
freind love forever

Some people believe that money is needed to be happy in life.....And someone wishes that friends are needed to live life....Is this true, is friendship really important in human life?Yes this is true...Friendship is very important in human life...Don't be a friend, you are incomplete alive ...Today we will see some such friends in this novel ....who love each other...

ayeshasiddiqua · Adolescente
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31 Chs

❤️ friends forever ❤️

Come on, it doesn't matter, you must have asked Rishab about love. ... so Rishab spoke immediately. ... no brother, I have no such crazy experience. Rishab said it quickly .... Big experience of this..... Harsh said you Rishab got messed up..... It's time to get my feet right....

Harsh has now saved his life. ... let's go lame, now you only tell Karthik around .... To whom have you spoken this lame..... Karthik has felt bad,,, you and whom... Harsh has When I learned to be ashamed .... it was an impossible thing. Life will remain lame or went to find a fiancé....

How dominating ... Harsh asked, liked it and got engaged to him. .Cal now tell... you were kidnapped.... I mean when did you love and.... I don't have any love, just what Karthik Saar turned back....

bro Raja Saheb all your friends are helpless No one is ready to help you except me.. ..... Harsh said Raj .. my brother don't listen to me praising love ...

... Harsh may have told it how love is. Everyone turned their heads and looked at this sound. .... you that 16 year old employee of Harsh's house was standing ... you will tell ... let's tell Harsh said.. Izat di you.. He put tea on the table ...

when Love hai na... First of all you don't see anything except love..... Even in the harsh summer, the wind starts blowing, the bells start ringing..... and the songs start playing around... .... in the heart ... He said how to give everyone a cup of tea in turn... They were all looking at it in amazement....

Except Harsh .... Quickly clap for the child. ... the employee made his face .... You should not have talked to him. He left while speaking. Will send it. .... Karan asked Harsh. ... see brother, my mother is dead. lo..... and my father is also dead, you are a poor and ..

You are the orphan .... you should fill the bill too.... You will eat only that dal roti ..... Karan said funny Karan said with fun .... and why he told ..... I am also a bachelor like Raj, you will also pay my bill the same…..what is that Harsh who loses to anyone. Human . Rishab stared at it…..

this was expected from you, miser. You are miserly people.... Kamino. ) ... who you yourself have sat down after doing marriage and matchmaking ..... but the beggars have not given a party even once ..... Harsh had the quality of turning things around and bringing them to the point...

Everyone else could have just banged their head in the wall…. being Harsh's friend was a minor thing…..a big heart is the work of the kidney… it needs a lot of patience and courage.. ... and need a free mind that you can waste with a person like you...

Do it this morning only and had to go to the NGO with Mahesh. ..... That NGO belonged to Karthik's mother.... Those people also used to do that donation.. It was celebrating Women's Day today....

Women's day didn't mean that women should go out with posters on the streets. ... but it does not mean that women degrade men. ..... they needed money to learn everything ..... which they fulfill with donation .... in this class all kinds of skills were taught..... There was a lot of work ....

An event was organized ... where poor girls had to sell hand made things .... Karthik and Rishab were there .... They also went to donate Had to do..... he was getting ready to go there when his mother came in the room. . Just getting ready to leave .. he said smiling .. son sit here I have to talk to you .....

he gestured to sit on the sofa , he was surprised : .... someone What is the matter. Raj asks howva sat on the sofa .... his mother also sat the same :: .... son tell me do you like maria .. ... do you have any relation with this Is ... on their question. Raj was shocked...

No mother, why would I have any relationship with this... son do you know why those people came yesterday .... what do I know mother..... they brought their daughter Maria's relation to our house for you = ... what the hell is this ... Raj stood up in anger…..the evil is not in that they have asked for your relationship….

Women can also do the purpose of getting married....the evil is in this which He told us yesterday… what did those people say to you…. They have said that you like them for their daughter…. and that they will marry you to Maria. Will send you and her to America....because his daughter can't live in so many people...and second thing is that his daughter can't live here in this country.....

those people Didn't even ask us and said everything on our own..... we didn't say anything because maybe you like it..... no mother it's not like that at all..... you think that Your son may have such a choice.... you tell baba to refuse those people immediately..... it's enough now.... ok son above, keep you happy..... They fell in love on Raj's forehead. ... as soon as they left, Raj called Maria.....

.. with my parents like this ... .. so angry why hey brother today you big people are missing us ... hearing Maria's humourous voice, Raj's blood boils .... how dare you Hoi, Raj shouted angrily to talk to my house and said.....

you only said that I can not call you without any relationship .... so I heard that I ... Raj shouted loudly and said that Maria fell silent in fear... You do not have the right to be involved in Raj's life. Be a woman who doesn't like good manners....

I told you to leave me... I'm not interested in you.... but you don't understand why... I don't like to hit on girls like you. I have started hating you now..... i hate you.... i hate you se always always...was,,, this the first time....Talked to a girl like this .... after saying everything, she had disconnected the phone, Maria had kept her mind wandering ... Raj came out of the house very angry ....

And in front of the bay, Karan's car door opened..... who was sitting outside his house waiting for Raj :: ... were scared .. ..... Asked what is the mood of yours Mahesh asked: Let's go ..... its ..... it said to you. Both of them were shocked…

because last night when he went from Harsh's house... you were absolutely fine… then what happened now…. well Karan shrugged his shoulders and said And pushed the car forward..... after reaching that people helped Karthik's mother. After all, that log goes out...

.... what do you think, let's go home -... Rishab asked .... yes let's go ... no sheet man .... my wallet you remained inside = .... Karthik you put your pocket Look how he said. .. go and come soon .. ... karan said you took kartik rishab inside with you too ..... if Mahesh was talking to someone on the phone he left....

when karan felt it Started taking selfie with beautiful flowers •• ... Raj was standing alone ... when his eyes swam on a scene •• ..... he many poor children standing without slippers and some down How were they sitting .... they were getting dirty because of everyone's feeling of soil...

He saw a white girl standing around 20 years old. She was wearing pyjamas with a white circle on her. Blue eyes and brown hair...she was a foreigner she was a foreigner...and came here to attend women's day....

So here she was wearing a dress like a ..... she had a camera in her hand ..... with which she was making videos of children ..... Raj was very angry to see this. came ..... he went to her without any reason ..... .....