
Trickster (+18)

Week Later

Joe's House

Naruto and Joe were in the living room, with a white board filled with info from his mom's and Barry's murder, along with everything they knew on Wells which wasn't much "All right, this is everything that we know about Harrison Wells, which is actually not a lot." Naruto said

"Didn't you read a whole book about him?" Joe asked

"I just brought it, and out of that 600 pages price of crap the big takeaway is, he's enigmatic." Naruto said

"Your mom, and Barry were killed by a speedster. Wells' machine turned you into a speedster. That's way too many coincidences for this old cop."

"Tell me about it." Naruto said glaring at the photo of Wells before he looked to Joe "Do you think that he wanted me to become The Flash?"

"Everything he's done since that night you got struck by lightning bringing you to S.T.A.R. Labs, giving you the suit, helping you it's all been to keep you safe."

"And to make me faster. Wells once said that he needed more speed from me, and tried to make it sound like my speed was the key to curing all manner of things."

"We don't know what his goals are yet, but he wants something from you, Nate. We just need to figure out what it is." Joe said causing Naruto to nod and hands before he pointed at Joe in full agreement

"Now we're talking." Naruto turning to speed away but Joe quickly grabbed him

"Woah, woah, you know how this works, we can't confront him now as much as we might want to."

"Come on Joe, we had suspicions about Wells from the very beginning. For all we know he might be the man in yellow."

"Except the blood from your house didn't match him." Joe reminded

"Okay, then how about the fact, there is no medical records for Wells ever being admitted into a hospital? Hell, the last check up he had was 15 years ago." Naruto said before he picked up a pair of scissors and stabbed them into Wells picture and turned back to Joe "He either is in league with Reverse Flash, or he is the Reverse Flash, either way could have the key to getting my dad out of prison."

"I hear you, I do, but whatever Wells wants from you, it started 15 years ago, and he's been patient. Scary patient." Joe said walking up and taking the scissors from Wells picture and turned to Naruto "You gotta listen to me on this. We have to be just as patient."

"What are we going to do about Iris? She's been asking about Mason."

"I'll figure something out." Joe said

"She needs to learn the truth, her asking about a man who for all we knock is dead, is dangerous."

"I'll think about it." Joe said, as Naruto shook his head and they put up the board some place safe, where Iris wouldn't find it


At a park families were having a good time as children played before they all noticed small boxes with red parachutes descending from the sky "Oh wow." a mother said smiling as her daughter looked up in awe

Everyone was all smiles till the first box touched down and exploded "Oh shit!" a woman yelled before everyone began to run to safety grabbing their children as the bombs exploded repeatedly before a father saw his son looking up at a box and reaching for it

"Henry?" the man asked his eyes widening in horror as his son reached for the box "Henry!"

Henry was only fingertips from touching the box, when Naruto sped in and grabbed him, having seen the smoke rising on his way home

"Henry!" the father yelled running to his son, and falling to his knees clutching him tightly

"Henry? Nice name." Naruto smiled

"Thank you, Flash." the man said eternally grateful to the Speedster who smiled and nodded before he looked to the boy

"You listen to your dad, Henry, alright?" Naruto asked causing the boy to nod smiling before he and Naruto fist bumped and Naruto sped off not seeing the man on the adjacent rooftop

The man wearing a mask and a purple trench coat held up a camera and recorded himself "Tricked ya. Look who's back. My tricks. My treat. But I'll give you something good to eat. Today's special. A city in ashes. The Trickster proudly welcomes you all to the new disorder."

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto and co. were in the cortex looking at the video the Trickster had uploaded "Talking in the third person. That's never a good sign." Cisco said

"You're just mad because he named himself." Caitlin said smiling

"Actually, he didn't. 20 years ago Central City was hit by a series of terrorist attacks. One man killed at least ten civilians, two cops. That guy called himself The Trickster." Joe said as Cisco brought up the the file and looked wide eyed at the man who was dressed in a freakish manner

"Whoa. Someone was rocking the unitard." Cisco said

"James Jesse?" Caitlin asked

"Like Jesse James, only more twisted." Joe nodded

"Where is this Mr. Jesse now?" Wells asked

"He's serving several life sentences at Iron Heights. He was just about the most dangerous thing Central City had ever seen." Joe said only for Naruto to scoff

"Till that god damned particle Accelerator blew up." Naruto said walking off as everyone watched him

"Hey, Joe. Is Nathan doing all right? He seems cranky." Wells wondered

"Family drama. Nate will be consulting with CCPD on this, he and I will head to Iron Heights to see or leotard friend." Joe said

