
From a worthless bastard to being the strongest necromancer

Another reincarnation story. Our MC, Alex, an employee wowrking for a gaming company, dies in an accident. A higher being, who introduces himself as god, coincidentally saw what happened and offered him a reincarnation into a fantasy world. They make a deal. MC lets himself get reincarnated with a gaming system and the class he recently developed for his company's newest game, but in exchange, the super bored god may interfere in his new life's events by giving him quests. Follow him through his struggles as Alexander Cloud. AN: Hey! Quick note. This is my first novel, not including fan-fictions, so I am kinda looking forward to how it will turn out but am also a little nervous about whether I will do well. Till now I was writing a One Piece fan-fiction but because I am experiencing something like a creative burnout/blockage I thought about trying something new and maybe return to my older projects a little later. Anyways! Hope you like my story and enjoy reading.

End_boss · Fantasía
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7 Chs

System's capabilities

[A Quest was fulfilled!]

As soon as Alexander read this notification, all mental fatigue he got from talking to his father vanished just like that.

"Show me quickly! Open the panels!"

[Host utilised every ounce of luck from 3 lifetimes and fulfilled a quest that was considered to be impossible for him due to a low status and circulating vicious rumours. Originally it got issued only to show how it would look like to get a quest *clicks tongue*. All rewards will be granted in 3… 2… 1…]


He was on fire. Not metaphorically but literally. Without any prior notice, crimson flames burst out of his body, dancing, burning, engulfing and finally swallowing him in seconds. The poor boy didn't have any chance to even scream, before getting incarcerated to dust, just like that.

Strong heatwaves ravaged this room as an explosion of mana hurled couches, stools and shelves in all directions. All crimson flames gathered and condensed into a floating, fist sized, crystalline construct, from which, hundreds of thin fire lines formed and branched out, seemingly building a rough silhouette of a human body.

Around those fiery crimson lines, ashes soon started to gather. It was unknown from where all those ashes appeared, but they slowly formed what looked like a person. Alexander to be more precise. His currently grey skin quickly regained his old vibrant colour while shoulder long, pale blond hair grew on his head once more.


As soon as Alexander was 'reconstructed' he deeply gasped for air. Experiencing shit like bursting into bloody fire and being reduced to ashes before finding himself back in this room, just without any clothes on, was way too much.

"What just happened?!"

He angrily demanded answers, which Ron (his system) presented by showing him the status- and skill-panel.

[Name: Alexander Cloud]

[Age: 18]

[Sex: Male]

[Main-Class: Primordial Necromaster]

[Level: 1]

[Important note: To gain a class is no different from becoming a new being, therefor host's body was reconstructed in accordance with his new class.]

[Skills: Mana-Meditation (lv. 9), Stahl-CQC (lv.9), Born from Ash (lv. 1), Fragment of Brilliance (lv. 1), Supreme (lv. 1)]

(AN: Get the reference?)

Normally he would have loved to calmly lie down and read everything about those new skills but not only was his mind currently a hot mess, so was the room as well as his appearance.

'Those skills… aren't they class skills, which I- Wait, first things first.'

He thought before putting on some new clothes and fixing his messy hair.

'If someone entered my room and were to see me naked, my remaining honour and reputation would evaporate like I did a minute ago… let's not remember that ever again.'

Next, since that has been taken care of, Alexander moved towards the bed and let himself fall on it like a motionless rock, while mentally ordering to see more information about his newly gained skills. After all there were still things, necessary to confirm.

[Born from Ash (lv1.):

Class-skill. Revives the deceased and grants them a body made of ashes, purified by your essence flames. Servants will most loyally serve you. Servants will reanimate with 65% of their former stats at stage1 in return for being able to evolve until stage 10. Each evolution increases their strength by 5%.

Revived Servants: 0/20]

[Fragment of Brilliance (lv.1):

Class-skill. Each revived servant carries a fragment of your brilliance and is thereby part of you. It is up to you, whether you let them roam the world of the living or store them in your body. Host will gain 55% of his servants' stats as a boost to his own, while they are kept in host's body. Stored servants can use skills and magic even while stored in host's body.

Stored Servants: 0/0]

[Supreme (lv. 1):

Passive. Class-skill. Owning the class of Primordial Necromaster entitles you to be 1 of 10 Supremes: Supreme of death. Grants complete immunity to all status abnormalities. No undead and deceased, regardless of their nature or origin can go against your will. During interactions with non-divine lifeforms, you may choose to release pressure as Supreme of death. Pressure will increase in accordance with this skill's level and by how much higher your stat's are compared to your target/targets.

"Holy shit, they are exact copies! No way, I couldn't possibly have reincarnated in a game, could I?"

It was too much of a shock for Alexander. Although he suspected his quest reward to be that overpowered fantasy game class he created as a programmer, it just got confirmed. These 3 absurd class skills, where exact copies.

The meaning behind that was mind blowing. 13 years ago, Ron got activated and ever since then he wondered about how to properly use it and what it's functions would be. Questions like what to do to get quests, how to learn skills, what does a blank slot next to class mean, plagued his mind more often than not. But today… today he got amazing intel.

