

Central City, 2024

A time portal opened and Flash sped out of it, skidding to a stop in an alley, before he rose an eyebrow as he looked at the flags with the Uzumaki swirl with a lightning bolt going through it, before he noticed a news scroll

"In recent news criminal Axel Walker was put to death for the long list of crimes he's committed. Axel marks the ninth criminal to break The Flash's three strike rule and faced execution by the Central City hero. We thank you Flash for keeping Central City safe."

Flash frowned before his eyes widened when he heard a high powered hum and quickly he ducked as a blue ray of energy strucked the screen before he turned to see Captain Cold, Heatwave, Weather Wizard, and Mirror Master

"Hello Flash. Time to die." Snart said with a glare

"Welcome to try." Flash replied before he shot forward and quickly stopped when Snart froze the ground and spun around a basketball sized chunk of hail before he stepped back while swinging his arm forward throwing lightning at Mirror Master who came from a mirror to blindside him

Flash ducked and rolled from Heatwaves fire, before he slapped a hand on the ground sending himself into the air before he landed on a building and kicked off as a bolt of lightning was sent at him

Phasing through the ground, Flash shot up behind Mark and kicked the back of his leg and slammed a knee into his spine as he grabbed his arms and yanked them out of their sockets causing him to scream in pain

Leaning back as Snart and Rory shot at him from either side allowing their beams to strike one another Flash replaced himself with a trashcan as the beams exploded sending them flying opposite directions and slamming into a wall

"7 years and you guys still suck at this." Flash said before he looked up when Talia and the League of Shadows appeared

"Beloved we have a situation." Talia said into her comlink and in a moments notice Future Flash appeared

"Another copycat." Future Flash said

"Excuse me?" Flash asked

"Vigilantism is illegal. I appreciate the sentiment but remove your mask leave town and get deputized somwhere else." Future Flash said stepping forward to Flash, "Central City is mine."

"Look douche, I have questions for you." Flash narrowed his eyes

"Watch your tongue." Talia ordered with her sword at Flash's throat along with Nyssa's and Sara's

"You don't want to do that." Flash said

"Why not?" Sara asked before Flash suit peeled away showing the younger Naruto underneath the suit causing eyes to widen

Future Flash rose a hand and the blades were lowered, "Your from before she dies aren't you?" Future Flash asked Naruto who nodded with a frown, "Come with me."

Uzumaki Labs, Cortex

Future Flash and Naruto sped off to Uzumaki Labs, and Naruto noticed that it was very high tech, "Why are you here?" Nate asked (Future Flash)

"Why the hell do you think?" Naruto asked annoyed, "I have one question that you need to answer. Who is in the suit?"


"Daddy!" a bright yellow streak of lightning sped into the cortex and 7-year-old Dash entered and looked between them in surprise which Naruto mirrored, "Mom!"

"Dash, what did I tell you about yelling?" Caitlin asked walking in looking at her son who pointed forward leading her attention to Naruto and Nate

"Cait?" Naruto asked looking at the much voluptous body of his fiancee, "45-28-47."

Nate slapped his younger self in the back of the head, "Oi!?" Naruto yelled rubbing the back of his head

"Stop perving out on my wife." Nate glared

"I'm you're younger self, baka." Naruto glared

"Doesn't matter, go back to the past and perv on your own Caitlin!" Nate growled before Naruto got in his face

"I ain't going anywhere till you tell me what I want to know, and who knows Cait and the girls may prefer the me now than the me I become." Naruto said before he and his future self blinked in confusion

"That made no sense." The two said in unison

"Guys!" Caitlin yelled pointing down to Dash when they turned to her, "There's a child in the room."

