
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

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102 Chs

Unrivaled Beauty in the Mortal World

On the first day of school for the Shi siblings, there were quite a few people paying attention to them.

After the afternoon class, when Shi Fuxin and the others returned, they were immediately questioned by the adults.

Shi Fuxin refuted the suspicions of Seven-Skills Lady directly. Shi Dinghao, on the other hand, was naturally friendly, addressing others as if they were old friends. Shi Dingxuan and Shi Fuyin, with their diligent and serious attitudes, surprised the Shi family members.

"Seems like Fuxin has a certain talent in women's skills since Seven-Skills Lady suspected her of having prior embroidery experience."

The incidents at Aihua Pavilion and Jidi Hall had been reported to Old Lady Shi, who asked about the feelings of the four siblings during dinner.

The four siblings unanimously expressed their satisfaction: the academy was good, the teacher was good, and their classmates were good. They assured their grandmother that they would study diligently.

Old Lady Shi wanted to educate her grandchildren about the life of the extended family.

While returning to Yigui Courtyard after dinner, Shi Fuxin noticed Shi Fuyin frequently glancing at her. Amused, she said, "Sister, if you have something to say, just say it. Why do you keep looking at me?"

Shi Fuyin hesitated no more and voiced her doubts, "Seven-Skills Lady misunderstood you, and you didn't tell Grandmother. That surprises me."

Shi Fuxin chuckled, "Sister, why would you think I should have told Grandmother? What would telling her accomplish? Would she scold Seven-Skills Lady on my behalf?"

"Sister, I admit that Grandmother has been decent to us, and if we had grown up with her, developing a deep bond, I might have actually spoken up. But we haven't."

"Her favor towards us is probably just because we are her son's flesh and blood. I don't know how much affection is behind it, but it's certainly not enough for her to reprimand Seven-Skills Lady for my sake."

"Today's misunderstanding will be clarified eventually, and to others, it will be just that, a misunderstanding. If I make a special mention of it, that would be considered immature."

"Grandmother might comfort me a bit, but she would also urge me to consider the bigger picture. It wouldn't affect Seven-Skills Lady in the slightest. If that's the case, why bother saying anything?"

Shi Fuyin frowned, "But it can't continue like this forever."

Shi Fuxin shrugged nonchalantly, "I managed just fine without maidservants before, and now I have Jingui with me. Whether there's an Yuanbao or not doesn't really matter."

She smiled, "Sister, these are trivial matters. We have so many servants in the estate. I'll take my time and surely find one I like. When that happens, I'll approach Grandmother, and she won't refuse me, will she?"

Seeing that her sister had a plan, Shi Fuyin didn't press further. Both sisters returned to their courtyard with smiles, preparing to rest.

Bai Shun Street, Shi Residence.

After returning from the yamen, Shi Zhengkun, the head of the household, was served dinner by his maidservants.

When their children were all seated at the table, his wife, Ceng Yuwei, casually turned to their youngest daughter and son, "Did anything happen at school today?"

Shi Furen, the head of the Shi family, exchanged a glance with her brother, both remaining silent.

Observing their reactions, Ceng Yuwei furrowed her brows, "What is it? Were you bullied?"

Shi Fuzhi spoke up, "No, Mother. Today, I also went to Uncle's residence." Knowing what their parents wanted to hear, she carefully chose her words:

"Shi Fuyin and Shi Fuxin, the sisters, are both presentable. However, their complexions are a bit darker. They attended school in Rong City before. Originally, Master Qiao wanted them to have separate classes, but after learning they were studying the Four Books as well, he decided to have them join the other girls."

"Shi Fuyin is graceful and poised, while Shi Fuxin is livelier."

Suddenly, Shi Furan interjected, "Not only is she lively, but she's also incredibly bold. She even dared to contradict Seven-Skills Lady."

Ceng Yuwei became intrigued, "Tell me more, what happened?"

Shi Fuzhi remained silent, but Shi Furan enthusiastically recounted the incident where Seven-Skills Lady had questioned Shi Fuxin's embroidery skills.

Ceng Yuwei paused for a moment and turned to Shi Fuzhi, "Is Fuxin's embroidery truly exceptional?"

Shi Fuzhi nodded, "Yes, you can tell. Her stitch placement might not be neat, but... her embroidery is incredibly lifelike."

Knowing her eldest daughter's expertise in embroidery, Ceng Yuwei trusted her judgment and fell silent.

Shi Zhengkun wasn't particularly focused on the two young girls. Despite their brilliance, girls were ultimately meant to marry into other families, adding a touch of splendor to the family. The true pillars of the family would still be the boys. His main interest was in Shi Dingxuan and Shi Dinghao.

"What about the two boys? How are they?"

Everyone turned their gaze to Shi Dingyang.

Shi Dingyang's face soured, "Shi Dingxuan is alright. He's tall and rather calm and steady. But that Shi Dinghao... he's too noisy. You know what? As soon as he came in, he started addressing others as if they were old friends, as if he had known them for a long time."

