
Helping Hand

The soldiers ran as Chen yuan follows through the snow. Chen yuan didn't know what or where he could be. The snow and fog is so thick that you can hardly take a breath. Chen yuan wasn't fast enough to keep up with the soldiers and sat down up in the hill where he can see them as he rests. "Are those traveling to another world and time traveling novels and anime are true?" he asked himself as he slowly falls asleep.

Waking up after two hours, Chen yuan realized that he's in a different place. He thought to himself that he must've rolled down the hill while he was asleep. Thinking of finding his way back following the trails that he left off while rolling down, the snow had already covered everything up.

Chen yuan continued to walk back up north to find if there is any hospitality there.

As he walks, the snow starts to get thicker and thicker as every second passes. Chen yuan finally confirmed to himself that he's lost and it was already dark.

"Damn...why does it have to be snow?" He had no choice but to settle down in a safe and warm place, but luckily there was a cave not far from him and what looks to be dry birch wood enough to make a fire. As Chen yuan walked towards the cave, he stumbled upon a a young lady who looks to be dying because of the cold and injury. He was disgusted not because of the girl, but how it happened to her. Chen yuan picked her up and took her to the cave that he was going to rest in. He wasn't a doctor, but he knew what to do when someone is shot not too deep to cause too much damage. He took the bullet out of her and then stopped the bleeding by pressing down hard on it while covering it with a piece of cloth that he tore from his shirt.

In the cave, Chen yuan started a fire with the dry birch wood as he eats the little amount of bread he had while preparing his equipment. He took off his coat, thick leather pants, and hat to put it on the girl to warm her up. He knew that she wasn't going to survive being like this so he brought her closer to the fire and took off looking for any edible food so he left his assault rifle near the cave entrance and only took his pistol.

A couple of hours later, Chen yuan came back to the cave to find the girl conscious and awake-shivering in the cold because the fire had blew out and hunger.

He assumed that she was Japanese because of her looks, but spoke in Chinese and said, "Hi, are you okay? Are you hungry?" She immediately ran up towards him, took the pistol, and pointed the gun at his face and said, "Who are you and why are you here?!"

"Oh I knew that you were Japanese"

"What? You're a Chinese soldier aren't you"

"Settle down, I don't have the strength for this and yes I'm Chinese, but I have nothing to do with this fight"

"Liar, you have guns, good equipment, but you look weak so maybe you aren't a soldier after all, maybe a hunter?" Chen yuan was stabbed in the heart by every words she said.

He took out all of the food he gathered and set them on a piece of cloth.

"Okay, I got berries, chestnuts, and a little bit of fish that I caught at the river"

"Why are you doing this?" she asks.

"Okay, I got a little bit of water here as well..."

"Answer me!"

"Sigh...Women do you want to keep arguing and starve yourself to death or eat to survive and live onto the next day?"

She calmed down, sat down, and started eating all of the berries and chestnuts leaving none for him. Chen yuan gently smiles.

"What?" she said.

"Ah nothing, it's just that you have the same face and feeling of my friend back at home"

She stares at him and said, "So did I feel that good?" He spits out the food in his mouth.

"Say what?"

"I said that did I feel good?"

"Felt good what?"

"You raped me didn't you?" He spits out his food again. "No!" he screamed.

"Hmm, so you're telling me that you're naked, blood on your hands, and my clothes torn off?"

"Hey, I'm not that sort of person okay? Besides I found you half dead being in that state now shut up and eat or I will kick you out, plus the blood came from the fishes that I fished up and you better be glad I gave you my coat cause I had to go out without one when it's freezing"

She chuckles and smiled at him. Chen yuan just suddenly thought of a specific someone annoying because of her.

"Hey the food is gone already, stay in the cave, it's safer here i'll go get us some more food"

"Why did you eat so much?!"

"Shut up! Look who's talking having their mouths full!"

As Chen yuan was about to walk out of the cave, she suddenly said, "Hey, don't go"

"What do you mean? If I don't go then "I'm" going to starve"

She stood quiet for a bit and said, "Just...come back okay?"

"I will I will it's not like I have anywhere else to go, I don't even know if this is my world"

As he was about to take a step out, she held his hand and gently said, "Promise that you'll come back"

Chen yuan chuckles.

"Yeah...I promise"