Wells nodded with a frown as Joe left


15 Years Ago

Gold/White lightning sped out of the house, followed by red lightning soon after, Eobard Thawne sped down the street before he suddenly lost his footing and tumbled while sliding down the street before he tried to get up only to fall again getting to his knees he raised an hand and Gideon appeared

"Gideon, what's happening to me?" Eobard asked

"Killing The Flash and his mother has caused a major shift in the time line. Your cells contain no trace of The Speed Force." Gideon said

"That's impossible." Eobard said in horror

"Your ability to move at super-speed as well as travel in time have been stripped from you. There are no accounts of anyone known as the Flash." Gideon reported

"How am I supposed to get back?" Eobard asked

"You can't." Gideon said causing Eobard to howl in frustration

End Flashback

Iron Heights Prison

Naruto and Joe followed the warden through an unfamiliar part of the prison "Never seen this part of the prison before." Naruto said looking around

"Yeah, I had to have this cell specially built for James Jesse about five years ago." the warden said nodding

"Why is that?" Joe asked with a raised eyebrow before the man stopped and turned to him and Naruto

"A criminal psychologist set up weekly visits with him. James talked the shrink into committing suicide." the warden said causing Naruto, and Joe to look at one another "Oh, you're gonna need these." he said handing Naruto some red vines

Naruto, and Joe walked into the large bunker where 2 chairs were placed in front of double paneled glass while inside an old man who looked like an old Luke Skywalker was sitting on his bed in a meditation position

"Gentlemen, please, be seated." James Jesse said as Naruto, and Joe walked toward the chairs

"I'm Detective Joe West. This is Nathan Allen." Joe introduced

"Uh, we'd like to ask you a few questions." Naruto said focusing on James Jesse

"Mmm. I can smell them in your pocket." James said causing Naruto to pull out the red vines, and place them in the slot along with photos of the attack from earlier

"Yesterday, hundreds of these parachute bombs were released throughout Central City." Naruto said sitting down beside Joe, as Jeamws got up and walked to the slot to get the red vines, and look at the pictures

"Fun idea, but not an effective delivery system. How many died?"

"No one, luckily." Joe said

"You know, when I was free and at my height, a day without casualties was like well, like the Cubs winning the pennant it just never happened." James reminisced

"The explosives they found in all the parachute bombs had the same explosive composition as the bombs you set off 20 years ago." Naruto said observing the man, something was off, besides the man's mental capacity

"That's impossible. I never told anyone that formula." James replied

"The signatures are an exact match." Naruto retorted

"He called himself The Trickster too, just like you." Joe added earning a glare from James

"He is nothing like me, Detective. Nothing!"

"Do you know who he is?" Joe asked

"If I did, I would tell you, so you could find him, cut off his head, and throw it right in his face. No, this is obviously the work of a rank amateur at best. A mere pretender angling for my throne." James said looking down at the pictures before in a fit of rage he began to rip them apart

"I hear you. So help us catch him. Prove there's only one Trickster." Joe said

"Trying to trick The Trickster, Joseph, hmm? No. There's only one way this could happen. Whoever he is, he must have found my lair. I ask only one thing, when you find this schtick stealer, this gimmick grabber, this pathetic wannabe, fake, make sure your safety's off." James said laughing

Prop Warehouse

Naruto, and Joe were in James old base, with old clothes along with his costume "Okay. This looks like nobody's been here since the '90s." Joe said

"Yeah, look at this thing." Naruto said looking at Tricksters costume

"You really think Jesse doesn't know who this new Trickster guy is?" Naruto asked

"He seemed pretty ticked off that someone was besmirching his bad name." Joe shrugged

"Yeah, but the guys crazy, harder to pinpoint if it was really anger or just an act." Naruto said getting a nod from Joe before he walked over to a back door and tried to open it only for the door to refuse to budge, so putting some ump into it, Naruto ripped the door off its hinges only for his eyes to widen when a ticking was heard before he quickly grabbed Joe and sped him back away from a explosion

"You okay?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Joe

"Yeah, let's see what he's got stashed in there." Joe said before he and Naruto walked into the back to see that it was empty "Damn."

"The copycat he took everything." Naruto sighed before Joe's phone rung

"Yo, Eddie what's up?" Joe asked, with his phone on speaker

"Joe, there was a murder at Hudson University." Eddie said causing Naruto to look at Joe who looked at him

"The bombing, someone probably thought it was a good time to act." Joe said

"Capt. wants everyone focusing on the bomber, but he's hoping Iris can get in contact with the Flash." Eddie said

S.T.A.R. Labs

"Victims name is Victim's name is Lindsay Kang, engineering professor at Hudson University. Her whole body was covered in puncture wounds you see on her face." Caitlin said as a photo of Ms. Kang appeared "Cause of death was apitoxin. Honeybee venom."

