
Chapter 87 - Sightseeing

Friendship is a Game

by Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves

Micro found his way in the clearing and looked around. It was dark out now so he couldn't see much outside the immediate area.

"Huh...where is she?" Micro said, barely suppressing a grin. He knew what she was doing.

A shadow rose up behind him. Sensing the presence, Micro spun around and was tackled to the ground. Fluttershy was on top of him, her breasts pressing into his chest as she plunged her fangs into his neck. Micro gave a slight moan and slid his hand up her green skirt.

"Do you own any underwear besides thongs?" He asked. His vampiress girlfriend pulled up and grinned.

"Are you complaining?" She purrs. A gasp escaped her as Micro squeezed.

"Pure curiosity." Fluttershy giggles. "So, how's Woobat?"

Fluttershy smiled and whistled. A small blue furry bat with a pig snout flew in and fluttered around them.

"He's doing good. Still need to train him a bit if I want to evolve him." She clicked the pokeball and the red light enveloped the bat before she pocketed it. "Sorry for the blood drain. I needed a boost in energy if we are staying up all night. Speaking of...why did we have to start now?"

"Well...we technically aren't staying up all night," Micro grinned. "And we had to meet now because of the time change."

"Time change?"

Getting the location from Sombra, Micro stood and began using his sling ring. Fluttershy stared as she saw a portal opening up and her boyfriend gestured through.

With a grin full of excitement, she stepped through. Micro followed and immediately closed the portal behind him. Digging into his inventory, he pulled out two copies of a skill book. He invited her to a party and she accepted. As he handed her a copy of the book, she saw a screen pop up.

You have obtained

Skill Book: Japanese

Would you like to learn?


Fluttershy went wide eyed and hit yes and both books dissolved and flowed into their users. Holding out his hand to her, Micro lead them out onto the main street of Akihabara. Looking around, Fluttershy was amazed at the fact she understood every sign.

"This is amazing!" She gasped in english.

"Yeah," Micro said. "I essentially am omnilingual now, at least in regards to human languages. So...where do you want to go first?"

"Well…" She looked around and saw one shop that she thought Micro would love to see.


"What do you think?" Fluttershy asked as she posed for her boyfriend. Micro was red faced seeing the most voluptuous of his girlfriends dressed in a gym girl outfit that was clearly a few sized small. The bottoms left a good bit of her rear out and the top showed off most of her stomach and barely contained her chest.

"Wow…" Micro muttered. Then he saw a few guys looking over at her and sent a glare there way. Fluttershy giggled and cupped his chin before kissing him.

"Let them stare. Let them see what they can't have." She giggled and grabbed another outfit off the rack to try on. A school swimsuit. Micro was so very happy that he had a good amount of funds outside of his infinite Pay Day amount. He wasn't going to be able to resist buying these things for Fluttershy to wear.

Electronics Shop

After the cosplay store, Micro got to choose the next. After looking around, they found a store selling retro game systems that Micro didn't have yet. Fluttershy giggled a bit at seeing him getting all excited over them. And since he could understand any language, he would be able to purchase the games exclusive to Japan.

As he was ringing out, Fluttershy looked out the window and saw another shop that she knew they had to visit, if only to get a rise out of him.

Outside of M's

Micro had tissues shoved up his nose as they left the famous sex shop, Fluttershy trailing behind him laughing the whole way.

"For a guy with his own little harem, you sure get embarrassed a lot about sex stuff," She smiled as she hugged him.

"Well if I wanted too I could keep Gamer's Mind up and stop you from having any fun with it," Micro sighed. "Though it wouldn't be too bad if you didn't keep suggesting we test them out!"

"Are you saying you don't want to?" She teased. Micro grinned as he turned and pulled her down so he could whisper in her ear.

"I'm more concerned with my ability to resist taking you up on your offer. I'm sure there are a few Love Hotels around here."

Fluttershy wasn't expecting that and blushed herself, though she wasn't necessarily opposed to the idea.

"So," Micro continued. "I'm thinking we should grab some lunch around here and then I could take us to Kyoto or some other major sights."

"Oh!" Fluttershy said. "I saw a nice looking place a little while back!"

Hybrid Heart

"Welcome Master!" The girls there said. Micro blushed as Fluttershy was once again laughing her voluptuous ass off.

Standing before the two of them were four girls dressed up like magical girls, each one in a different color and design. Using Observe he quickly identified all of them.

The first was a girl named Yame Yukana. She was a tall, busty blonde dressed in a pink, white, and yellow outfit with a short "skirt" that showed off her legs.

Next up was one Ranko Honjo. Tan skin and light hair with a chest about the size of her coworker. She wore a blue corset like top, a white skirt, and a white cape.

Third was a girl named Yui Kashi. She had long dark hair and wore a simple black and white outfit with a red bow that looked almost suit like. Her chest was small but it fit her well.

The last girl was a smaller girl by the name of Nene Fujinoki. She had pink hair (Though Observe revealed it was dyed in an attempt to attract the boy she likes). Her outfit was a more traditional black and orange witch outfit that did nothing to hide the biggest chest of all of the girls.

"Aren't you going to say hello back," Fluttershy spoke in Japanese. Micro's blush got a few laughs from the girls but he managed to compose himself with a small bit of help from Gamer's Mind.

"My apologies," he said. "I had not realized my girlfriend was going to be bringing me to a place with so many beautiful women like yourselves."

All except Ranko blushed at this. Ranko however came up to him and leaned over, giving him a generous look at her cleavage if he weren't focused on her slightly intimidating face.

"Keep it in your pants virgin boy," she said. "If you want to flirt keep it away from Yukana-Chan. Besides, you have your girlfriend with you."

Micro gave her a smirk.

"A compliment is just that, a compliment. My girlfriend knows what I'm like so she probably knew what might happen if she brought me here. Oh, and one last thing…"

With this one he leans in so only she could here.

"I am far from a virgin boy."

Ranko seemed stunned for a moment as Fluttershy and Micro went around her and were seated by Nene.

Later at Night

"This has been an amazing day," Fluttershy said as she held Micro's arm. "Thank you so much."

They had been to all of the best sites. Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, and so on. They were back in Akibahara as they took in the night life.

"Glad you enjoyed it," Micro said. "Though sorry I pissed off that one waitress at the cafe."

After his "talk" with Ranko, she seemed to make it her goal to get Fluttershy pissed off at him. She came over to the table and openly flirted with him. Tripped Nene onto him trying to get him to accidentally grope her (which he didn't but he wasn't disappointed in the feeling). Finally she even fell on top of him and called out loudly in front of the whole cafe how he was getting a boner from this. Finally, Fluttershy had enough and bent the tan girl over the table and spanked her in front of all the customers. Micro convinced her to stop and from then on Ranko didn't bother them.

"Not your fault," Fluttershy said. "She's the one that tried to start something."

"Still…" Before they could continue, a screen popped up in front of them.

ID Nearby

Do you wish to enter?


They stared at it for a moment before looking at each other.

"Do you want to?" Micro asked. Fluttershy shrugged.

"Might as well. I might be able to train up Woobat some."

Grinning at her response, Micro made sure no one was nearby, and clicked yes. The world shattered around them before reforming.

The second it did, a scream pierced the air.