"Right." Naruto said as he and Nate rubbed the back of their head before Nate picked up Dash and walked over to Caitlin kissing her

"Keep an eye on him will you?" Nate whispered getting a nod before he walked off, while Naruto began to walk around

"So, what year are you from?" Caitlin asked sitting down as Naruto cycled through 3D holograms of all of Flash villains

"2017." Naruto said looking to Caitlin who frowned

"That was a rough year for you." Caitlin admitted as Naruto closed the hologram that was on a man in a hoverchair

"I seemed to have rebounded in an interesting way." Naruto said pointing to the tv as old footage of Nate and Wonder Woman fighting Superman and Batman played with Nate vibrating his hand into Superman's chest and removing his heart

"You dissaprove?" Caitlin asked

"Depends. Does my new outlook on life affect my relationship with you, Linda, Felicity, Cisco, H.R. or Whitney?"

"Linda and Felicity are home with their own children. Cisco left after you encouraged him to hold onto what he had with Gypsy so he works as a Collector with her. He visits when he has time. H.R. feIl in love with a waitress at Jitters and moved to Midway City. Last time I saw Whitney was when she and Jesse asked your future self to help them in fathering their children on Earth 2."

"So even though I lose Iris, and becom-"

"You never grieve or mourn. You channel your feelings into your work and everyone else besides yourself." Caitlin interrupted causing Naruto to nod seeing himself doing that

"Who is in the suit?"

"We never find out." Nate said walking in

"What?" Naruto asked surprised turning to his future self, "Savitar may be just as fast but he cant fight worth a damn. How can you not know who he is?"

"He killed Iris." Nate said simply with a frown, "When he did that, the mystery of who Savitar was, no longer was important."

"Why didn't you kill him?"

"I wanted him to suffer. So using seals I made a prison inside the Speed Force that caused him to relive the single most horrific memory he has." Nate said

"You know nothing about him?" Naruto asked

"Just that he is from another Earth. Cisco was able to Vibe it, Earth 23." Caitlin said

"What did we do to piss him off on Earth 23?" Naruto asked

"Don't know, don't care." Nate said walking up to Naruto who rose an eyebrow, "Savitar took something away from us. Thawne took Mom, and Barry, Zoom took Joe and Dad, The only one who doesn't is Devoe and that's because we operated differently than he suspected."

Naruto rose an eyebrow at the name drop

"I've run out of tears Naruto. I need you to do something for me."


"Stop." Nate said causing Naruto's eyes to narrow in confusion, "Stop thinking like just a Speedster. We are also Shinobi. An entire catalog of abilities to pull from. You will go back and do what I failed to do. You have too."

Nate placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, "You will save her. You will save Iris, promise me."

"I promise." Naruto nodded seriously getting a nod from Nate who stepped back before his eyes lost focus as Naruto punched him in the gut causing him to lose his breath and fall to his knees, "You be a good father to Dash, and husband to Caitlin. The family is the most important thing to us, it's good you don't abandon them in your grief but them seeing you struggle with your own feelings hurts them also. Tighten up."

Nate looked to Caitlin who nodded smiling softly before he returned the nod

"Good." Naruto said before he sped to Caitlin and kissed her

"Hey!" Nate yelled as they separated

"That'll hold me over till I get back to my time." Naruto smiled before he sped away when his future self sped over to grab him but ended up hugging Caitlin who kissed him

"I love you." Caitlin said

"I love you." Nate smiled before they kissed and just hugged

Dash stood peeking in the room smiling, "Psst."

Turning with a gasp, Dash saw Naruto smiling at him, "Hi." Naruto said

"Hi." Dash said to the younger version of his dad who placed a hand on his head

"I want you to do me a favor." Naruto said


"Enjoy your life. Don't be in a rush to grow up, and if you ever see your dad looking sad you punch him as hard as you can in the gut. I did it to mine when we first met and you'll do it to me." Naruto said getting a nod from Dash, "Okay bring it in."

