
From Dark to Abyss

[I'm publishing it on royaleroad.com] (Good and evil? Who decides that?) After his master was wronged and exiled to a faraway land, Jin seeks the truth, knowing that the end of this path is revenge. Along the way, he takes several unexpected turns that make him question himself and his place in the world.

_lostMan_ · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Unfamiliar feelings

"Welcome back, ma'am." They all bowed when Isabella entered, into a large hall completely empty except for some antique paintings on the walls so that the faintest whispers could barely be heard. Three maids stood respectfully.

Isabella walked slowly towards them, then stopped in front of the one with short black hair. She was the tallest of them. In fact, because of their varying heights, Jin in his mind involuntarily arranged the ages of the three of them on this basis. It may have been a ridiculous standard, but he was right.

"Yuna, where is uncle?"

"Master Edward has been out for a short time."

She seemed disappointed to hear that, "So then... I'm going to my room now. Please take care of the rest."

After Isabella and Claudia had gone, they all turned their eyes sharply to Jean, who was standing at the back as if he did not want to be noticed, but this made it more obvious. He felt very confused by that.

"Rei, who is this person?" Hidden behind the middle one, the little maid with the red hairband pointed her finger at Jin.

Yuna placed her hand on top of the girl's head and then said in a firm voice, "Nina! No

"You should refer to others like that. It's not polite."

Rei smiled and took a few steps back

"This is Jin, he will work here from today."

"Please be nice to him."

 After he said that, the atmosphere changed and tension prevailed in the place, just as it had happened the previous time, but amidst that complete silence, the sound of the little girl's laughter rose.

At that moment, Jin realized that something was wrong (maybe this name has some meaning that I don't know, it seems that I was too hasty in using it).

While this was going through his mind, several thoughts came to him in quick succession, but he did not achieve anything, so he decided to leave the matter as it was. Despite this, he felt angry, as he thought she was mocking him.

"Nina!" The two maids shouted at her. The other girl was half human, with eyes and long orange hair with fox ears protruding from it, calm features, and a thin body.

"Then I'll leave you in Yuna's care. Goodbye." And with that, Rei also left.

"No, wait." Jin walked behind him, but Yuna appeared in front of him, smiling angrily.

She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed hard, "Where are you going?!"

"No, I...just me." Jin looked the other way.

"I have no choice then," Yuna sighed in frustration.

 "Your being here means that the lady has chosen you herself. In fact, we all do, so you must work hard not to disappoint her."

"Yes ma'am"

"my lady?!" Yuna shouted angrily, "Look at my face well, do I look that old?"

Nina replied in a low voice, "So, why were you complaining yesterday about Wrinkles near your eyes"

"Well, it might be... the important thing is that this is not the point, because I might be the same age as you... wait a minute." Yuna suddenly stopped speaking, "Ninaa!!"

"I'm sorry," Nina hurried over, while the middle maid laughed

"Even you, Celine."

"Excuse me, but how do I call you then?" Jin said in a confused voice, afraid of her reaction.

"It doesn't matter, call me whatever you want."

"There is no time to waste. You will start from this moment. Let's see... Your first job is..."

Jin listened carefully. He decided to do anything, no matter what, in exchange for achieving his goal.

"to take a shower"

"Huh!" His hopes were dashed after he had strengthened his resolve

"What do you mean?"

"When was the last time you showered? Was it two weeks ago?"

Jin put his fingers through his hair and said quietly, "No, I think it's two months."

"What?! And you say it that easily?!"

"I knew that. Damn it, no one comes to this place unless something is wrong."

"Celine, guide him to the shower and give him clean clothes."

Jin followed her into a small room with a basin in the middle of which water was constantly flowing.

"This is where I will wait outside until you finish." Selene's actions were as calm as her voice with her everlasting smile.

 This was the first time Jin had seen a humanoid up close, so he looked at her absently.

"Hot water!" As soon as he lay in the tub, thoughts flowed through his mind (how much I expected it to be better than the river)

Jin sighed sarcastically, "This is not suitable for people like me."

A light knock was heard on the door in a nearby room


"It's you, Nina! Is something wrong?"

Nina sat on the edge of the bed, "What do you think of the new person?"

Yuna turned the pages of the book in her hand, "Honestly, I don't know, but I feel something strange about him."

Nina looked at her, "Do you mean the name?"

"No, it's something different. I don't feel any ether flow coming from it."

"Maybe he's suppressing his aura," Nina quickly replied.