"Bees. Why did it have to be bees? Y'all, I don't do bees. Ain't nobody got time for bees." Cisco said as Naruto ran a hand through his hair

"We have a bomber to catch, and now we can add a crazy bee manipulator." Naruto groaned

"But when a honeybee stings, the stingers are literally torn from their abdomen, and they die. But there were no stingers in the body and no dead bees in the car." Wells said reading the report

"A honeybee can only deposit. 1 milligrams of apitoxin when it releases its stinger." Caitlin said

"And yet, was found with enough venom in her system to kill a herd of elephants. It appears not only is a meta-human controlling these bees but also increasing their toxicity."

"Bees communicate by releasing pheromones. Maybe this meta's controlling them through secretion?" Caitlin theorized

"Anyone want to join me in getting a beekeeper suit?" Cisco asked

"I'm pretty sure I can outrun a bee." Naruto said

"Just don't run into a lake."

Naruto's eyes widened and turned to see Felicity standing in the threshold smiling at him "Bees will wait for you to come up for air and then they'll sting you. Discovery Channel. Turns out there's a lot to discover."

With a small smile, Naruto walked over to her and brought her into a hug, and kissed her softly, as she returned the hug "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to ask you for a favor but you have your hands full." Felicity said looking to Naruto who smiled at her before his phone rung

"Joe what happened?" Naruto asked seeing as Joe had went to Iron Heights

"James said he had a huge bomb enough to take out the entire city." Joe said

"What?" Naruto asked as Cisco's phone buzzed

"Hey, we got a problem the Trickster posted again." Cisco said causing everyone to look at him before they looked to a monitor as Cisco played the video

"Denizens of Central City, or those of you who remain, welcome to Boom Day. I'm very proud to report that my first trick was an exploding success. But I think you all deserve something much, uh, bigger. So for my next trick keep your eyes glued."

"Felicity, I know you just got here, but," Naruto was rendered silent when Felicity kissed him and pulled back with a smile

"I got your back." Felicity smiled before Naruto's phone buzzed to see Iris posted on her blog

'Can you Meet?'

CC Jitters

Iris was alone waiting for the Flash to show up, things were hectic around the city, but with Mason missing she needed help, but Eddie was busy so she sought out the man who she could count on in this situation, figuring he wasn't coming she turned to leave when

"I thought you were a full-time reporter now. Why are we meeting here?" Naruto asked standing behind Iris at the entrance causing Iris to turn around

"I still have a key. And this is kind of our place, right?" Iris asked with a smile as The Flash shrugged

"What's up?"

'My coworker Mason Bridge is missing. He's not at home. He's not answering his phone. I mean, it's not like him. I am really worried that something bad has happened."

"I'm sure he's fine." Naruto lied causing Iris to sigh

"That's what Eddie says. That's what everyone is saying. Please, will you look into it? For me?"

"For you." Naruto nodded before he heard Felicity over his coms

"Heads up. Trickster's posted again. Nate, I can't trace the feed." Felicity said

"Can I borrow your laptop?" Naruto asked looking to Iris

"Um, sure." Iris said before in a flash Naruto had her laptop and was looking at a video with his back turned to her

'Get ready for the games to begin! I have a bomb. It's a big bomb. It'll make a big bang and then a big hole and then a big drop in the pop-ulation. But never say The Trickster is not fair. The bomb is somewhere between 52nd street, and Avenue B." immediately Naruto had sped off

Naruto searched every nook and cranny of the area that was given, and came up empty "Felicity!" Naruto said

"There's nothing on traffic cams or CCTV, and i retasked the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to scan the area for incendiary devices." Felicity said

"A bomb that large should be giving off some kind of thermal or chemical signature." Cisco said

"Then, why can't you find it?" Naruto asked

"Because it's a trick. The bomb's not there." Wells said

"Well I'm not willing to bet on that, I'm going to keep searching." Naruto said restarting his search

"That is what he wants, for you and the police to keep running around in circles. There is something else going on, Nate. I can feel it. Now, trust me."

"I don-!' Naruto took a deep breath as he almost snapped "James Jesse said this bomb is capable of taking out the entire city. If your wrong, and this bomb goes off, what then?"

Wells looked around to see everyone looking at him, wondering the same thing, before Felicity got a ping "Uh-oh, there's an explosion at Iron Heights." Cisco said

"This was all a diversion. The prison was the real target." Naruto said shaking his head

"James Jesse. I guess he's tricked us all." Wells said

Naruto got a call from Joe, and spoke "Joe, there's no bomb in this city. It was a diversion so The Trickster could help James Jesse escape."

"I know. We just got surveillance footage from Iron Heights. Jesse got away. Nate, look, they took a hostage."