He knew that in this world, people could utilise mana and wield magic but until now all registered skills, were learnt and trained by himself. But after obtaining this class, Alexander 'knew intuitively that using any Class-skills was as natural as breathing. Meaning that skills could not only be learned but could also be granted by Ron.

'No… it's far more than just that.'

Once again, memories of how vicious scarlet flames burnt him within seconds came back and rattled his brain.

'A feat like that was almost God-like. Direct interference with reality was possible for Ron but what does that mean for me? Are there even limits for my system- is it even MY system?'

There was no way to tell. Asking directly proved fruitless as many times as Alexander tried. All he knew was that it could defy reality, evaluate and teach him skills, give quests and rewards-

"Isn't this basically a fantasy game system. Or something like a user interface in RPGs?"

Whatever the case, it was up to him, to find out. Instead of just making speculation without much to work with, he would rather test out those amazing new skills. Only problem being, that he has no corpse to try it out on, which were sadly needed.


'No way will I get my hands on any corpses within this palace- wait… was my brain somehow affected? This is no game, despite Ron's existence so why would I want to try skills out on fresh corpses… Should I get my head checked, just to be sure?'

Finding a dead body here to experiment with was deemed too psycho for him.

*Knock Knock*

"Young master Alexander, it's me, Isabelle."

"Just come in."

By now he answered her mostly out of reflex. She, having gained permission to enter, opened the doors and was about to step in, but was too dumbfounded after seeing in what kind of condition his room was.


It took her a few seconds to acknowledge that this mess was where she brought breakfast to, just a few hours ago. Even while ignoring all furniture being in places where it shouldn't be, there was still a certain scent of fire, lingering around, not to mention how broken the whole floor was.

Isabelle slowly looked towards Alexander, trying to ask him about what happened, with her eyes since no words would form but he just shook his head helplessly.

"Sorry about this. I was experimenting with mana and failed, creating this mess in the process."

Being a neglected, bastard, who never received proper training in anything, from his family, should make this a plausible excuse. At least much better than: 'something unknown only he can see, burned him to ashes, revived him and gave him cool skills and powers'.

Eager to change topics Alexander asked her why she was here without a food cart to which she finally answered:

"His highness wants you to dine with them tonight, so I was told to let you know."

"Well, you can report that I will be there on time. Also could you request for someone to fix my room and to transfer me to another one till then?"

"Of course."

"One more thing. If you can make time for it, try to look for information regarding a count Drover and his territory. Be it rumours, deals or recent discoveries, anything you can find till tomorrow is fine."

Isabelle, who quickly adapted, professionally bowed once before taking her leave. Meanwhile, Alexander was pondering why he had to see his father so soon after their last meeting. 2 times in one day was way too much.

Later that evening.

In a grand dining hall, the whole von Stahl household was sitting at a ridiculously long table, which could fit at least 20 people.

As acting head and archduke, Friedrich sat at the tip. To his right were his first son, Armin von Stahl and first wife, archduchess Vivien von Stahl. Armin was a young man in his early 20s, who looked exactly like his father. Dark short hair and bloody red eyes, witch sharp yet appealing facial features, which he partly inherited from both his parents.

Vivien on the other hand, had bright blue eyes and deep violet hair, which she let fall straight like a waterfall. Alexander was sure that she was actually way past her 40s but appearance wise, she wasn't a second older than 30. Her perfect hourglass figure, sharp facial features and piercing gaze, once earned her the title of a femme fatale during her 20s.

On archduke Friedrich's left side sat his second son Dorian, second wife Annabella and his only daughter Mirabella. Dorian was appearance wise the complete opposite of his father and older half brother. Despite being 1 year older than Alexander, anyone who saw them standing next to each other would think of him as the younger sibling.

Just like his mother he had golden hair, golden eyes and a cinnamon roll face. Kind, cute, pure, that's how most people would describe him, which is something both of Annabella's children inherited from her. She herself was a petite, short woman, with a bubbly small face, that provokes a man's desire to protect her. Mirabella already looks just like a mini version of her mother despite being just 10 years old.

Alexander sat on Friedrich's right site, next to Vivien. Proper etiquette would usually demand that he, as an illegitimate child, leaves at least 2 seats between himself and her empty, but tonight Friedrich asked them not to mind that arrangement.

The atmosphere was awkward at best. No one really spoke, and only Dorian and Mirabelle would spare him some curious glances from time to time.

'Why was I called here, when everybody keeps ignoring me?'

Except for tonight's dinner's location, nothing was really different than usual for Alexander. He was always the outcast, the one to be ignored, the dirty bastard. All because a certain archduke couldn't keep it in his pants 18 years ago. Now his very existence proved Friedrich's shameful act, like a brand on can't get rid of, not only to everyone out there but to his own family as well.

Archduke von Stahl's one and only flaw. That was Alexander's identity and the reason why he was kept hidden from the world. After all who would likes to present their flaw and shame to everyone.