"No, I touched it to make sure and I didn't feel anything, but I didn't try to dig deeper, otherwise he would have known." Yuna paused for a moment, then continued, "What do you think?"

Nina lay on her back, staring at the ceiling of the room, "I don't like this kind of people."

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like his eyes and facial expressions are frozen. I haven't seen him smile even once since he arrived."

Yuna tried to suppress her laughter, but Nina noticed and then looked at her annoyed, "Is there something funny about what you said?!"

"Sorry, I'm just not used to you saying something so serious."

Yuna smiled slightly, then gently placed her hand on Nina's forehead, "Even though you are still young, you notice things that adults ignore, but let me tell you something, sometimes a person goes through things that make him lose the ability to smile, and not because he does not want to, but because he cannot, so do not judge the person." With just one look

She didn't seem to think about Yuna's words, as if she was insisting on her opinion.

In the middle of pitch-black water, he felt that he was sinking to the depths, and no matter how much he tried to move, he could not change anything. Even his screams were not heard, so he decided to just surrender, and here he regained consciousness.

"I never thought I would fall asleep in this place."

His body was shivering from the cold, as if the water had become ice.

He followed Celine to the dressing room

"Unfortunately, there are no suitable clothes for men here." She thought for a moment, confused, then she quickly went to a wooden box and started throwing clothes here and there. "I found them," she said with a big smile.

When he put it on and looked at himself in the mirror, he said in amazement, "Those don't look like servants' clothes."


"Because it's not like that, those clothes were for..." she said proudly.

Before she could complete her sentence, they heard the sound of something falling on the ground. Jin looked behind him and found Yuna standing frozen in place, staring at him in amazement.

"Why are you wearing this?! Take it off right now!" I screamed hard

"I…" Jin was confused and did not know what to say. Yuna did not actually wait for him because she pulled him by his shirt tightly.

"Didn't I tell you to take it off?!"

"Yuna, calm down. I'm the one who put it on him." Celine grabbed her hand and pulled it.

Jin let go and stepped back, her emotion gone, "Sorry..."

"But you know as well as I do what these clothes represent to Sir Edward."

Celine's expression changed and she said in a sad voice, "But that was a long time ago, and it suits him perfectly."

Yuna looked away and gave him old servant clothes, "Put these on. I found them in the garage." Then she left without saying another word.

"I apologize to you for what happened."

"Never mind." Jin felt it was better not to ask why she was angry

(I do not want to interfere in anything that does not concern me as much as possible)

This is what he thought in his mind as he stared absently at the mirror while feeling his left eye.

Finally, she guided him to a small room, "This is your bedroom from now on. It has not been used for a while, so it may need some cleaning."

Celine left him while he threw his exhausted body on the old bed.

He tried to sleep while tossing left and right. "As I expected, this is impossible."

His vision was blurry as he watched the door slowly open

"What is this!?"

Nina looked at him in surprise, "Were you asleep on the floor!?"

"Shouldn't you be knocking?"

She crossed her arms and said angrily, "I did. I even called you a lot, but you did not answer. Then I entered and found you lying next to the bed."

Jin stood up, scratching his head, "I'm just not used to sleeping in bed."

"Anyway, Yuna wants you." Nina's voice was harsh as she spoke to him. Jin didn't care about that, which is why he felt unwelcome since he arrived.

"Waking up late on your first day is not good at all." Yuna put her arms around her waist and did not appear angry as she said this after Jin expected that she would scold him.

He couldn't say anything, so he just stood silent.

"Go with Nina to the nearby village to help her bring supplies and at the same time try to learn from her because it will become your mission."

Nina's face showed annoyance, then she said in a weak voice, "Why me?"

Jin heard it but kept it to himself.

The sun was in the middle of the sky when the two of them left the palace. Jin followed her with a fixed distance between them because he felt the tension in the atmosphere. After a while of walking in the middle of a path in the forest, Nina suddenly stopped and turned her face towards him. "This is boring. How about we play a game?"


She laughed intermittently, with a tone of great pride, "My sister told me that in order to break the tension between you and another person, you must exchange questions."

Jin stared for a long time because he did not understand anything, "This..." He could not continue because she quickly interrupted him.

"One of us has to ask a question, and if the other gives a satisfactory answer, he can ask in return."

"Why do you care about that?"

She said angrily, "I told you it was just a game!"

"So I understand, but what kind of questions?"

Jin's right eye lit up (this is what I've been waiting for, it's a good start to gather some information)

She said as she continued walking, "Anything as long as it is within reason."

"Since it is my suggestion, then I will start, and I hope that your answer is convincing

"Why did you come to work at the palace?"