"Well, who did he take? A guard? The warden?" Naruto asked

"No. Your dad." Joe said causing Naruto's eyes to widen


S.T.A.R. Labs

Everyone regrouped in the cortex, with Naruto sitting down his bangs casting a shadow over his eyes, as flickers of lightning appeared around his body

"We were able to identify the other Trickster. His name's Axel Walker, age 25. Apparently him and James have been corresponding through snail mail for over a decade." Joe said as footage of Henry being forced out of the prison played, while Felicity placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, as Caitlin came over and kneeled down placing a hand on Naruto's leg getting his attentiom

"We're gonna find your dad, okay?" Caitlin said softly

"Definitely." Cisco nodded

Naruto remained silent and walked off, Joe, and Felicity immediately followed after him, while Caitlin, and Cisco watched him in worry before they decided to immediately get to work while Eobard watched after Naruto


Naruto was sitting down in the basement with a frown, before in a show of frustration he punched a desk, causing it to snap in half "Nate." Felicity said causing Naruto to look over his shoulder at her "You okay?" only for Naruto to look down

"Do you think my dad is still alive?"

"Yes, he is." Felicity said certainly

"Of course. Jesse only took your pop to use as leverage. He might be crazy, but he's not stupid." Joe replied

"And everyone upstairs is looking to find him."

"So now I'm supposed to just leave my dad's fate in the hands of a man who may have had something to do with my mom's murder." Naruto said causing Felicity to blink

"Wait what?" she asked

"Later, okay." Joe said causing her to nod, she will certainly be bringing this subject back up

"I can't lose my dad." Naruto said as Felicity walked up and wrapped her arms around his waist and put her face into his back

"You won't." Felicity said

"My dad has been through so much, if Jesse, and Axel hurt him..I'll.."

"Hey, you can't think like that, okay." Felicity said turning Naruto to face her "You need to think positively, if it's one thing I know about your father is that he is strong, and he would never want you to give up hope."

"She's right Nate. You've always saw the best in people, and in every situation. Your mom, and Henry loved that about you. Don't throw that part of yourself away." Joe said as Naruto nodded

The trio walked up to the cortex, just as Joe's phone began ringing "Anything?" Naruto asked Caitlin, and Cisco as Felicity joined them

"Hi Baby." Joe said on the phone as Iris called him "Iris?"

Naruto looked up to Joe who looked troubled before he put his phone on speaker "How many of you feel the Trimethyline 32 coursing through your veins, hmm?" they all heard Jesse asked

"That's Jesse." Naruto said before Felicity quickly pinged Iris' phone

"Trimethylmercury 32 is a relatively fast-acting poison." Caitlin said

"Is there a cure?" Joe asked

"Yes. I can start synthesizing the antidote right now." Caitlin said getting up and going to work

"Iris is at City hall." Felicity said

"The mayor's having a fund-raiser there tonight." Joe remembered, and Naruto immediately sped off as Felicity texted someone on her phone

National City

A white streak sped around a track as Alex watched recording the speed, before he spoke into her headset "Alright hit the showers." she said as the white streak sped from the room, and the sound of water could be heard as Alex walked into the locker room

"So how fast was that?" a familiar voice asked over the sound of running water

"Mach 3.2. You weren't really trying very harder ." Alex said smiling, before she looked up when the sound of the water turning off was heard along with wet footsteps, and blushed as Linda still nude walked out drying her hair

"Well, I couldn't really go all out." Linda said before she looked herself over in a mirror her breast which were an A cup, had gotten bigger, and perky sitting at 34D, she had also gained a six pack as her training had also toned her body, going from a straight body shape to an hourglass which she was proud of, as her hips had gotten fuller, also "Damn, I look good."

Alex cleared her throat as Linda groped her breast, before their attention went to Linda's phone which buzzed

With a raised eyebrow she walked over and picked up her phone "It's from Felicity." Linda said reading the text and her eyes widened "Nate's dad has been kidnapped, and a mass poisoning at City Hall has occurred, and Iris is there."

"Well its time to make your debut." Alex said looking at Linda with a serious expression "You need to help Nate, and if I know him like I do, if so much as a scratch is on Henry or Iris, he'd kill whoever was responsible."

Linda nodded before she took a deep breath and a white glow overtook her,

City Hall

Iris wearing a beautiful form fitting red dress, stood amongst the panicking men and women who were being robbed, when she shied away when James walked up on her, with a creepy grin "Well, hello." James greeted tugging on his bow-tie "You know, I've been in prison for 20 years."

