

Its about two friends who were more than friends , they were life of each other but what happened that they became enemies ...

Ajab_Gajab_Story · Ciudad
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15 Chs


" I never thought you will bring me to your house "

Jeet heard Daksh saying this suddenly and he turned to Daksh

" Why do I seemed to be so heartless to you ? that in this condition of yours I will just leave you on your own ? "

" I didn't mean that what you are saying "

" Yes you never mean what you say "

Just when Daksh was going to answer something Jeet's mother entered so he stopped ...

Seeing the two's face Jeet's mother understand that something happened but she changed the topic ...

" How are you feeling now Daksh ? "

" I am good aunty "

" You must be hungry , I made you chicken soup have it … " looking towards Jeet she said "Aryan was looking for you … go and meet him I am here for Daksh "

After Daksh finished his soup she told " I am going to keep this in the kitchen and will come back after sometime … you lay down and take rest "

" Okay aunty "

And he laid down with the help of Jeet's mother and rest and Jeet's mother went out of the room ...

She went outside and saw Aryan and Jeet were sitting on the dining table and discussing over something ...

" Aryan … "

" Yes aunty "

" Today you stay with Daksh in his room I have some work with Jeet "

" But mom why ? what happened ? "

" You better know what happened … "

Saying that she went to kitchen

" What's the matter Jeet ? "

" I don't know "

Aryan sighed and said " Okay I am going to Daksh's room and look after him you talk to auntie … see what she wants to say "

Saying this he went to Daksh


As Aryan entered Daksh asked " Where is Aryan ? he didn't came ? "

" Were you waiting for him ? "

Daksh looking down he said " No I was just asking like that … "

" He have some important work so he have to stay up late night … so he went to the guest room and I came here " after a pause " Now go to sleep I will also sleep now "

" Good night "



Jeet's mother entered the room

" Yes mom you were saying something ? "

" Do you really want Daksh to recover ? "

" Mom why … "

Cutting her son " You want or not ? "

" Yes mom I obviously want "

" Then don't do things you did today … If you can't control yourself then don't go to him … me and Aryan are there for him now … first set your mind what you really want then only go to him … "

Saying this she was ready to go out of the room when Aryan said slowly " But mom its not possible to control yourself all the time "

" If you really want him to recover then try to control yourself or else you yourself what will happen "

Saying this she went out of room leaving Jeet in thoughts …