

Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon! This world inhabited by magical creatures that are everywhere you go. Under the ground you can find pokemon like Aggron, Sandshrew, and Diglet! Soaring in the skies are pokemon like Staraptor, Tailor, and Skarmory! Beneath the waves swim Gyarados and schools of Magikarp and Wishiwashi. In the heated deserts Torkoal, Trapinch and Sandyghast roam. Haunting the graveyards Ghastly, Duskull, and Greavard. And in the trees Scatterbug, Wurmple, and Phantump play.

There is so much this world has to offer and so many places to explore. From ruins of ancient pokemon to Ultraspace where Ultrabeasts roam.

But what people don't tell you is the dark side of this realm. Some people abuse pokemon, or the other way around. Some people use pokemon for political or proprietary gain. And organizations like team Aqua and Magma lurk to change the world and to go as far as murder and kidnapping to assume their goals.

Today we see the birth of our protagonist in Hoen. Jackson Jacobes, son of a military official and single mother Rosalina Jacobes. Both sport green eyes and brown hair and have pale skin. Beside Rosalina is her partner, Zoroark, who is worrying constantly as she holds her masters newborn son.

Ah, the bonds between Humans and Pokemon at work as Zoroark coos Jackson to sleep as she hands back the baby to his mother.

[Pov Rosalina]

All my worries wash away as I look at the sleeping face of my newborn son. His little hands clutching the edge of his swaddling as he snores. Zoroark is such a worry wort but I adore her animated actions she has with my son. She too acts like a protective mother, even refusing a chance entry into the room after it made little Jack cry.

"Calm down Zozo, we need her to check on little Jack for any defects~" I scold the dark type as it whimpers at me. Sure an hour passed after labor, but I felt I had more energy than a Rotom and welcomed any visitors that came in.

Suddenly the door opened as little Jack's godfather entered the room. A nervous trainer named Norman and his wife walked in with a swaddled May in hand as they approached me.

"So how did it go Rose?" Asked Norman as he sat beside Zoroark with his wife. "You could say it went swimmingly... unlike that bastard who is now at the bottom of the ocean for ditching me~" I said half joking as Norman had a sweat drop. "I saw your son, he is too adorable~" said Norman's wife while handing her child to him. "I know right Caroline~ I just want to pinch his cheeks off~" said Rosalina as she laid a hand on her own cheek.

Suddenly Zoroarks ears perked up as the door opened once more revealing a Nurse Joy with a swaddled Jack in her arms. "No defects have been found and he is very aforable~" said the nurse handing the boy to his mother. "When he wakes up he will be hungry so I am leaving a bottle of moomoo milk on the nightstand~" said nurse Joy as she left the room leaving only the two pairs to converse animatedly.

It was only after an hour that another woman burst through the door. This was Rosalina's sister Marigold, a fighting type specialist. Her tomboyish appearance and the Machoke behind her sort of gives it away. "I'm sorry I'm late Rosey!" She cries as she gets and eyeful of the mother and son in bed.

"I'm sorry I missed it, I knew I said I would try not to be late but officer Jenny needed my help again," she said while she tries to lunge for a hug. The only reason why it did not work was the Machoke holding her back to not hurt the child. It was then that Jack woke up with a cry and was immediately fed with not so expert hands. *Sigh* "Thank you sis for at least being here, damn, this is going to be hard, I don't know how I am gonna work as a Seargent now. At least it comes with paid leave," I said as I hugged my now fed son.

"Well, you could do your restoration idea~" said Caroline as she took a thinking pose. *Whine* Zoroark grumbled as she laid her head on her masters lap. "Sorry girl, no beating up guys into shape for a while... at least we have little Jack to keep our attention~" I said as I began to rock Jackson to sleep.

[Pov End]

Eventually everyone but Zoroark left the room, leaving the two to gaze lovingly at the addition to the family. After a few days the three returned to a cottage on the edge of Rustboro with a large Tyranitar lazily basking in the noonday sun in the front yard. A goofy smile comes across his face as he greets his trainer. When they enter the house they a greeted by a Scrafty, a Perserker, and a Dark type variant Lopunny.

Variants while different from regional variants have a mutation based on breeding or prolonged exposure to various affects. Some being supernatural like blood moons, or blessings from mythological pokemon. Others absorbed a different energy for a prolonged time from stones such as dusk or dawn stones.