"Then you'll know the routine when you get sent back." Iris said glaring at the man before Naruto appeared and grabbed the man slamming him into the wall, causing everyone to look at them

"Where's Henry Allen!?" Naruto asked loudly as Iris who heard looked over to him wide eyed

"He's where you'll be soon. Heaven!" James said as Naruto glared and was about to punch the old man when Axel placed some contraption onto his wrist and locked it onto him "Are you familiar with the movie Speed? Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock? See, you're the bus, and that's the bomb. A kinetic bomb, actually, and if you go below 600 mph, same thing happens if you try to remove it." James explained as Naruto looked at the bomb on his wrist before a switch was hit by Axel and it began blinking "Ooh, it's active. Run, run, run, run, run."

Sucking his teeth Naruto sped off,

S.T.A.R. Labs

"Cisco!" Naruto yelled over the coms

"He wasn't lying. That thing's linked to a speedometer, and it will blow if you stop moving." Cisco said as Caitlin, and Felicity walked in

"I have the antidote." Caitlin said before everyone jumped when a white streak sped in and the antidote that Caitlin was wearing was now in the hands of a woman who wore a red bodysuit with white lightning bolts across the top, and Naruto's Flash emblem on her chest, with her face being covered by her mask with only her eyes being visible, and her hair being tied in a high ponytail sticking out of her cowl, her hair now a golden blonde reminiscent to Naruto's own, (Picture Iris new 52 Speedster suit, only white lightning instead of yellow, and her mask is like The Flash with a hole in the back for her hair to spill out)

"What in the hell?" Cisco asked standing up as Caitlin and Felicity backed away from the mystery female speedster, while Wells looked at her wide eyed since she was a complete unknown

"Thanks." the woman said

"Who are y-" Wells who was speaking was interrupted as the woman sped off

"Nate!" Felicity called as everyone remembered that Naruto was speeding through the city with a bomb on his wrist

"Nate, okay listen to me do you see any walls around?" Wells asked

With Naruto

Naruto was running, when he heard what Wells asked causing him to blink as a white streak sped passed him headed for City Hall "Why?" Naruto asked having decided to get someplace empty to vibrate his body

"Because I need you to run into one. Or more accurately, through one." Wells said causing Naruto's eyes to widen

"What?" Caitlin, Cisco and Felicity asked

"If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your body your cells will be in a state of excitement that should allow you to phase right through that wall, leaving the bomb on the other side.


"You can do this." Wells interrupted leaning forward unaware of Cisco, Caitlin, and Felicity looking at him "I believe in you. Listen to me, and just breathe. Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face. Feel the ground, your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward, and the lightning Nate, feel the lightning. Feel its power. Its electricity pumping through your veins, crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body, like a shock. You're no longer you now. You're part of something greater. You're part of a speed-force. It's yours. Now do it."

Naruto had a murderous expression on his face, as Wells spoke, if he didn't know any better that sounded like it came from experience, which meant that Harrison Wells was Eobard Thawn, the Reverse Flash the man who murdered his mother, and brother, he was going to Pay!"

In a large sonic boom, Naruto shot off, and vibrated through a truck leaving the kinetic bomb on the ground where it exploded as he kept running "Nate are you okay?" Felicity asked

"Yeah, I'm headed back to get the antidote."

"Um, about that." Caitlin said

City Hall

Everyone was worried when the Flash was forced to leave, as Jesse, and Axel both were at the podium looking at the wire transfers on an app, both smirking "Ooh, I like it." James said

"Look at that." Axel said amazed

"Lobsters on me, kid." James said getting a nod from Axel, before a white streak appeared and everyone jumped feeling a pinch in their arms before the lady speedster appeared and punched Axel in the jaw, knocking him unconscious

Everyone looked at the female Flash in awe, as she looked to James "A woman Flash, cute." James said before he reached for his gun on the podium but found his wrists handcuffed together as Naruto appeared

"I'll say." Naruto said looking at the woman who nodded at him as everyone took pictures of the two speedster while Naruto looked to James

"I've given everyone the antidote. I'm sure you can handle this from here." the woman said before she waved to the people and sped off, while Naruto looked to James

"Where is Henry Allen? Your going to jail either way." Naruto lied because if his dad was hurt James Jesse was a dead man


Henry was tied to a chair, as a wooden box dangled above him with the top threatening to open, and let whatever was inside fall on him and kill him, just as the box open and 9 knives fell to impale him he was grabbed by Naruto and sped outside

"All right." Henry said laughing causing Naruto to smile before he took off his mask

"I know, Red was Barry's color, but I think I make it work, right?" Naruto asked

"Yes you do!" Henry laughed hugging his son, which Naruto didn't hesitate to return


S.T.A.R. Labs

Although the Trickster was stopped there was still a murderer out there controlling bees so no one was resting at the moment although before he focused on that Naruto had took Henry to S.T.A.R. Labs so he could meet his friends

"Wow. Half of this stuff didn't even exist when I was practicing." He ry said looking around at all the equipment in awe

"Yeah, well, I'd be happy to give you a crash course on all of it if you get out." Cisco said only to realize how he said it as Henry looked at him "I'm gonna shut up now."