"He jabbered incessantly as soon as the class ended. Throughout the entire lesson, his voice was the only one I heard."

Shi Zhengkun pondered for a moment, "Do others actually want to listen to him?"

Shi Dingyang paused, "Actually, some of the things he says about the border regions are quite interesting."

Upon hearing this, the others were rendered speechless. Apparently, Shi Dinghao had even managed to captivate his own brother.

After thinking for a while, Shi Zhengkun inquired further, "How are they doing in their studies?"

Shi Dingyang's face dropped, "I don't know about their knowledge, but that Shi Dinghao is really good at memorizing. He boasts about having a photographic memory."

Once again, silence fell among the group.

After a while, Shi Zhengkun spoke up, "In the future, if you encounter that family, as long as they don't cause trouble, don't provoke them either."

Shi Furan and Shi Dingyang both nodded, "Yes, Father."

After dinner, when the children had left, Shi Zhengkun chuckled wryly, "I've been thinking, why did Uncle Jiang from the Jiang family convey that family's desire for us to move out of the estate? Now, I think I understand."

If the estate had been of no value to the Bu family, Uncle Jiang from the Jiang family would have outright rejected their request.

The fact that Uncle Jiang had conveyed the message indicated that the Jiang family saw potential in that family.

Ceng Yuwei hadn't expected that the difference between that family's image and reality would be so significant. "Husband..."

Shi Zhengkun cut her off, "Enough. We've already moved out. In the future, let's just avoid causing trouble with them. Each to their own."

With the life of Shi Zheng and his family settled in Bu Estate, Shi Dingxuan and his siblings attended classes every day. Shi Zheng filled his days searching for work. Jin Yue'e endured her discomfort, staying with Old Lady Shi, silently observing how Lady Shi and the others handled their interactions.

Shi Dingxuan and Shi Fuxin were diligent and studious, earning praise from their masters in just half a month.

Shi Fuxin and Shi Dinghao were a bit more relaxed, but they were both clever. They didn't fall behind in their studies, and even if they lost focus in class, the masters didn't reprimand them.

Old Lady Shi saw the situation of her second son's family and felt content. She had worried that they wouldn't fit into Bu Estate's lifestyle, but now it seemed she had underestimated them.

Hearing that Lady Jin had come to pay respects again, a satisfied smile appeared on Old Lady Shi's face.

Lady Jin's active manner of paying respects was evident. Old Lady Shi could tell that Lady Jin felt uncomfortable sitting among the other three daughters-in-law. Unable to join the conversation, she was often unintentionally ignored. Yet, she still persisted in staying until the end every day.

Old Lady Shi recognized Lady Jin's earnestness in learning how she and the other daughters-in-law handled matters. This serious intent made her content. The excellence of her second son's four children was a testament to her role as a mother.

As time slipped away, the end of the month arrived.

Aihua Pavilion.

After morning classes, Shi Fuxin quickly packed up her books. Tomorrow, on October 27th, was her sister Shi Fuyin's birthday. She had made plans with her brothers, Shi Dingxuan and Shi Dinghao, to leave the estate at noon and buy a birthday gift for Shi Fuyin.

While she was halfway through packing her books, she noticed that Shi Furui had called out to Shi Fulin, enthusiastically discussing the polo match that East Ascending Count's estate was hosting in two days.

Upon hearing this, the other girls immediately gathered around Shi Furui.

Basking in the attention, Shi Furui glanced toward Shi Fuxin and Shi Fuyin before smiling and telling the others, "East Ascending Count's estate is hosting the polo match to specifically honor the Provincial Governor of Huaiyuan."

"I heard that the young master of the Provincial Governor's family is incredibly skilled. On the day he returned to the capital, he helped the Grand Court capture three notorious criminals, causing quite a sensation in the northern market."

"Is that true?"

"The young master of the Provincial Governor's family, Zhao, is only twelve years old this year, right? To catch notorious criminals at such a young age, is his martial arts truly that exceptional?"

"Of course it's true. My maternal grandfather is an assistant minister of the Grand Court. He personally thanked the Provincial Governor for his assistance."

"But I heard that the Provincial Governor didn't actually acknowledge this?"

"That's just the Provincial Governor being modest. He doesn't want the young master, Zhao, to attract too much attention. In gratitude for Zhao's help in capturing the criminals, Shuji Braised Aroma specially sent him a Huizhi card."

"It's quite rare to get a Huizhi card from Shuji Braised Aroma. It seems like the young master, Zhao, truly did help catch three notorious criminals."

"Sister Furui, has your family received the invitation from East Ascending Count's estate?"

The smile on Shi Furui's face faltered for a moment, but she quickly lifted her chin and said, "My maternal family received it. My maternal grandmother wants us siblings to go together to attend the polo match."

This statement immediately drew a wave of envious glances.

