
From Gangster To Fantasy Villain

Having been stabbed to death, by his own sweet and caring wife, Zeldris is transmigrated into another world. After a few... complications, he gets acclimated to the world. Where cultivation, mysterious old men and fantasy are all intertwined. But why is he becoming more and more evil? .... .... ## Additional Notes ## Warning! Mc is an evil pshycopath, who for some reason, tends to attract pshyco, yandere women. #Note: Scheming will start later on. #Note: The world is a mix of cultivation type and fantasy type. #Note: The start is fast paced. Additional tags: #Fast progress; #Monster waifus; #Scheming MC; #Cunning MC; #Politicallyincorrect humour; #Tons of murder.

GlassFrame · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Even cultivation worlds have psychologists

Zeldris stands on a field filled with corpses and blood. There's death everywhere. He blends into the background well, as he is covered with blood and some pieces of flesh. 

Zhong slowly lowers himself, coming down to the ground.

He is a bit annoyed. The boy did well in the beginning. But after a while he went crazy and started tearing the monsters apart. At that point it was no longer training, just Carnage.

Zhong lands near Zeldris, intending to call out to him. But the boy turns his head first, staring at Zhong with glowing red eyes. He lunges at him without warning.

"Calm yourself!" *Smack* *Boom* Zhong sends him flying into the ground with a slap.

Aside from feeling like he was slapped back to his past life, Zeldris stands up largely unharmed. That slap was enough to wake him up.

*Sigh* Zhong heaves an uncharacteristic sigh. Something must be up, if the big man is letting out air.

"Let's go back." 


The next day.

Elder Zhong has made his way to a certain area of the sect, located underground. It's part of a massive cave system, which roams under the sect itself.

Just not getting lost in this place is a hassle. But besides that, this place is most certainly beautiful.

As he walks through the smooth stone passage ways, he enters a certain isolated cave.

This isolated cave is quite big. About the size of a football field in it's entirety. Though it's seperated into different rooms, making a kind of underground mansion.

The area is lit by various glowing rocks and floating orbs. Some forms of luminecent wisps also float around. Even some potted plants are glowing.

Overall the cave is as fantastical as you can get.

Zhong has absolutely no care about any of this.

Instead he locates a certain woman, who is the resident of this place.

"Irina. Long time no see." Zhong greets her informally, though he clasps his hands in a small bow. A gesture of respect.

"Elder Zhong. I wondered who randomly barged into my home..." She says, without emotion. Subtly letting him know that she's unsatisfied by his abrupt intrusion.

Can't be he helped. Zhong just casually walked in without even knocking. It's like if you went over to a colleague's house and walked in, without announcing, knocking or even ringing the doorbell.

Elder Zhong brutishly ignores all of this and states his reason for visiting her. However contrary to his actions, he uses formal speech. "I need your assistance in a delicate matter."

"Do you now... Sadly I'm busy at the moment." Irina nonchalantly flicks her hair and turns away. Zhong seems unbothered, already expecting this.

Irina is undoubtedly a top class beauty. Her body has the perfect hourglass figure, with somewhat modest assets. She has long, silver hair and striking, green eyes contrasting her pale complection. Her facial features are rather soft and feminine, with long eyelashes, a round face and a small nose.

"I don't mean to disturb you, however this matter will only take an hour of your time. If you're willing to give me face, I will compensate you accordingly." Zhong says in a soft tone, being very respectful.

It seems his efforts in cordiality pay off, as Irina turns to him, while sitting down on a couch. Saying only one word. "Speak."

"I need your assistance regarding my disciple. I believe his mentality is compromised." Zhong says. Arousing curiosity in Irina.

"Hmm? What kind of problems does he have?"

"His violent and aggressive impulses are out of control. I fear if I leave this matter untended, he will grow up to become a killing machine." After his explenation, a silence befalls, as Irina thinks.

"...I see. What sort of compensation will you give me?" She asks.

"This..." Zhong pulls out a book.

It's a small book, the size of a notepad. The brown, glossy covers are exquisitely designed. Though Irina couldn't care less about that, she is rather drawn to the title of the book, which she recognizes. Causing her eyes to widen in suprise.

"Where did you get this..." She asks.

"Does it matter?"

Irina looks up from the book and stares at Zhong. "...No."

"Do you accept?"

"I will tell you when I see your disciple." She says.


Zhong and Irina then proceed to exit the cave and head to Zhong's residence in the sect.

'That went better than expected.' Zhong thinks on the way.

Irina and Zhong have a rather delicate history.

Summarised in short, back when Zhong was just a youngster, he had yet to become the principled man he is today.

Basically he was a scoundrel who caused trouble. However he was a charismatic scoundrel, so he had a lot of companions.

When Zhong met Irina, the two started dating. Becoming something just shy of husband and wife. Yet at that time, Irina's sister mysteriously became pregnant.