This Lopunny has black fur instead of brown and is much taller and lankier than normal. She also has blood red eyes compared to the normal pink and had stitching-like pattern between the yellow and black colored fur. This Lopunny was born under a Blood moon and was raised near a dusk stone deposit before bonding with Rosalina. This variant is labeled as a Night-stalker variant and is much more violent than normal and is prone to outbursts when frustrated.

After entering Rosalina introduced the new addition to the family. It eventually led to a large celebration with lots of food and a carefree mood permeated the household. It was only a few years later an incident

[10 years later]

[Pov Jackson]

Today was my birthday and mom and auntie Mari wanted to introduce me to a new pokemon that was added to Mari's roster. Even though I was ten years old, mom didn't want me to get a Pokemon yet and postponed it til I was fifteen. May, my childhood friend was already out of the house galvanizing off with some guy named Ash. Well, no biggie, I hope she gets some awesome stories along the way and tell me them later.

Anyway I was brought to the backyard where Tyranitar was taking a nap beside him was mom and auntie waiting with big smiles. "Jackie! However ya been little guy!" Cheerfully my aunt said pulling me into a head lock noogie. "Pretty good Mari, but I am really interested in who you want to introduce me to," I say breaking away from her hold.

She brought out a strange pokeball that was black with red markings. It definitely was not a luxury ball due to the lack of gold and extra white coloring. What came out was a tall pokemon that reminded him of Gallade but was more armored and was a deep purple in color. "This right here is a Ceruledge, but not just any ordinary one, but instead of a typical Fire/Ghost type one this is a one in a billion triple type variant! This pokemon is already elusive as is and this big girl is Psychic/Steel/Ghost type. Her name is Dana, Dana this is Jackson, my nephew~" my aunt introduced the tall pokemon. It was a bit intimidating for being twice my height, but what I did not expect what happened next.

I was brought up into a tight hug before a ln ethereal voice echoed in my mind, [this is the one, my king] a serious voice that was heard between us all. All of a sudden Zozo started growling at Dana as I suddenly felt as if my world was turned upside down.

[Warning somewhat inappropriate content ahead]

We had teleported. Somewhere I did not know, but I was forced onto the ground as mentality hands gripped my shoulders. [My king... My king...] I heard as I looked into the crazed eyes of Dana.

It was truly scary, the shadows wrapped around us as the woods we were in vanished as I felt the Pokemon's hips begin to gyrate into my torso. I struggled and managed to pry my shoulder out from under one of her gauntlets, but she then stabbed her fingers through my shoulder as a laughter eched in my mind [such an innocent soul... so pure... it's white shine is so beautiful... don't worry my King, our squires will come soon~] she said as her gyrating increased in pressure. Pain shot through my left shoulder and abdomen as I began to bleed.

Suddenly I heard a giggle... not from Dana, no, it was a Gholdengo, my aunt's at that. I watched as it's fist slammed into the Ceruledge's skull, causing the shadowy terrain to dissipate.

"Jackson!" I hear my mother shriek as I watch a beam of light slam into Dana knocking her unconscious. I could not feel my legs, or my left arm. My shoulder was also bleeding profusely and I feel as I was gingerly picked up by Lopunny with the help of Perserker. And it was only after I felt my mother's embrace that tears began to escape my eyes.

I cried that night, I didn't even leave my room for a weak as I tightly hugged Zoroark. My hips were permanently damaged, making me have weak legs, the only way to fix it were for an Aura Sergeon, a one in a million person, to heal my nerves and muscles. My shoulder healed after a month.

I did not leave my house for even the largest of festivals. I just made sure I was touching one of my guardian Pokemon at all times. It was pathetic, at ten years old humans are considered adults and allowed to leave home... but here I am afraid of each shadow.

It was then that I had gone to therapy for the traumatic event, and was given an emotional support Ralts to help my fluctuating emotions...

I named her Persephone, and she truly was a light in my despair. I did not leave the house without her. After two years May returned with a bunch of stories. Some of fighting both team Magma and Aqua. How she joined the coordinator side of training. But when she heard about the incident she went completely ballistic. She even beat Dana into the ground with her partner Blaziken multiple times.

Mari would visit often, I could practically see the guilt on her every time she saw me. I could sometimes hear her cry in the bathroom too.

Another three years later and Persephone evolved into a Black capped Kirlia taking on the dark typing with the fairy and psychic. It was then she became a nocturnal watcher and guard me as I slept.

I need to break this cycle... I need to get a grip... I need to go on a journey...