
From Death To Power: A Vampire's Growth

Allen has had it rough for some years and finally he could not take it anymore, therefore, he sought death. But mysteriously, he wakes up again only to find out that he was no longer a human. At first, he didn't want to accept the fact that he was now a monster because everything happened too fast for him but along the line, he slowly began to accept the new him. Now, he has a new dream — Taking over the world. He thought that it would come easy as long as he has the power but then, there is his father, the lord of the void walkers; a group of special scientifically made monsters. His father's dream is to take over the world as well but unlike his father who wants to destroy it, he wants a place for him and those he loves. Now faced with these fast rising and vicious monsters, Allen is left with two choices — To forgo his dreams and save humanity or to let humanity be destroyed while he saves those he loved. As ambitious as he is, he tends to pick the two choices. Find out more about the MC's journey and his growth... During the journey, he is faced with betrayals, deaths, pains, blood-spilling and many more but above all, he is surrounded by a few individuals that love him and are willing to die with him.

Ruby_banks02 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

A Deal

"When are we meeting him?" Kyle asked after he had managed to calm down.

"Well... Tomorrow," Jalen replied. His reason for putting the meeting the next day was so that Killian won't be able to go with them. He was afraid of what the outcome would be if he finds out that Allen's powers has not improved yet; he was also wondering why the boy's improvement was slow.

"No!" Kyle replied. "I want to see him now!"

Jalen's heart skipped the moment Kyle said he wanted to see Allen immediately. What would he tell him if he founds that his powers were still lacking behind?! He had to find out a way and make him change his mind or what he greatly feared would come upon him.

"About that, I suggest we leave it as I have said that is tomorrow. Allen is still resting so we should give him enough time to—"

"Since when did you become considerate?" Kyle asked him, his eyes sharp and peircing. "I am going to see him now! Treasure come with me!"

"But—" Jalen said but Kyle had already left the room with their sister. 'Oh heaven!' he sighed and went after them. He didn't need to show them the room as one of Treasure's ability was finding even the most difficult thing; things hidden by magics or spells were nothing to her.

Before he finally caught up to them, they had already opened the door leading to Allen's room and gone inside.

With fear, he stepped inside and saw Allen and Kyle staring at each other. It took a while and during this time, he silently prayed that nothing would happen and even if something did happen, let it not be from him but from Allen.

"Who are you?" Allen finally broke the silence. He was asking Kyle. After staring into Kyle's eyes, he could see the darkness in him and it made his blood boil. Unlike Jalen who was scared of him, he was in fact starting to admire the little boy.

"Kyle," Kyle replied, much to Jalen's surprise.

"My name is Treasure," Treasure replied but she only got a nod from Allen who had his eyes still on Kyle. She pouted knowing that he didn't even spare her a glance but Jalen quickly patted her on the shoulder and asked her to calm down.

"You came to know if I am strong enough to save your sister, isn't it?" Allen asked Kyle who was quite surprised that Allen knew.

But he quickly remained calm and didn't let anyone see that his emotion had changed. "What if that is true? I want someone who will save my sister and not someone as weak as you!" He replied, trying to make himself sound sound harsh.

"And what if I end up saving her? What do I stand to get?" Allen asked him.

"Ehm, Allen. Isn't that too hasty?" Jalen, worried, asked Allen who looked at him briefly before returning his gaze to Kyle.

"If that happens, I will be at your service!" Kyle replied.

"What?" Jalen spat. "Do you know what you are saying?"

"Is there a problem with it?" Kyle asked him. "I get to make my own decisions, isn't it something you promised?"

"I—I—" Jalen muttered. He didn't like Kyle's choice but what right has he? It was difficult dealing with this twins of his especially Kyle. At least Treasure listens to him... sometimes though.

"Fine!" Allen said. "If I save your sister, you will be at my service. I hope you don't end up backing off."

"We'll see if you are able to do as you've said," Kyle said and left the room.

"It's okay, brother," Treasure said to Jalen after their brother had left . "I am sure that Allen can not save our sister so the deal will be useless in the end."

"Are you also doubting me?" Allen who over heard what Treasure was whispering asked.

"Brother, let's leave!" Treasure urged Jalen and together they left Allen's room.

After they had all gone out, Allen sighed and sat on the bed. His mind raced with the weight of the deal he just made. He knew he had to push himself to the limit if he wanted to save Thelma and gain Kyle's servitude. He couldn't afford to fail. He thought of practicing his powers instead of lying and thinking.

So with a determined gaze, he crossed his legs and began. His body ached with anticipation as he focused on unlocking his dormant powers. He could feel the familiar stirrings of his vampiric energy, but it was stubbornly dormant.

With a fierce determination, Allen began to force his body to transform. His muscles tensed, his bones shifted, and his senses heightened. His eyes turned a piercing gold, and his skin itched with the urge to unleash his true form.

As he pushed himself to the limit, Allen's body began to undergo a terrifying transformation. His limbs stretched, his fingers elongating into razor-sharp claws. His skin turned deathly pale, and his hair grew longer and darker, whipping around him like a living shadow.

But with each incremental change, Allen felt his powers growing stronger. His speed increased, his agility intensified, and his senses became more acute. He could smell the sweet scent of blood wafting from the hallway, and his stomach growled with hunger.

And then, in a burst of unholy energy, his powers surged back to life. His fangs lengthened, his eyes blazed with an otherworldly light, and his body became a blur of motion.

With a scream, Allen launched himself into a frenzy of vampiric prowess, unleashing his full fury upon the shadows.

Exhausted but happy, he finally collapsed onto the bed, his chest heaving with exertion. He knew he still had a long way to go, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead. The deal with Kyle was far from over, and he was determined to win.

As he lay on the bed, his chest heaving with exhaustion, he felt a strange sense of calm wash over him. His transformation had been intense, but it had also been liberating. He felt like himself again, like the vampire he was meant to be.

But as he looked down at his hands, he saw that they were still clenched into fists, his claws extended. He slowly relaxed his fingers, feeling the claws retract with a soft snick.

Allen's gaze drifted around the room, taking in the destruction he had wrought. The furniture was shattered, the walls were cracked, and the windows were blown out. He had lost control, just for a moment, but it was enough.

With a sigh, Allen swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He was a little shaky, but he was determined to clean up the mess he had made.

As he began to pick up the pieces of furniture, Allen heard a knock at the door. He frowned. Who could it be?

"Come in," he called out, trying to sound calm.

The door creaked open, and Treasure poked her head in. "Hey, we heard a loud noise coming from here...are you okay?"

Allen hesitated, unsure of what to say. But then he saw the concern in Treasure's eyes, and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little... practice."

Treasure's gaze drifted around the room, taking in the destruction. "Practice?" she repeated, her voice skeptical.

Allen forced out a smile, feeling a little embarrassed. "Okay, maybe more than that. But I'm fine, can you go?"

Treasure nodded, but her eyes lingered on Allen's face. "If you're sure—"

"I'm sure," Allen said, about to frown.

"Okay, fine!" Treasure replied and backed out of the room, leaving Allen to wonder how his remaining days with this so called family would be.

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