That's because the latter's Qi and blood easily surpasses a hundred, making them unbeatable."

"A Qi and Blood detector?"

Li Pin looked at the wrist-watch-like instrument.

In this world where Martial Arts flourished, related industries and products had also emerged in abundance.

This instrument, when worn and activated during the execution of one's most Qi and blood stimulating Fist Techniques or movement techniques, could assess one's physical strength.

It was a must-have for martial artists.

Depending on the manufacturing company, the cheapest ones cost upwards of a million.

It's enough to purchase two houses in Zanglong city.

He wore the instrument but instead of using Fist Techniques, he took a deep breath.

As he inhaled, the internal organs within his body seemed to tremble slightly at the same time, emitting a low-frequency sound wave almost imperceptible to the human ear.

This sight instantly surprised Fang Lingjue.

"Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound Technique! Has your strength control switched from manifest to latent!?"

Shanhu, who was standing beside him and feeling a bit resentful, was also a little astonished, and the unwillingness in her eyes slightly softened.

Several tens of seconds later, Li Pin ceased the resonance of his internal organs.

After some fluctuation, the instrument's digital reading eventually settled at 16.

"16, huh? Starlight Company's Qi and Blood detector usually only fluctuates by 1-3 points. It seems that you've really been neglecting your practice for a long time. Otherwise, with your level of strength control having switched from manifest to latent, this number wouldn't be this low."

Fang Lingjue said.

Li Pin had some understanding of the distinction between "Qi and Blood" strength in this world.

The Qi and Blood strength of ordinary humans ranged between 10 to 20.

Strength control Cultivators could reach 20 to 30. Masters and Grandmaster level individuals who nurture Qi into elixir and even exhale into Astral Energy often break past 30 points.

As for above 40, these all belonged to those of unique gifts.

The highest record a martial artist could achieve was 49 points, measured by a two-meter-tall, Innate Divine Strength Elixir Energy Master from the Central Dynasty.

While he was an Elixir Energy Master, his powerful Qi and blood physique was such that even a Martial Saint could be beaten to death by him.

"Indeed, I am a bit rusty."

Li Pin handed the detector back.

"You heard what Shanhu said earlier. I actually established the Changfeng Dojo to deal with relatives and friends who wanted to cram people on my side. I won't interfere in student matters."

Fang Lingjue spoke candidly: "I have the intention to make a breakthrough on the path of cultivation, to experience the Astral Energy and even the Divine Force of a Martial Saint. I don't have that much time to teach disciples. With your understanding and application of strength control, I'm afraid Martial Master Yang may not be able to teach you anything. Once your Qi and blood are replenished, it won't be difficult for you to step into the realm of latent strength control."

Standing next to them, Fang Yubai opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but it didn't feel right for him to use others' resources, so he remained silent.

"However, while I don't have the time to teach disciples, I will occasionally visit Changfeng Dojo and share my experiences. So, I'm suggesting that you consider something."

"Please go ahead."

"I would like to offer you a job as an instructor at our Changfeng Dojo. The monthly salary is six thousand, including meals and accommodations. Once your assistant martial artist qualification certificate is issued, your salary will be raised to ten thousand."

Fang Lingjue said: "There won't be too many people at Changfeng Dojo. Those who were forced by their elders to learn martial arts, I estimate they will leave after a year and a half. The job will not be very busy. Additionally, if you have any questions about Transformed Energy or Elixir Energy, you can ask me. I will answer as much as I can. What do you think?"

Six thousand.

Taibai currency is reasonably valued at the moment.

Six thousand here, is equivalent to eighteen thousand on Lanstar.

Such a salary is the basic standard for Strength control Cultivators.

But with the opportunity to consult an Elixir Energy Master, the nature of the job is different.

Li Pin is a third-year student and isn't planning to waste any more time at Hanyang University. He had revealed his Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound Technique earlier, indicating his intention to apply for the job.

Fang Lingjue must have seen this, hence he took the initiative to propose the idea.


Li Pin responded neatly: "I'll have to trouble Pavilion Master Fang in the future."

"Hahaha, when your Qi and blood is replenished, and your strength control switches from manifest to latent, given your age, you could be our lively advertisement for Changfeng Dojo."

Fang Lingjue laughed, extending his hand: "Welcome to the team."