Jin quickly replied, "For money and I guess it's a chance to meet someone."

"Is he someone important? What's his name?"

Jin closed his eyes as he said, "Yes, and I will refrain from mentioning his name."

(Huh! How ridiculous, you think you can interrogate me like that?! But I'll turn this game of yours to my advantage)

"I think it's my turn now."

"Rey told me he's Miss Isabella's knight but they seem close

So much, what is the truth about their relationship?

Her face turned red, "Idiot! Don't let your imagination go too far. He's a noble knight, unlike you!"

"Really! What does that mean?"

Nina sighed sarcastically, "I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but Lady Isabella is a very important person. She is a candidate to become the Duchess of the Northern District of Seattle City, and as such she must have a number of powerful knights to prove her eligibility for this position."

"So is Rey?"

She laughed out loud, "Nice try, but it's my turn."


She looked at him for a long time and then said, "There is something that has been bothering me for a while. I have never seen your aura. It was normal for me at first, but it has been a long time since you came and I see no trace of it."

Jin put his fingers through his hair and closed his eyes.

"Say what you want directly!"

She took a deep breath and then quickly said, "What type of ether spirit do you have?"

"Darkness," he answered directly without hesitation.

Nina shook her head, "I don't mean the essence, but the sub-soul, as you know, one of the four elements."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I only have the ability of darkness, and now it's my turn to ask."

The steps quickened and stopped in front of him, then she raised her hand to his face


"What is there?" He stopped, surprised at her behavior.

"I am not satisfied with your answer, it is not convincing."

Jin continued walking, ignoring her. She followed him and pulled him by his clothes with all her might, but she was unable to stop him.

"I am waiting!" I screamed hard.


"What now?" He said that in an angry voice.

"N...we haven't finished our conversation yet."

With a cold look, Jin turned his gaze towards her, "No, for me it ended when you thought I was a liar."

"This is not true, I have never heard before that there is someone who does not have a sub-soul." Nina was silent for a moment, then continued, "Anyway, we will find out later, but until then, it is your turn."

She did not expect this harsh behavior from him, and because she was afraid that this would ruin everything, she retracted her position. Jin didn't say a word, and when the matter lasted, Nina bowed slightly in front of him.

"I'm sorry I'm rushing, please continue."

He wanted to take advantage of this situation to his advantage when he saw the regretful expression on her face.

(Good, she seems to be feeling a little guilty. I think whatever I ask now, she will answer me honestly.)


Before he could finish, she interrupted him with a wide smile, "We have arrived!"

Nina ran while Jin walked slowly. The old houses of the villagers were a little apart from each other, not like the city. When he saw the stream running through the middle of it, he remembered the place where he met Rey and Isabella. "Where did that girl go?"

While he was looking around looking for her, he heard her calling.



Nina was waving to him in front of a house a little far away, and when he approached, she knocked on the door.


"I missed you"

After a girl opened the door, she knelt on the floor and hugged Nina tightly.

"Stop, you're embarrassing me. I'm not child anymore."

The smile disappeared from the girl's face as she placed her hands on Nina's shoulders, then said firmly, "Why don't you visit us anymore?!"

Nina tried to get out of her grip, "I visited you last month, but I was very busy all this time."

Desperately, she raised her hand towards Jin, "Help me, please!"


The girl directed her gaze at Jin, then stood directly in front of him, staring into his eyes with a sly smile, "Hmm! So you are Rei that Nina always talks about."

(It's very close)

This situation was extremely confusing for him so he kept stuttering


"Mom, didn't I tell you not to mention this to anyone?" Nina's face turned red as she looked in the opposite direction.

"My mom!" That word came out of Jin's mouth without his will, and even though it was in a faint voice, she heard it.

"Yes, why are you surprised?"

He looked away and put his fingers through his hair as he said hesitantly, "Nothing, you just look a lot like her, so I thought you were her sister or something like that."

She held back her laughter with the palm of her hand as she said, "Do I look that small?"

Then she put her hand on Jin's shoulder, "You look nice. Now I know why Nina liked you."

Nina screamed after hearing that, "That's not Rey!"

"It can't be him!"

She was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "He is just an unimportant person who works in the palace."

"Nina!" Her mother shouted.

"Why did you say such harsh words!"

Nina's eyes filled with tears as she quickly ran into the house.

Her mother sighed sadly, then said regretfully, bowing her head towards him, "I'm really sorry for what happened."

"There is no need for that, she is right, I am still new in this work and I will never compare to Bree," he said with composure, while his heart was agitated from within, as he felt more and more unwelcome.