Dash and Naruto hugged, "I love you." Naruto said

"I'm still a baby when your from." Dash said as Naruto smiled

"So, as your father my job is to love you unconditionally and have complete faith that you will grow to be happy, as that is all I want for you." Naruto replied causing Dash to tighten the hug

"I love you too." Dash smiled as Naruto kissed his head before he got up and the two first bumped then Naruto left

2017, Central City

Naruto returned to the present and closed the pipeline before he headed to the cortex, to see the team waiting, "So?" Cisco asked

"Did your future self know anything?" Felicity asked

"No, he lost all interest in trying to discover who Savitar was when he killed you." Naruto said

"So you got nothing." Cisco sighed

"I wouldn't say that. According to my future self Savitar is from Earth 23." Naruto said

"Will you be going to Earth 23?" Caitlin asked

"No, I got some advice from my future self and I think it may the key to saving Iris."

"What was the advice?" Linda asked

"I'm much more than a Speedster. Even without my speed I'm dangerous. I need to stop thinking like just a Speedster but like a Speedster and an Shinobi. To do that I need to talk to someone. Cisco can you help me with Kadabra's ship?'

"Sure." Cisco said standing up and walking off

"Who are you going to talk to?" Felicity asked

"My father." Naruto said

"Henry?" Iris asked surprised

"No, Minato Namikaze." Naruto said causing the girls to look at him in surprise

"But, what happens if you talk to him and it changes your future. You never collide with that Kaguya ladies technique and end up being Nathan Allen?" Felicity asked

"It's why I got this." Naruto said holding up a small device (Flasher from DC Legends), "Apparently time travelers use this to erase memories to prevent changes to the timeline."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Iris asked

"Yes." Naruto nodded smiling, "Talking to him will help me become a better leader and protector."

The girls nodded before Naruto walked out to the basement when Kadabra's ship was being worked on by Shadow Clones and Cisco, "Hows it coming?" he asked

"Great, it's ready to be used. Breaches to other worlds and time portals this baby will open them all." Cisco smiled

"Good job man." Naruto said as he and Cisco did their handshake (Peter and Ned), "Lets fire her up."

"Okay, I'll open a breach into tbe Badlands." Cisco said opening a breach beneath the Ship that dropped into it with naruto and himself dropping down into it


The breach closed as Naruto, Cisco, and the Ship was now in the Badlands and Naruto got I to the ship and began to strap himself in before powering it on

"Okay," Naruto brought up tbe multiverse map he had made and clicked on a specific one far away from his Earth and watched as a breach opened, "Let's get this over with." he whispered

"All systems are fine. Proceed when your ready." Cisco said before he watched as the ship flew into the breach


Naruto frowned as he exited the breech and looked at the black hole in the distance where The Elemental Nations used to be, turning the ship around he flew away and opened a time portal,

Earth1997- July 10

Naruto excited the time portal to see the solar system back in place before he flew to Earth awhile activated the ships cloaking seals before he himself unstraoped himself, "Gideon keep the ship in the clouds." he said standing as his suit manifested on his body

"Good luck." Gideon said

"Thanks." Naruto smiled vibrating through the floor to fall to the surface and nose dived into the ocean

Swimming up to the surface, Naruto pulled himself up to his feet on the surface of the water and took a deep breath of the clean air and smiled, "Missed how clean the air is here." he said before he sighed and soed forward leaving behind a large shockwave as he zipped through the terrain till he hit the woods of Konoha and paused atop of the Hokage Monument

Naruto frowned looking at the village having not missed this place at all, before he vibrated his body to fast for tbe naked eye to see and headed for the Senju Compound where his mother chakra signature was located

Senju Compound

Naruto walked through the compound looking around, seeing birthday balloons along with baby items, causing the speedster to sigh in sadness before his danger senses went off and he jumped out of the way from a barrage of chakra chains, and jumped into the yard before he put his arms up in a block when Minato appeared in a yellow flash with a kick that sent him into the ground before he rolled out of the way when Minato dived for him with a kunai