Henry laughed, and placed a hand on Cisco's shoulder "It's okay." he said as Cisco nodded before Caitlin walked up to Henry

"Dr. Allen?" Caitlin asked getting his attention

"Yes?" Henry asked

"I'm feeling the need to give you a hug. Is that okay?" Caitlin asked

"Absolutely. I will always accept a hug." Henry said hugging Caitlin tightly as she smiled "Thank you." he said getting a nod from the girl

Felicity walked up to Henry with a smile "Felicity. You've gotten very beautiful." Henry said smiling as the two hugged

"Thank you." Felicity said smiling before she pulled away allowing Henry to walk over to Naruto

"You gotta tell me. What does it feel like when you're running down the street like a bat out of hell?" Henry asked

"The second best experience of my life." Naruto smiled

"Second?" Henry asked

"Comes right after the time I spend with my friends, and family." Naruto smiled which Henry returned before the two hugged each other tightly

"I know your mother would be proud of the man you've become, I am." Henry said to Naruto whose face was buried into his shoulder "You've become a light to this city, Nathan. When your out there, I want you to be careful, and to always know that there is a better way. With great power comes great responsibility."

Naruto chuckled into Henry's shoulder, and pulled back as tears were streaming down his face, "Where'd you get that from?" he asked

"A comic I remember reading." Henry shrugged before he and Naruto hugged once more, before he turned to everyone "Thank you for being there for my son. Your all heroes in my book."

Everyone smiled and nodded to him, before Henry walked to Joe "Alright Joe." he said with his hands clasped together ready to be put in handcuffs

"No." Joe said shaking his head causing Henry to raise an eyebrow "Let's go."

Henry looked to Naruto and nodded before he followed Joe out of the cortex, "Well we have a bee manipulator to catch." Naruto said getting a nod from everyone

"Are you sure you don't want to rest?" Wells asked

"Positive." Naruto said

"So, I'm just going to ask," Caitlin said holding a newspaper where a picture of Naruto and the female speedster was shown titled 'Flash, and Lady Flash save Mayor's fundraiser.' "Any idea on who are lady speedster is?"

Naruto and Felicity shook there heads knowing exactly who it was under that mask

"Well, I'm sure she'll appear again." Wells said interested in finding this woman himself, as Gideon had no record of there being a female speedster this early

"I got to say, she had a nice..." Cisco paused when he saw Felicity, Naruto, and Caitlin looking at him "Suit." he finished lamely

"Mm hmm." the three said getting to work


Joe's House

After catching Brie Larvin with the help of and stopping her robotic bees, Naruto, Felicity, Joe, a recently told Eddie, Caitlin, and Cisco were sitting in the living room, with the bored for Wells in front of them "So I'm not the only one who found it strange the way Wells told me how to faze, right?" Naruto asked

"No, that was really weird it was like he was talking from experience." Cisco said nodding before Naruto looked to Joe

"Harrison Wells is the Reverse Flash." Naruto said with a frown

"So what do we do?"

"We need proof, everything is circumstantial." Eddie said with frown as he had been forced to lie to Iris earlier about Mason when Naruto and Joe showed him that Naruto was the Flash and he was not okay with it.

"He's right, so how do we get that proof?" Caitlin asked

"When I interned at Mercury Labs, me and Tina Mcgee got close, I once asked her what happened between her and Wells, and she said he had turned into a completely different person after Tessa Morgan died, at first I chalked it up to grief, but what if it isn't just grief what if he is a different person." Naruto said

"Road trip!" Cisco clapped standing up

"Okay, hold up I have to clear it with Singh first but when I do, we'll go to Starling City." Joe said to Cisco getting a nod from the man

Naruto's Loft

A shirtless Naruto was, lying in his bed looking at the ceiling with a contemplating frown on his face, and closed his eyes to try to take his mind off of following through on his desire to go and maim Wells, when he felt himself being straddled and opened his eyes to see Caitlin,

"Cait?" Naruto asked

"You had a trying day." Caitlin said as she bent down as Naruto noticed that her blouse had a couple of buttons undone and asked

"What abou-mmph."

Caitlin pulled back from the kiss and smiled slightly "Ronnie isn't here, but you are, and I get the feeling a simple hug won't help you. So let me be there for you, like you've been there for me."