This is where the story becomes ridiculous.

The next day after Irina found this out, Zhong disappeared. Along with all the money the young couple had and her pregnant sister. Irina was initially completely confused by this. However she soon found out the reason.

Zhong knocked up her sister, while he was in a relationship with her. But it gets even more ridiculous...

About a year later, her sister came back to her. Now with a child in hand, saying that Zhong had disappeared. When Irina asked what happened, her sister told her that Zhong went out to buy meat, but never returned...

This completely ruined the relationship between those two. Even now, after hundreds of years, Irina still holds a grudge.

Though Zhong has similar sentiments. Not wanting to see Irina, since she reminds him of what a scourge he used to be. Looking at her face makes him cringe.

As the two arrive and locate Zeldris, they land near him. Drawing his attention.

"Hello." Irina says. Greeting the small boy, no older than 9, in front of her.

Zeldris gases at her with his signature deep frown. Glancing at Zhong beside her, he decides to not display his animosity. Instead greeting her. "Hello."

Zeldris's gaze falls back on his master. For some reason the big man's chin is higher than usual. Like he's proud of something.

For some reason he finds his master's face more annoying than usual...

Meanwhile in Zhong's mind: 'You lowly disciple. Gaze upon the great image of your master! I even went to such lengths to get this woman to look at you.'

"Who are you?" Zeldris turns back to Irina.

"My name is Irina and I specialise in mental manipulation. This vile creature has asked me to take a look at you." Irina gives a concise explenation, while indicating at Zhong.

"What..." Zeldris's voice becomes a tone lower. It's clear that he's unhappy with their intentions.

Then again... When is he ever happy?

"Don't be difficult boy. Let the woman take a look at your weak brain. She is a specialist in seeing what's lacking in people." Zhong interjects.

Zeldris doesn't say anything in response. However that itself is a form of acceptance.

The boy is uncharacteristically obedient. So far only Zhong has managed to garner enough respect from Zeldris, for him to listen.

Even though Zeldris still wants to kill him. He also listens to Zhong...

Irina slowly draws closer to Zeldris."Don't resist and just relax. I won't do anything except check what state your mental space is in."

Heeding to her words, Zeldris relaxes. Allowing Irina easy access.

She places her hand on his head and focuses. However she removes her hand just a few seconds later. Her expression looking like she just saw a naked old man in there.

"Oh..." She says only this one word.

"What? What's going on?" Zhong is incredibly curious, looking at her from beside.

Irina slowly turns her head towards him with an unscruitable expression. "...You were right. This boys is going crazy."


Having sent Zeldris away, Irina and Zhong now sit inside his house. Drinking tea.

"Basically the kid's mind is being corrupted by something inside him. Either some kind of ability, or a bloodline, or something along those lines. To be honest, it feels like his aura itself is corrupting him..." Irina says, a hand on her chin.

"Can you fix it?" Zhong asks. A small frown on his face.

"Nope." A instantaneous answer.


"...But I can supress it." Irina says. Though this doesn't make Zhong any happier.

Seeing Zhong's expression remain the same, she explains something he most likely already guessed. But Irina just wants to rub it in a bit more. "The thing about suppressing mental aspects is that eventually they will explode. In his case, he'll go on a rampage..."

"Then there is no point in suppressing it in the first place." Zhong says, having come to a decision.

"Not exactly. Zeldris's corruption is best supressed. Whatever is corrupting him is not only causing him to be aggressive, it's also twisting his personality. And it's insanely strong." Irina says.

Zhong frowns deeply. Hearing her explenation makes him feel like his retard son, with 3 limbs, was also just diagnosed cancer. After all Irina doesn't use the word "insane".

"The best course of action is to use that suppression to buy time figuring out what's causing it in the first place." Irina says.

"Can't you find out what's causing it by diving into his mind?" Zhong questions. Feeling like this woman is holding something back.

"I'm not diving into that..." She instantly refuses. Suprising even Zhong.

"Why?" He asks.

*Sigh* "I don't know what the hell is in him, but my instincts tell me I shouldn't mess around with it." She says in a taciturn manner.

Zhong is now completely shocked! This woman is tier 7, and a specialist in the mental area. What the hell could scare her off like that?

Irina takes out a necklace and does something to it. Then hands it out to Zhong. "Give that to him. As long as he wears it, the necklace will suppress his corruption."

When Zhong takes the necklace, Irina immediately stands up and starts walking away.

"Just know that when the necklace breaks, he will lose his mind." She adds uncaringly, without looking back.

Waving her hand slightly, a small book appears in it. The very same book Zhong offered as compensation.

Without wasting any more words, she leaves.

Zhong is a bit startled. 'How did she get my book?'

Checking his spacial storage, Zhong confirms that an evil act truly occurred. That woman stole it from his spacial storage without him noticing!

Zhong is my favourite character so far. He just has one of those personalities that's ridiculously hilarious.

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