The girls in the classroom gathered around Shi Furui, leaving Shi Fuxin and Shi Fuyin's side feeling somewhat deserted.

Shi Fuyin finished packing her books, then turned to find her sister lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

Shi Fuyin waved her hand in front of Shi Fuxin's face to snap her out of it.

Shi Fuxin came back to her senses and looked toward Shi Furui, "Their conversation feels oddly familiar to me."

Jiangyang bandits, the northern market, Shuji Braised Aroma... weren't these the same people and events they encountered on the day they returned to the capital?

Shi Fuyin swiftly helped Shi Fuxin finish packing, signaling that she could leave now.

Observing Shi Furui's animated conversation, Shi Fuxin didn't say anything. Following Shi Fuyin, she quickly left the classroom.

Wuchang Count's estate was close to the imperial city, only separated by a few streets. On their way to the western market, they had to pass by Xi'an Gate, the gate of the imperial city.

Between the inner city and the imperial city stood a 10-meter-tall city wall that separated the two. Without permission, ordinary people couldn't freely enter or leave the imperial city.

Gazing at the imposing Xi'an Gate, Shi Fuxin keenly felt that she was currently under the strict hierarchy of the feudal dynasty.

Though the imperial city gate was so close, the stringent hierarchy kept her on the outside.

If they hadn't returned to their family estate, they might not have even been allowed into the inner city, confined to the outer city.

Outer city, inner city, imperial city, palace city—each city gate distinctly divided people of different statuses.

"Sister, what are you looking at?"

Curiously, Shi Dinghao leaned over.

Shi Fuxin glanced at the city wall. "I'm wondering how ordinary people could enter through this city gate."

Shi Dinghao surveyed the city wall. "The wall is only ten meters tall. It's not that high. You could fly over it."

Shi Fuxin gave him a skeptical look. "I meant entering openly and honestly."

Scratching his head, Shi Dinghao pondered, "Can a noble's carriage go in?"

Shi Fuxin shook her head. "During the peak of their power, the estate might have been able to, but we've been back for almost two months now, and I haven't heard of anyone entering the imperial city."

Interrupting the conversation, Shi Dingxuan said, "We still have classes in the afternoon. Let's go buy the gifts quickly."

Shi Fuxin and Shi Dinghao retracted their gazes and turned to leave with Shi Dingxuan.

After a few steps, they spotted a luxurious carriage, pulled by five sleek horses, and flanked by several guards armed with swords. The carriage was headed straight toward Xi'an Gate.

"A five-horse carriage. That's the style of a prince."

Seeing the royal presence for the first time, Shi Fuxin and her brothers were very curious. They joined the crowd, moving to the side of the street to watch the carriage pass.

In the chill of late October in the capital, a gust of wind lifted the curtain of the carriage.


Shi Fuxin suddenly exclaimed, her eyes widening and her mouth half open. "An otherworldly beauty!"

Seeing her reaction, Shi Dinghao and Shi Dingxuan couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you?"

Pointing to the retreating carriage, Shi Fuxin said, "I just saw someone in the carriage, a man, and he's incredibly handsome."

Shi Dingxuan chuckled upon hearing this.

Shi Dinghao chimed in, "More handsome than me?"

Black lines appeared on Shi Fuxin's forehead. Indeed, confidence was good, but not to the point of becoming arrogant.

As the carriage moved away, people around them began to discuss.

"It seems to be the carriage of the Duke of Rong."

"I heard that the Duchess of Rong visits Puji Temple to pray at the end of each month."

"When the duchess goes to pray, that notorious troublemaker, the Third Young Master of the Duke's family, is bound to follow."

Curious, Shi Fuxin interjected, "Who's this notorious troublemaker?"

Whispering, someone said, "It's the third young master of the Duke's family, Chu Yao. He's a wild and unruly character. If you encounter him, you better stay away!"

Intrigued, Shi Fuxin asked, "How exactly is he wild and unruly?"

Seeing that she was quite curious, the passerby glanced around and lowered their voice. "He engages in verbal battles with officials, kicks at the powerful, and when a censor criticized him, he waited at the censor's door and beat him until his head was bloodied."

"If an official's son offended him, he'd break the guy's legs. Even if a prince upset him, he'd still dare to curse the prince."

"Because he's good-looking, if any girl glances at him, he'd berate her until she's so humiliated she contemplates suicide."

Shi Fuxin asked, "Is that all?"

The passerby was taken aback. "Isn't that enough?"

Slightly disappointed, Shi Fuxin replied, "I thought he did something universally outrageous. It's just that he's a bit daring. You all are being too harsh on him."

The passerby: "..."

Seeing the dumbfounded passerby, Shi Dingxuan quickly led his sister away, afraid she might say something inappropriate and startle people.

"Sister, why are you talking about that notorious troublemaker?"

"Was I?"

"You were."

"Well, good-looking people deserve some privileges, after all."