Naruto smiled and kissed Caitlin lustfully

Lemon Begins:

Caitlin felt Naruto's hands undress her, stripping down article after article of clothing, until she was down to an extremely lacy black pair of bra and panties and she was wet between the legs to boot.

"Nice," Naruto whispered, and this caused her to shudder when he ran his hand down her long legs while she closed her eyes feeling the heat. "Very, very nice."

"Yes," Caitlin whimpered and his mouth kissed all over her body, but she slowly stripped him. His muscular chest was revealed, and then his pants came off, to reveal the growing tent.

As Caitlin was being kissed, Felicity entered and smiled at the scene, having just got out of the bath, she dropped her towel and walked over before she grabbed Naruto's tool through his boxers and began to pump it up and down. The blonde bombshell slowly worked him over, and then worked his underwear off, allowing him room to breathe.

Linda who was coming from her home with a change of clothes, saw what was going on smiled and began to kiss Felicity's body, while the woman's mouth was completely full at the moment, her very able lips wrapped around Naruto's cock.

"Well, you seem to have been working out," Linda murmured, kissing her way down Felicity's body, and then she reached her very tender garden. The sports journalist crooked one of her fingers and pushed it between Felicity's legs, causing an explosion of lust to fill her body.

The sports journalist worked her finger deep in between Felicity's legs and the blonde goddess panted the more that Linda worked her over. Her nipples got rather stiff and Linda placed her hand on them, squeezing them.

Felicity's motions of sucking Naruto's cock were intense and Naruto stripped Caitlin completely of her clothes. He planted a series of kisses on her stomach.

"Don't tease me, Nate, for the love of fucking god, don't tease me," Caitlin whispered and Naruto's tongue snaked between her legs and worked it's divine magic.

Her juices were his reward, having been released in absolutely no time whatsoever.

That being said, Felicity was about ready to receive a nice little reward of her own. She kept pumping Naruto's manhood, sucking and, slurping him.

Naruto groaned, feeling her plump lips work him up into a frenzy as he kept munching on Caitlin's pussy.

Her work paid off quite nicely, as Naruto's white hot seed sprayed in her mouth. Felicity kept sucking him, milking every single last drop of cum from his balls until her mouth was completely full.

She pulled away and was immediately grabbed by a nude Linda, and kissed lustfully as they exchanged Naruto's seed, while groping each other.

Caitlin gave a loud moan, as smoke burst from her mouth. as her toes curled and she gripped Naruto's hair as she trembled atop of him while she sprayed her vaginal juices on Naruto's face, and looked up to see Felicity and Linda kissing each other, groping each other's asses and rubbing their breasts and vaginas together to create a bit of delicious friction.

"That's pretty hot," Caitlin managed before in a flash of speed Naruto turned her over on the bed, kissing her once again. She could feel goose bumps going down her body, filling every fiber of her being with indescribable pleasure, before Naruto slid deep into her after working her up quite nicely and Caitlin's pussy stretched to accommodate the welcome intruder, as once more Naruto managed to hit all of her right buttons, as he began to drill her pussy

"Oh fuck Naruto, harder," Caitlin moaned, as Naruto cupped her breasts, while her tight pussy gripped his tool as it pumped it into her

Meanwhile, Felicity was atop of Linda, with their pussies rubbing together. Felicity dipped her hand into Linda's pussy, making sure to collect the juices into it, rubbing her clit to allow further stimulation.

Then Felicity smeared Linda's own pussy juices over her heaving breasts and prepared to lick her completely dry "Oh God," Linda moaned, she could feel the pleasure.

Caitlin moaned once again and she could feel that her pussy tighten up at the sight of her friends while she locked her legs around Naruto who continued to pound into her. Soon he would have to cum, he really would have to cum and when he did, she would accept his juices into her tight pussy. Caitlin closed her eyes, feeling Naruto work her over.

The ice powered doctor felt the sensation of him going into her and her nerve endings felt like they were on fire. What Linda and Felicity were doing had caused her to be heightened with even more pleasure.

Naruto slammed his lips into Caitlin's as he felt his balls tightened as he continued to plow into her,

"Oh yes, yes, take me, harder," Caitlin moaned, really getting into the moment and letting go,

Her milking his prick ensured that his cumming would be intense as it always would be. His balls launched a heavy load of cum deep into her once again. Caitlin closed her eyes and felt him injecting his white hot fluids into her and she saw stars

Felicity smiled, and made her way over to Naruto, draping herself over his lap, her heated core lined up over him

"I love you." Felicity said looking in his eyes as he smiled

"And I you," Naruto said, cupping one of her breasts and causing her to give a moan of excitement before he pushed himself deep into her depths and she clamped down onto him rather hard

Caitlin felt panting, saw Linda on the bed and she crawled over between her legs. Her cold breath blowing against her dripping twat got her all wound up and excited for what was going to come next.

