
Freedom Path: The World of Deva

The world of Deva is a place where geniuses rise and fall every day and only those with extreme luck can survive. George is a naive poor boy who grew up not knowing the horrors of the world. After being thrust from one situation to another again and again, he learned that there is no escape to being used by others. With no backing and no one to look after him, George will strive further and further until he can be free of the influence of the world. In a perfect world this would be the story of him climbing over every single person to become the sole strongest, but life doesn't work that way. There will always be those who stand in his way, even those he's known since the beginning of his journey. Alex is a former noble abandoned by his family. From a young age he has always had a sadistic streak, but that apparent flaw of his ended up leading him to his destiny. Alex and George. These two will continue to clash and take away from each other until there only one thing remains. Their lives. George raised his red sword that had been his companion for years on years, and uttered one word. "Flash." Immediately, thunder struck and lightning fell from the sky, encasing him in a golden glow. Golden armor formed around his body, his sword turned to black lightning and his eyes went black. He gazed at Alex who stood far away, and breathed out a challenge. "Come. Today, we will end this." Alex didn't respond, but raised his twin black daggers that were so jagged that they looked like they would tear through anything. He too narrowed his eyes and spoke. "Monarch of the Night." This is the story of how it came to be, and how it will end. I would like it if any potential readers would read the first fifty chapters before deciding whether the book is good or not. The story gets better the more you read. ----------------------------- Check out my NEW book Primordial's Champions. The academy tag won't really come into play until Chapter 100 If you want to join the discord server for this book then leave a comment asking for the link. For every: 60 power stones per day, I will release one extra chapter per week.                                                      120 power stones per day, I will release three extra chapters per week.                                                  250 power stones per day, I will release five extra chapters per week.

CarltheCreator · Fantasía
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220 Chs

CHAPTER 33: I'll Listen Closely For Once

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[I wonder if I can use the Dawer theory to create something like the teleportation circles we use for transport. If I synthesize the Hani circuits, yes, it's possible, this could work. The only thing I have to do is make sure no one finds out about this. If the governments find out, they'll make sure to bury me and my research....Excerpt from: RESEARCH RECORDS OF OLAMIDE OLALARE]

[George's POV]

We are still fighting like usual and there is no improvement for me. Well, if you can call something like being able to take hits an improvement, then I've improved by leaps and bounds.

I can now take a full beating to my head without losing consciousness. That makes me practically invincible, right? I'm sure I'm going to get a lot more beatings in the future, so I need to build my tolerance while I can.

Today we're going to be taught how the tier classification works. I probably have to listen today.

We're in the classroom right now and waiting for Professor A. It's noisy right now due to everyone talking about stuff. Oh, you want to know what I'm doing? I'm currently lying on my desk, trying figure out how many stomps it would take for my leg to break. Maybe something like ten? I feel like they've gotten stronger recently.

"Psst, George, listen up."

Huh? Who's speaking to the outcast? I looked to the side to see Rachel gesturing to me from the next desk over.

What's this girl doing? Does she expect me to speak to her after what she did to me? If so, she can keep dreaming.

Even as I ignored her, she kept whispering, trying to get me to speak to her.

"George, I know you're probably mad at me for what I did, but just listen."

Probably mad at her? Only probably? This girl is truly not okay.

I whispered to her.

"Rachel, stop trying to get my attention. If you think I've forgiven you, you're quite wrong."

"Don't be like that, George. Have you forgotten how we bonded in the infirmary?"

"Bonded? It was more like you roasting me while I was trying to ignore you. Anyway, why am I even addressing you? I've gotten careless, I can't be talking to everyone who approaches me."

"You know we click, George. I don't know why, but I feel comfortable with you. Don't you feel the same way?"

"Of course I don't. You're just delusional."

I averted my face from her gaze by turning to the front. I didn't really want to admit it, but she is the most comfortable person for me to associate with in here. It's like she makes me feel normal.

I shook my head.

What am I thinking? Whatever scheme she's thinking up, I can't get involved in it. If I do, she's probably going to betray me again. She's like everyone here, only looking out for herself!

I tuned back to face her, determined to stop everything right now.

"Rachel, stop with the games. You stabbed me leg and left me for dead. You don't care about me, you're probably just working for Alex. He put you up to this, didn't he?"

"Whenever I think about what you did, my blood boils with rage. All I want to do is to give you a taste of what you gave me, so stop talking to me before I try to do something I'll regret."

At this point, my body was shaking with rage.

Rachel's face changed. The friendly, likable expression vanished to be replaced by something similar to a look I had only seen on Josephine before. The expression that looks like it doesn't care about anything and is only focused on one thing. If I had to describe it, I would say it was the cold look reserved for those who have seen the underbelly of society and survived.

I grinned.

"Is this your real face Rachel?"

She gave a smile, but it felt cold, like the metal cutlery we use to eat. I got shivers down my spine.

"What do you mean by real face? Who said this is my real face? Who said I even have a real face?"

I shrugged.

"No one did, but it's what my gut is telling me."

"Your gut, huh? Hasn't your gut led you wrong before, like when you first met Alistair?"

"That doesn't really matter, does it?"

"Oh, but I think it does. What makes you think Alex is the one who sent me, why couldn't it be Alistair?"

"You're in Alex's group, why would you work for Alistair?"

"Who knows?"

She turned away from me and didn't respond when I tried to call her.

Damn it. Why would Alistair use her to talk to me? He's been ignoring my presence lately.

I thought about it for a while, then gave up.

There's no point in me thinking about it. I'm not one of the schemer types anyway, so there's no way I would be able to figure out their motives.


Five minutes later....

What's taking Professor A so long? He's usually so punctual.

I leaned back in my chair and watched the others. Alex was talking about something with Carter, presumably something funny by the way they were laughing. Josephine was reading a book while the rest of her group doted on her. Well, everyone except Amanda.

I gazed at her a little more.

I don't really understand her. She's been so quiet the whole time we've been here, but it seems like she actually has a strong personality, judging from the way she lashed out at me when I was with Josephine. I get that she's a half-elf, but how did she end up here? Out of everyone here, I feel like she's the most mysterious.

We learnt in class that most elves or half-elves don't like to stay on continents other than Pravis for fear of being exploited by other races. Apparently, elves are very popular with people who patronize slave traders. And that after the demons, elves look down on the humans the most. Why would a half-elf end up on Kalida?

Moving away from her, Alistair is not doing anything. He's just sitting there staring at the wall.

As I decided to take a nap, the door burst open to reveal Professor A. He walked in to take his usual position at the front of the room.

"Sorry for the delay, it's time for the lesson. I must warn you, this lesson might be the most important thing you will ever learn, so pay close attention."

He took a deep breath as if he was about to start a long monologue.

"Let's start with why we are able to even advance to higher stages."

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