
From Ember To Inferno

In the enchanting realm of Arcadia, where individuals command elemental powers, "From Ember To Inferno" follows the journey of Aric Raledron, the arrogant and entitled younger son of Eldoria's minister. He is betrothed to Princess Lyra, but their relationship sours due to Aric's nature. However, everything changes when Rylan, a talented peasant with exceptional abilities, arrives at the academy. Rylan effortlessly defeats Aric in a humiliating confrontation, forcing him to reevaluate his worth. Initially tempted to use his father's influence against Rylan, Aric realizes that true respect cannot be gained through manipulation. Determined to prove himself, Aric embarks on a soul-searching expedition, leaving home behind. Little does he know that a sinister force, shrouded in darkness, conspires to destroy Arcadia and bring chaos to its lands. Joined by a unique group of companions, Aric's journey of self-discovery intertwines with a web of ancient conspiracies that threaten the very fabric of their world. Together, they delve into the mysterious and treacherous depths of Arcadia, unearthing long-forgotten secrets and facing unimaginable challenges. " From Ember To Inferno" is an epic tale of redemption, personal growth, and the enduring power of friendship. As Aric confronts his own flaws, he discovers the strength within himself to stand against the encroaching darkness. Will he unearth the truth behind the conspiracy and save Arcadia from its impending doom? Only time will tell.

mystik_fablemaster · Ciudad
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4 Chs


Characters Illustrations:-

Aric Raledron

Alexander Raledron

Celdric Raledron

Butler Winston Hargrove

King Gawain Skyfall

Queen Amara Skyfall nee Goldenheart

Princess Lyra Skyfall


Kingdoms and their states:-

1. ELDORIA , Human kingdom

. Eldorin

. Goldenreach

. Swift water

. Starfall

. Thornwood

. Shadowbrook

2. Everlorn, Elven kingdom

. Celestria

. Dreamspire

. Silverglade

. Ebonheart

3. Ironhelm, Dwarven kingdom

. Ironhold

. Forgefrost

. Anvilholm

. Steelgroove

. Hammerfall

4. Irontusk Territories, orcs domain

. Ironjaw tribe

. Bloodfang tribe

. Skullcrusher tribe

5. Grimrock, goblins domain

Arcadian Timekeeping System:

1. Day and Night: The basic unit of time is the cycle of day and night. Each day is divided into twelve equal segments, known as "Lumens," representing the hours of daylight. Similarly, the night is divided into twelve segments known as "Umbras," representing the hours of darkness.

2. Moondays: In addition to the solar cycle, Arcadia follows the lunar cycle as well. The month is divided into three "Moondays," corresponding to the phases of the moon: Waxing, Full, and Waning. Each Moonday consists of ten Lumens or Umbras, depending on whether it falls during the day or night.

3. Seasons: Arcadia experiences distinct and enchanting seasons, each marked by the arrival of celestial phenomena. The passing of seasons is celebrated through the solstices and equinoxes. The year is divided into four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each season spans three Moondays, symbolizing the balance and cyclic nature of life.


Each level has 7 sub-levels in it

1. Elemental Novices: Novice Fire Elementals are just beginning their journey and have limited control over their element. They may struggle to summon and maintain flames, and their control over the fire is rudimentary. They are learning the basics of fire manipulation, such as lighting small fires or producing small bursts of flame, and are working on improving their control and mastery over time.

2. Elemental Apprentices: As an apprentice-level Fire Elemental, they are still learning and refining their control over fire. They can summon and control small flames, but their control may be less precise and requires more concentration. They are practicing foundational fire spells and techniques to enhance their control and understanding of fire manipulation.

3. Elemental Adepts: At this level, a Fire Elemental has developed a solid control over their element. They can conjure and control flames with skill, using them for offensive and defensive purposes. They have a good grasp of manipulating the size and shape of the fire, and they can generate heat and flames with relative ease. Their control allows them to perform intermediate-level fire spells and techniques effectively.

4. Elemental Masters: A Fire Elemental at this level would have advanced control over their element. They can summon and shape flames proficiently, creating impressive displays of fire manipulation. They have a deep understanding of the properties of fire and can control its temperature, direction, and intensity. They can unleash powerful fire-based spells and techniques, making them formidable opponents in battle.

5. Elemental Grandmaster: As a Fire Elemental at this level, they would possess absolute mastery and control over the element of fire. They can summon and manipulate flames with ease, creating infernos, controlling the intensity and size of the flames, and even bending the fire to their will. Their control over fire is unparalleled, and they can wield it with precision and devastating power.