
Friends In Hatred And In Love

In the wake of a devastating war that claimed the lives of half the world's population, a fragile peace was sought among the three distinct creatures that inhabited the realm. To cement this fragile peace, a sanctuary was envisioned—a place where all three species could coexist without the looming threat of annihilation. However, a particular race held firm to their kind, reluctant to yield even a fraction of their population, creating an unsettling dilemma: the shortage of humans. As time elapsed, the other creatures perceived this shortage of human inhabitants as a display of human superiority, a stance that escalated tensions. Before matters spiraled further into chaos, an unexpected figure intervened—none other than the devil himself. Paradoxically, the architect of the peace initiative, the devil shouldered the responsibility of integrating humans into this shared sanctuary. But his methods were far from benevolent; he sought out those humans who had no other viable choices, manipulating circumstances to ensure their inclusion. His first target in this orchestrated plan was Emily. Emily, the central figure in this narrative, bore a harrowing past, marked by unfathomable acts—brutally murdering her biological father and boyfriend. Granted a second chance at life, she aimed to leave her haunting past behind, yet the weight of her history proved inescapable. However, amidst this shadowed past, a glimmer of hope emerged; perhaps, someone might stand alongside her to confront the haunting echoes of her actions. As the devil orchestrated his designs to integrate humans into this fragile alliance, Emily stood as a focal point in his intricate plans. Her story encapsulated the struggle for redemption, the perennial conflict between one's past and the pursuit of a new beginning. Her journey mirrored the perennial battle with personal demons, a quest for absolution in the face of unforgiving memories. The devil's intervention, while shrouded in sinister intentions, presented an opportunity for Emily. Her path toward reconciliation and the pursuit of a new life unfolded amid the backdrop of a world grappling with the fragile threads of a newfound peace, juxtaposed against the shadows of a tumultuous past. Emily's journey toward redemption, entwined with the devil's machinations, marked a pivotal chapter in the delicate equilibrium between races and the profound yearning for a harmonious coexistence. ------------- A glimpse of her life: Emily: Why are you here? Beel: To bring you food! Emily: Didn't that girl offer to buy you expensive food? Beel: Yeah but eating with you is better, everything tastes good, especially the food you make me Emily (while smiling): What should we make? Beel: Fried chicken and rice! Emily: Okay, get the ingredients, I will see the kitchen Beel: Okay, don't start without me, I want to help! (he ran away while she put her hand on her beating chest and wondered if she was ready to move on)

MiKouki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

The Start of an Ending: Part 2

Raiin regained her composure as a young girl settled gracefully beside her. Their eyes met, and a mutual smile blossomed. As Raiin resumed her heartfelt correspondence with her siblings, Miko delved into the captivating world of a manga retrieved from the depths of her satchel. She was utterly engrossed in the pivotal scene where the male protagonist cornered his beloved, yearning to unveil the truth of her affection for him. Miko's heart raced with anticipation, an internal symphony of squeals resounding within as he implored the young woman to divulge her emotions. Her cheeks flushed scarlet; she cast her gaze downward and tenderly nodded in affirmation, eliciting a sense of overwhelming gratitude within him that compelled him to crumple to the floor. Lips poised for an electrifying union, their moment of passion was abruptly severed by the volume's conclusion, evoking a plaintive cry from Miko.

Bemoaning this unforeseen rupture in her literary sojourn, Miko rued not having brought the subsequent volume with her. She feared that in her absence, all would be lost to the pyromaniacal whims of her unpredictable uncle. Her decision-making had always been somewhat impulsive, but choosing to attend this particular school ranked among her most audacious.

"Uncle, I wish to enroll in school," Miko softly intoned as she entered the living room where he sat engrossed in both television and mobile device.

"Certainly. Which institution do you desire?" His eyes remained steadily fixed on his screen.

"Why, the one located in the demon realm," came Miko's response—a declaration that elicited an immediate lift of his gaze and a countenance emboldened by ire.

"What has prompted such an aspiration?" he demanded to know.

"I am bored." Miko declared, eliciting a mere shrug from her uncle who comprehended the depth of her discontent. Reluctantly, he acquiesced, releasing her to venture forth.

During her previous bout of tedium, she had incited flames across an entire nation, wed a pair of brothers in haste, and departed two days later, leaving them longing for her presence. Her uncle wished to avoid the recurrence of such chaos.