Nina's mother stood at the door and said, "Come in."

He shook his head, then leaned his back against the wooden fence behind him, "I'll wait here."

As soon as he finished his sentence, she pulled him inside by force.

"Oh my God, she fell asleep."

On a wooden table, Nina rested her head on her arms and fell into a deep sleep.

Her mother carried her into one of the rooms and put her on the bed, then returned with two cups, and then sat on the chair where Nina slept and motioned for Jin to sit on the opposite chair.

She placed one of the cups in front of him and then said, "Sorry, our house is a little modest."

Jin picked up the cup and then looked inside it, and when he looked at it for a long time, she asked him, "It's hot milk, don't you like it?"

"No, I just haven't seen him in a long time."

"You should drink it even if you don't like it, as it is good for children."

"I'm not young, I think I'm twenty-one now," Jin said with a little emotion.

"Why do you look so nervous? You are almost the same age as Elanor, so you are still young in my opinion."

She laughed lightly while looking at him carefully, as if she saw something that he himself had not noticed.

"Who is Eleanor?!"

"She is my eldest daughter, but she works in the capital now."

"Nina mentioned it before," Jin remembered what Nina said when she showed him the game.

She pressed both hands on the cup and then said, "Yes, she considers it her role model."

He felt some anxiety from her voice, and then he felt a difference in his heartbeat, as if a spark had flashed in the middle of a very dark room.

She leaned the side of her face on the palm of her hand that was propped on the table, and the look in her eyes became calmer. "Why don't you talk? It's like you're just answering someone who asks you."

Those words were dug deep into his chest, as if a storm had struck the barrier he had built around the flood of his feelings. That spark became a small flame. For the first time, he felt some warmth in his heart.

Without knowing it, Jin lowered the cup from his hand, bowed his head down, and then said in a stressed tone

 "I feel..."

"Sometimes I feel like I have nothing interesting to say."

A tender smile appeared on her face as if she was looking at her son, then she extended her hand and gently patted his head, "Oh, my dear! It is always interesting to speak honestly."

Those words affected him, causing him to release something that he had hidden in his heart.

"Actually, that's not my real name. Someone gave it to me after I..."

"But I want to know why everyone I tell him this name makes his face change?! Please tell me."

"What was Nina's reaction when she heard the name?"

Jin lowered his head further, "She laughed..."

They heard a crash in the room where Nina was lying on the bed, and they knew then that she had woken up.

"You really did that?!"

"Oh my God, that Nina…" She put her hand to her face and looked frustrated.

"Though I think it's best if you ask her."

He said in amazement, "But why?"

"Don't worry, she will answer you without a doubt."

Nina left the room, wiping her eyes, then looked around

"What were you talking about?"

"Hahaha, you're finally awake, you lazy girl. Don't you have work to do!"

The mother tried to change the subject, but it seemed that Nina was not convinced, but after thinking about it carefully, she quickly turned her gaze towards the window.


Nina screamed loudly, then rushed Jin out of the house.


"What's going on?"

"Don't you understand yet?!"

"look at the sky!"

Jin looked at the horizon and said, "You're right. It looks like the sun is starting to set."

"How can you be so calm!"

"Oh my God, we haven't bought anything yet and these things will be used to prepare dinner. Yuna is going to kill me!"

Her mother came towards them and put her hand on top of Nina's head, "Don't worry, I will help you get what you need."

Thanks to her help, they were able to finish in a short time and without wasting any time leaving. 

Meanwhile, after they had moved away a little, Nina's mother called, waving her hand, "Jin! Visit us soon and bring Nina with you!"

Nina said angrily, "What is this?! Aren't you supposed to say that to me!"


"Take good care of her!"

The orange sun was illuminating the rest of the day before it disappeared and darkness took its place, so their steps were quick so as not to end up prey to one of the monsters that roamed the forest at night.

"Don't think I forgot. I'll find out what you were talking about sooner or later."


"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Jin didn't hear what she said because he was deep in thought. His heart was beating differently than it used to (Damn, how did she say all those things!)

(How foolish I am, I don't know what that woman did, as if she cast some magic on me)

The annoyance was clear on his face, and because he was experiencing these feelings for the first time, he did not know how to describe them. He thought that Nina's mother had deceived him.

Nina did not stop calling him until she became angry, then she preceded him and stood in front of him


"Why are you ignoring...!"

Before she could finish, he closed her mouth with his hand, then looked at the end of the road in front of them suspiciously. His heartbeat accelerated and his right eyeball twitched, while his face turned pale.