"Who are you?!" Minato demanded

Naruto cracked his neck and put his hands up a he looked to a 7 month old pregnant Kushina in the doorway with a sword in hand

Minato seeing the masked man focused on Kushina teleported forward with a Rasengan only for his eyes to widened when quicker than he anticipated the masked man clashed his Rasengan with one of his own, before his eyes widened even further when instead of grinding against each other they began to merge forming a beach ball sized orb of Chakra before Minato jumped away as the orb dispersed

"W-who are you?" Minato asked watching as the lightning emblem on the chest glowed dimly before the suit began to recede and his and Kushina's eyes widened as they looked at Naruto

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I'm your son from the future, and I need your help. Dattebayo" Naruto said watching as Kushina looked shocked and approached him first with Minato behind her still on guard watching as she studied him, "Hi Kaa-san."

Kushina's hugged Naruto tightly laughing boisterously

Minato watched as Naruto returned the hug with tears in his eyes and smiled lightly as he put away his kunai,

Naruto was lead to the living room and sat before Kushina and Minato before he explained his life to them before showing them a picture of Dash, which was kind of weird seeing as his parents were expecting their first child him, but already had a grandson

Minato and Kushina were highly upset to learn that they died due to Obito attacking them immediately after Kushina gave birth and led to them sacrificing themselves to save Naruto who was given to Danzo for the first 10 years of his life and sent on assassin missions before Hiruzen took him out to live a life where he was actively sabotaged, ignored, ridiculed and demeaned

They were happy that he still managed to find love and sad that his new life was still filled with loss, Minato gave him advice on how to be a better leader to his team/family and after sharing hugs and kisses with his parents with a last minute change Naruto applied a seal to the two at super speed so that it would block their memories of this meeting but when they sense his chakra again the memories would return, before he sped off and made a few quick stops grabbing somethings that'll help in the future before back up into the clouds to the ship where he plopped down into the chair

Looking to his phone at the picture he snapped of his parents along with himself and smiled before he went about saving these exact coordinates into the ship, before he left

Earth 1.5, Present, Central City

Naruto sat in the ship for a moment collecting himself before he walked up to the cortex "Hey, did it work?" Cisco asked

"Yeah. Thanks." Naruto smiled getting a nod from Cisco

"So, do you want to see if the future has changed?" Iris asked

"No, I'm done with that. I just want to sit and relax with my family." Naruto smiled getting matching smiles from everyone but an alert went off causing everyone to groan

"What is it?" Linda asked

"It's Savitar. He's at the Waterfront." Felicity said causing Naruto's eyes to narrow before he sped off


Savitar looked up after Naruto arrived, "Finally decided to come out of hiding, huh?" he asked

"A God hides from no one." Savitar said

"True, but your not a God, are you? You're just some chump from Earth 23 with a God complex." Naruto replied

"So you've been to the future and talked to your future self." Savitar said

"What the hell did I do to you on Earth23?" Naruto asked

"Nothing to me, you atole everything from my counterpart and I'm going to take it back." Savitar said as Naruto narrowed his eyes, "I'm going to ruin you and kill everyone you've ever loved."

"Yeah, enough of this." Naruto scoffed before he shot forward and Savitar did as well but suddenly Savitar dropped down to trip Naruto who dove over him

Savitar threw a kick for Naruto's face but he slapped hehis r foot away and tried one himself that was also slapped down before Savitar ducked under a hook and punched Naruto in the gut and while he flinched he scored a clean hook to his jaw,

Extending a hand to block a mid kick, and raising his forearm to stop the high kick, before he stepped away from a reverse round house, Savitar gave a jab that Naruto slapped away before he kicked his thigh causing him to back off

"You've gotten better." Naruto said noticing a drastic raise in fighting ability

"I told you. I am a God." Savitar replied before he shot forward

Throwing a right jab that Naruto slapped away before he sent a right of his own, Savitar slapped it away and tried to sweep his leading leg from under him, but he put his foot up and while he was in mid turn Naruto went for a hook but Savitar still in midturn kicked him in the chest causing him to stumble back