"Exercise caution not to disclose your true nature: a radiant purple dragon adorned with butterfly wings. Demons believe our kind to be extinct, and it is crucial we maintain that illusion," he admonished.

"Trust in my discretion," she assured him with a playful wink before retreating to her chamber to gather her belongings.

"Do not forget the gruesome fate awaiting those who are discovered: devoured alive, their flesh savored while they yet breathe," he bellowed as a final warning from the parlor.

"I am well aware; my own parents perished this way. Our race's survival hangs in the balance—so I promise you, I shall be vigilant," she quipped with an eye-roll audible in the corridor.

Although she acknowledged the imperative to conceal her true identity, Miko still could not help but consider the thrill of revelation. Living shrouded in secrecy hardly seemed a life worth living. She owed her human semblance to her half-blooded mother—an amalgamation of dragon and mortal—and yet, despite this fortuitous disguise that ensured her survival, the loss of her parents continued to haunt her.

Restless and eager for distraction, Miko ventured outside to contemplate the verdant flora. Upon entering the garden skirting their abode, an enigmatic figure nestled in shadow caught her eye, startling her. She offered a tentative greeting to the girl who appeared deep in slumber against the wall but received no response. Accepting the silence, Miko meandered to the far edge of the garden.

The mysterious girl, Dolores, snapped open her eyes as she debated the wisdom of heeding Lucifer's counsel. Her task might have been accomplished from the shadows; she needn't have enrolled in the school for such a purpose.

Lucifer was lounging in his study when an abrupt rap sounded at the window. Bidding the visitor entry, he was unsurprised to find Dolores standing before him. Expressionless and gore-streaked, she issued her report: "The task is complete."

He offered her a towel to cleanse herself of the blood; she dismissed it with a shake of her head. Undeterred in his concern, he grasped her by the grime-sullied arm and led her to his settee. Remaining mute and complicit, she allowed him to tend to her injuries. Situated on the cushions, Dolores permitted Lucifer to administer first aid for their brief encounter.

A quarter-hour hence, he completed his ministrations upon her injuries and rose to fetch a dampened cloth to cleanse her visage, throughout which she gazed vacantly at the ground, yielding to his every action. Abruptly, Lucifer's inquiry pierced her reverie. "Would you like to attend school?" he proposed.

"A what?" she implored, bewildered; what need had she for academia when employment already held her days?

"School, certain demons harbor doubts concerning the mission you undertook; they intend to investigate you," he dissembled, well aware that an unassailable justification was requisite for her compliance.

"Very well." Dolores acquiesced, eliciting a grin from Lucifer.

"You may depart," Lucifer informed her. As she rose, the door burst open with ferocity, and two individuals dashed in—one sought refuge behind him, while the other glowered with indignation.

"Hand over the chick! I am hungry!" Beelzebub bellowed, incensed that his elder sibling would dare purloin his evening repast.

"'NO!!" Satan remained resolute in shielding the guileless creature from his witless brother's clutches.

As Beelzebub's fury mounted, Satan, desiring to avoid strife, entreated Lucifer for intervention. Lucifer heaved a sigh and was about to rebuke them when he caught sight of Dolores' gaze fastened upon the fledgling—her eyes widened like those of innocent doe—and knew that he could deny her not.

"Relinquish it to me," Lucifer commanded Satan, who consented bewilderedly. Beelzebub believed victory was within his grasp but was sorely mistaken when Lucifer bequeathed the chick to Dolores as her newest endeavor.

"Truly?" Dolores inquired in a barely audible whisper, her vulnerability unmasked. With a nod from Lucifer, an ephemeral smile graced her visage—one which he deemed immeasurably rewarding.

Scant moments later, Lucifer found himself alone in his office—or so he believed—Satan lingered observantly. "What?" asked Lucifer tersely when Satan's scrutiny became unbearable.

"When and why did you acquire a first aid kit?" Satan demanded but received only silence and a frigid countenance in return.

"For your information, I have no desire for an additional little sister; the anguish of losing just one is sufficient." With that, Satan made his exit via the window.

Lucifer exhaled wearily as he perused the paperwork to enroll Dolores in school, accompanied by three other young ladies.