Without saying a word, he dropped everything he was carrying, then pulled her by the hand and hid behind an old tree trunk.

Nina tried to get rid of his grip to speak, but he forcefully closed her mouth, and she did not give up until she looked at his face and saw signs of panic throughout his being.

(What is this desire to shed blood? Even though it is not dark yet, I feel it strongly)

There were two shadows stretching out on the road, slowly approaching, and when they were parallel to them, two figures appeared whose features could not be distinguished due to the robe covering them.

"What is this?"

"It looks like someone dropped it while driving the cart."

"What a careless person"

The two stopped when they reached the place of the things that Jin and Nina left on the road, and then his tension and fear increased even more.

(Screw it!...Screw it!)

All he was thinking about was not to notice them. The two strangers looked at each other and then left. Those few moments were an eternity for Jin, and as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, they returned again to the same place, but this time they were looking directly towards the place of Jin and Nina.

"You better get out of there or we'll come for you!"

That hoarse voice struck Jin like a thunderbolt, but he did not move.

"It's okay then." As soon as the big man took a step towards them, Jin realized that there was no way he was going, but before he showed himself, he whispered to Nina.

"Don't move from where you are."

Jin took several steps cautiously and then stopped. He wanted to leave some distance between them, and because he no longer knew which one was which, with that terrible desire, he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword expectantly.

"I guess there's no need to talk nonsense, why were you following us?"

Jin looked nervously at them, right and left, then said, "I didn't!"

The big man took out a sword from under his robe, perhaps three times the size of Jin's sword. Then he turned to his colleague and said, "Leave it to me."


"But, Marco!"

"Silence!" Marco shouted

"You always make a mess and I won't let what happened in the capital happen again, do you understand?"

"Hey! I told you I wasn't following you," Jin said, trying to figure it out.

"It's too late. I have many reasons now to get rid of you."

"It's not your fault, but I don't want anything suspicious to get away from me, so don't blame me, blame your bad luck."

Marco walked slowly towards Jin, dragging the blade of his heavy sword along the ground, causing a huge impact on her just because, "Jack, do not interfere, no matter what happens."

(What's this trouble! Shall I run away?)

(Yes, there is no point in this fight, it is better for that girl to be fast in running)

Out of the corner of his eye, Jin looked towards Nina's hiding place, and as soon as he moved a little, he found Marco's sword landing so hard that it almost split him in half.

(Shit, if I had turned my back on him trying to escape, I would be dead right now)

Jin seized the opportunity at that moment and pulled his sword forcefully toward his neck, but Marco ducked down with incredible speed and then turned his sword with his entire body, directing a blow at Jin, who had lost his balance. He could only put his sword in front of him to receive the shock and fall to the ground, rolling from the horror of the blow.

Jin got up immediately as soon as he regained his balance. He did not expect Marco to dodge his blow. He thought he would be slow because of his large size.

At that moment, he realized the difference in strength between them and that there was no escape from using his dark ability, so he increased the flow of ether in his body until a black aura condensed around him, like a dark night.

"It's getting more interesting isn't it?"

A huge smile appeared on Marco's face until his teeth appeared, then he raised his sword horizontally alongside it, and with the appearance of one spark after another, the entire sword was ignited in flames and then rushed forward. Even with the use of the dark aura to strengthen his body, he preferred not to block that blow, so he dodged it, and as soon as Marco's sword touched one of the trees, its trunk exploded. With a huge fire, then it collapsed to the ground.

Jin's right eye widened as it reflected like a mirror the scene of that burning tree, which was lit up like a burning sun. Marco did not stop and quickly raised his sword in the air, directing another blow like a raging hurricane. In that decisive moment, where there was no joke in this narrow crossroads between life and death, it was the instinct for survival. This is what pushed Jin to move, so he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly until his aura extended to the tip of the blade, and with a will tinged with a lot of fear, the two swords collided. He was not able to overcome the strength of his opponent, so he directed the force of the blow diagonally, using the blade as a path, taking advantage of the weight of his opponent's sword. Then he struck with his foot, but it was not effective. Because he lost all his ether in this attack and his aura disappeared.

"We came because we felt the energy of someone close, and here we find another person who can hide his aura as if he does not exist."

"what do you mean?!"

He heard loud laughter behind him, "Did you really think we came for you?! We didn't even sense your presence!"

The impact of those words on Jin was like a thunderbolt, so he turned to the source of the sound


This moment flashed through his mind as he heard the sound of the sword shattering and felt the pain of the flesh being torn from his arm...