

This story "Free-zing" revolves around a normal 17 year old teenager boy, Ref Ishaam. Despite being a normal grade student, Ref could be seen as a boy blessed with some helpful friends and a cheerful mom who was his only family, though he was still oblivious to what fate had in store for him. But this daily happy life came to an end when the world started to freeze up for some unknown reasons. Soon the whole world became covered in snow and humanity would crumble as a result of this apocalypse , creating the 6th major extinction which would be named as "Freezing Event" . Here comes the story that would determine the fate of the world- will it end? or something will give them hope? 

Reshoph · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Freezing Event

The snow had fallen relentlessly since the snowfall began, blanketing the world in a pristine white layer. Ten days had passed, but it showed no signs of stopping. The landscape had transformed into a frozen magical land, filled with nothing but snow. Roads, sidewalks, and rails were all buried under a blanket of soft, cold snow. Everywhere, there was only one season: winter.

From that day on, the phenomenon stirred the whole world. Ecological and environmental organizations around the world began discussing whether the greenhouse effect had transformed into this event due to human carelessness, or whether it was a blessing from heaven. Of course, their opinions were divided. On the contrary, scientists were trying their best to understand the phenomenon, which they named the "Freezing Event." They hypothesized that it could lead to the near extinction of human civilization or destroy the ecosystems of most of the animals in the world.

Of course, I was on neither side, and it was not something that I could afford to think about, nor did I want to. I had a cold from the sudden weather change. But I noticed a subtle change in myself—my eyes, specifically. Doctors checked me out, but found no abnormalities. I had heard rumors about people crystallizing, but there was no proof so far.

Classes had been suspended for a long time, and no one knew when they would start again. During that time, I spent my days doing absolutely nothing.

Ring... Ring...


Suddenly, my mobile started to ring, breaking the silence in which I was immersed.

"Hello? Umm, who is it?"

"What do you mean, 'who is it?' You didn't have my number saved? You meanie!" the voice yelled from the other side.

"Is that you, Asir? It's cringy hearing you say 'You meanie' Pfft!! Who the hell says that? Hahahaha." 

"Shuddup. So wanna go hang out? Getting too bored!!!"

I was surprised how he could even think of going outside in this weather. 

"What about the guys?" I asked him, assuming they had rejected him, of course.

"Both agreed—Sanid and Farabi. The only one left is you."

"Huh? Are you sure you guys are right in your mind? Hanging out in this weather?" I was amazed at their stupidity.

"You bet! Just wear some warm clothes. It's gonna be fine! So, wanna do it?"

"Fine. When?"

"12 at Doyal Square. Call me when you're there."

"Okay, I'll be there." 

After hanging up, I turned on the TV to see if there were any news updates about the disaster. Nah, same news everywhere. The government had recently started sending text messages to mobile phones, creating awareness of the cold weather as it was causing pneumonia for the children and aged persons. Scientists started giving theories about the event. A news grabbed my attention when I was just aimlessly changing channels. Wait a minute! 

"Wait....what is that? Am I seeing it right?" my mind almost screamed.

Looking at the news, I realized that I would have to believe every rumor from then on, because if I didn't, I might soon lose my life. My mom was there with me, watching the news and feeling anxious. If I could, I would never have shown her this.

The news was essentially telling us that humanity would come to an end soon enough. Thousands of cases of crystallization had been found in just one day, as a result of the "Freezing Event," caused by an unidentified substance found in the air. Victims were suddenly found being gradually crystallized, ultimately leading to death. Already, 11 cases had been found dead, and no treatments were available.

I found my mom panicking, not yet realizing why. Her worry seemed to have escalated beyond a simple matter.



"I am so sorry...sorry....sorry dear...I am sorry...." Mom started crying.

Tears fell down from her cheeks and she kept apologizing. It got me really shocked. I had never seen Mom cry before. I was trying to console her but it was no use.

"What happened, Mom? Are you okay? What happened, tell me, pls mom. You are making me worry." I found myself crying as well, though I did not know why. 

After she calmed down, she decided to tell me. I was feeling scared, hoping that it was no big deal, mom was just worried about me, nothing more than that.

"Ref...I think I am affected."


My mind went blank. I could not understand what she was saying anymore. She must be joking, I know, she must be joking!

"What are you saying, Mom? You are joking right? There is no way that could...."

Looking at her teary eyes, I could feel my world coming down. It was true...I could not see anything...my eyes were too blurry to see mom. 

"It can't be happening..."

Mom hugged me as tight as possible and I cried as long as I can. 

Mom was hospitalized for one week. I could not bear myself to see her transforming into a crystal. But I had no choice. I cried every time I was alone but maintained my composure when I was with Mom. Scientists...Doctors....none could do anything. 

On a slightly warm day in this snowy weather, she passed away inside a crystal, looking the most beautiful anyone could ever be. That day, I lost my mom, my only family. Only a handful number of people came to the funeral, scared of the pandemic. This snow snatched away her. I hate this snow! I hate this weather!! I hate everyone who could not save my Mom!!! But still days went by, and I was still alive. My friends tried to console me as much as they could.

"They are the only ones I have now." was what I thought then, promising to myself that I would find a cure for the pandemic, even if it cost me my life.

"I will protect them at any cost! I will revert the world back to how it used to be."

At that time, little did I know, how a long battle would await in front of me and how much I was still ignorant of the world's secrets waiting to be unveiled. But I was prepared to face all of them.