Savitar tried a kick that Naruto blocked, before he tried a jab but Naruto slapped it aside and tried to a right cross but Savitar sped his upper body back while punching Naruto in the jaw, before he tried to slam his heel into his face, but Naruto leaned back before he grabbed him and kneed his guard twice. Naruto elbowed Savitar in the side and parried his right hook and ate a left cross, and blocked his high kick, before Naruto tried a reverse roundhouse that he stepped back from and when he tried again Savitar kicked his shin while punching him in the face before he knelt down and swept his feet from beneath him

Naruto grunted as he fell, and rolled out of the way as Savitar tried to stomp on his throat, and as he was getting up he guarded his face from a kick and when Savitar tried again he grabbed his leg and with a spin tossed him through a tree into a wall,

As Savitar got up Naruto came with a hook but a kick to his chest caused him to back up, and a left kick was blocked before he used his forearm to stop his right high kick before he ducked under his hook and kicked him in the back

Turning around Naruto was elbowed in the ribs, and punched in the sternum, before he blocked a high kick and was punched in the jaw causing him to stumble back before he was kicked in the chest

"Weak!" Savitar yelled before he sped forward and jumped to kick Naruto in the face, before he blocked two kicks one to the midsection and the face, before Savitar tried a jab and another kick but Naruto elbowed his leg down and punched him in the gut 3 times, and in the jaw before he lunged with a knee but Savitar caught his leg and punched him in the pelvis before he pushed him into the wall kneed him in the ribs but Naruto elbowed him in the jaw, causing the armor to dent

Stumbling back, Savitar tossed a jab but Naruto caught his arm in midspin before elbowing him between his shoulder blades causing a crack to form in the back of the armor and with his arm still in his grip he turned around and kneed him in the gut, before lifting his arm and ducking underneath it as he kicked the back of his knee sending him to the ground

Savitar elbowed Naruto's knee before he punched him in the gut, and tried a jab but Naruto slapped the jab aside and punched him back, Savitar stumbled back and began to throw a punch but before he could really throw it, Naruto spun into him and elbowed him in the jaw causing him to stumble back

Savitar sped back in and threw a right hook, Naruto with his left hand slapped his tricep sending his hook down, before he used his forearm to parry the uppercut he sent and pushed him back lightly. Savitar with a snarl rushed back to continue his attack but Naruto kicked him in the face sending him flying back to a wall that cratered from the impact

Savitar coughed as he spat blood and got to his knees, "I've been doing this a lot longer. Now let's see who's beneath the mask." Naruto smirked before Savitar rushing him

Spinning around Savitar as he vibrated a hand and phased through the armor to grab the man inside by the collar, Naruto vibrated them as he snatched them back and out of the armor

Tossing the man to the ground as the suit powered down, Naruto watched as the man began to get up and his eyes widened in horror, and shock, "B-Barry?" Naruto asked

Barry Allen of Earth23 glared at Naruto with a dark smirk, "It's like I said, I'm the REAL Flash." he said as Naruto frowned

"You're not so scary without your armor." Naruto glanced over his shoulder at the suit that was on the ground

"What can I say? I outgrew red." Barry/Savitar smirked

"How did you become Savitar?" Naruto asked

"On my Earth, I was The Flash, but I lost everyone. When your broken and alone, and want the pain to end, you start to think. God feels no pain. All I had to do was become one. And when I did, imagine my surprise when I find that there is someone who has stolen my life, and twisted it to his sick benefit. I won't have it. This world shouldn't exist, and as The God of Speed, I will correct this mistake, as I make you suffer in the process. My ascendancy is nearing. When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is broken and alone."

Barry/Savitar smirked as his suit began to stand up before it shot forward but Naruto turned and with a swipe of his hand cut it into two pieces causing Barry/Savitar to frown before he sped away.