"God!" Linda moaned and she could feel Caitlin's tongue bury deep into her pussy, and she could have sworn that it extended deep into her, licking out the inside of her walls. That being said, the sports journalist lost all sense of herself, as the lights in the room being to grow brighter, even though they had been off before

Caitlin smiled, Linda tasted delicious, and she seemed to taste better than last time

Felicity's pussy wrapped around Naruto's tool and she bounced, and rode him. She could feel him go into her body and as always, her really tight muscles squeezed him. His hands roamed all over her body and the blonde whimpered with pleasure, when he worked his hands all over her body.

"Yes, yes, just like that," Felicity encouraged him, bouncing even further up and down his tool, taking him deeper in between her hot thighs once again.

The blonde once again felt his now vibrating hands over her body and squealed in delight the more that he brought his hands all over her. It seemed like this was causing sparks to fly all through her body and her tight vagina clamped around him, milking his tool when it went deeper in between her legs.

"Oh yes, oh fuck yes," Felicity whimpered once again and she could see Caitlin now have Linda over on the bed, with a strap on that Linda had brought

Linda could feel her pussy clench and she could see the toy brush over her dripping slit

"I'm never thought I'd use something like this," Caitlin whispered with a smile on her face and Linda closed her eyes, before Caitlin began ramming her strap on deep into Linda

Linda could feel the pleasure and she allowed herself to be enjoy it, the strap on penetrating her walls and pushing deep into her. The sports journalist felt the rush that continued between her thighs and everything was as it should be, pleasure,

Felicity rocked herself onto Naruto, enjoying her ride. His plump lips treated her breasts nicely and the blonde reared her head back to the heavens to let out a scream of lustful pleasure the more that her tight walls closed around his tool, as Naruto vibrated his entire body

"Want to switch, Naruto?" Caitlin whispered, eying Felicity who could see what Caitlin was doing to Linda and her pussy grew wetter.

Naruto nodded and Linda could feel Naruto's hands roam her body. He had been building up quite a pace with Felicity and her wet walls closed around him when Naruto slipped into her body.

"I bet you wanted this all night," Naruto whispered as his hands caressed her body

"Take me," Linda begged, she was all for gentle but there was a time where they could be gentle and there was a time where Naruto could take her and take her and this was one of the times where she wanted Naruto to take her hard.

Naruto not holding back, hammered into Linda at super speed from behind and the sports journalist gave a silent scream of pleasure as the lights in the loft bursted

The dark haired photo kinetic felt him plow deep into her body and she whimpered, as Naruto rammed himself as far into her body as he could go and she felt the rush of him striking her g-spot with a pleasurable impact repeatedly.

Felicity could feel Caitlin's strap on push into her.

"Nate left you wet for me, that's good, let's see if I can get you wetter," Caitlin said, and she squeezed Felicity's breast and once again, the blonde bombshell felt her breath being driven from her body, the more that she pushed herself deep between those smoldering hot thighs.

Felicity closed her eyes, rolling her hips as Caitlin was humping away away at her from above. It seemed like each thrust was bringing her over the edge and then just a little bit further beyond.

Naruto had been working up a pace and he could feel Linda's tight walls caress him in an attempt to bring him to an explosion. His balls ached with the need of release and he was about ready to go.

Linda's body tingled with excitement, sensing his release, as he gripped her hair tightly, as he explored every nook and cranny of her body and held onto her hips, ramming her from behind. The sports journalist could feel that pleasure coursing through her body and his balls throbbed with the greatest desire when he was this close to spilling his juices into her.

"Do it, cum, cum, please, paint my walls white, make me your personal…oh put that cum in my pussy," Linda begged and her whimpering increased.

"You know, since you asked so nicely," Naruto grunted, working into her from behind and once again, his balls throbbed. He didn't slow down his pace, rather he sped it up and his thrusts got deeper into her.

Linda gave a squealed into the pillow as his manhood pushed into her and it launched a few splatters of cum into her body. The flood and rope after rope of cum launched between her hot thighs and Linda once again felt him, when he painted her insides completely white.

Naruto pulled out of her completely and he eyed Caitlin, and there was only one thing to do now.


Naruto's hardness pushed back inside Felicity and Caitlin's tongue was inside Linda's pussy, eating the combination of juices that were oozing out of her.

This arrangement continued throughout the night, with all four parties becoming greatly satisfied after things worn down.

Lemon Ends


Naruto laid down as Felicity slept on top of him, while Linda clutched onto his right side, with Caitlin on his left, looked down at them and smiled slightly before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.