

Ayra momentarily forgot her initial irritation at being interrupted during her conversation with Alice when the knock persistered aggressively , even Alice narrowed her eyes significantly towards the door. Heavy knocks came next as though someone was trying to knock the door open with a weapon.

" Who's there? It certainly can't be grandma Nana " Alice whispered her heart beating erratically.

" No it can't be Nana she doesn't knock like this " Ayra responded clutching at Alice's hands the fear in her heart evident.

" Who's there?" Alice shouted in a tiny little brave voice .

" Open this door up or i will shove it open myself " A male voice thundered from outside .

A visible sweat broke out from the two girls, ayra almost urinated on her panties " What are we gonna do? " She mouthed her insides churning at the thought of an unauthorized man trying to gain access into their home .

" Tr- try calling nana or mom quick use the telephone " Alice said amidst more knocking from the intruder. " Shit " She swore loudly seeing how ayra was fidgeting around the telephone instead of dialing the damn numbers . Christ what the heck was going on at the moment, one minute she had been arguing with ayra and the next one random person was banging on their door and to cap it all off, she could feel her blood boiling and anxiety clawing through her skin .

" A-alice the door is almost giving way to his pressure, what are we gonna do? I don't want to die yet " Ayra cried tears streaming down her cheeks thinking of their mom and how she would feel if they got hurt.

" Sshhh ari don't cry you won't die not while I'm still here" Alice consoled massaging her hair and thinking of a solution, had the situation been less dangerous she would have erupted into a fit of laughter at the sight of ayra crying but she would save that for later that's if they got out of this weird situation unharmed.

" Ari this is what we will do , I will shove the door open and use this old hockey stick on him ". She whispered tightening her hold on the hockey stick she had grabbed from the room immediately they heard the strange knock. Ayra's eyes widened in absolute terror shocked by Alice idea " What if they are more than one dangerous man out there? plus he could be armed with weapons " She thought out loud.

" Tsk ayra listen to me I believe it's just a hungry burglar attacking quite neighborhood, I will hit him with all my strength and you run out and search for help I'm certain someone would come to our aid "

" No Alice I can't leave you to him all alone what if- " .

" Sshhh we don't have any other choice sis, any second now that door would shove open so you have to do as I say alright " .

" I'm really scared Alice " She said with a muffled tone that Alice almost didn't hear her properly.

" Don't be scared Ari, we will joke about this by tomorrow " She said giving her a quick hug and hoped she didn't notice how badly her own body was shaking .

" Now I will open it at the count of three and just run as fast as you can ok " Ayra nodded in reply swallowing hard . They made their way slowly towards the already opening door both praying for a miracle to happen , and at the count of the three from Alice it was at that exact moment that the door finally bolted open and before Alice could raise her stick and strike, the tall man fell flat on their doorstep in front of them. Both alice and ayra gave a loud yelp and stepped away from fallen body, alice glanced up into the eyes of the most piercing blue iris she had ever seen and held more tightly to ayra's hands 'What if this was the accomplice ayra was talking about ' She thought to herself narrowing her eyes at the tall brown skinned guy starring down at her, there was nothing special about his features apart from the fact that his blue eyes conrasted with his skin in a mysterious Intriguing manner, plus his mouth was perfectly lined like a female's and Christ was he tall if it boiled down to a flight, alice was certain his long legs would catch up with them in no time .

" Who are you and what are you doing in Nana 's house "? He questioned with a hard tone advancing towards them in a menacing manner but Alice refused to cower before him, somehow she couldn't explain the feeling but she knew he was quite harmless coupled with the fact he knows Nana but her guard wasn't down yet.

" W- we are Nana's gran- " Ayra started softly but Alice interrupted her upfront .

" Who are you to question us " ? Alice started plainly all Alice like her initial fear forgotten " We don't know who you are as well ".

" Such an arrogant fellow " He muttered beneath his breath and stared sternly at alice "Is this a way of showing appreciation for someone that just saved your lives?"

" Tsk how sure are we you ain't an accomplice sent to rob Nana of her precious gold huh? " .

He looked genuinely appalled at her accusations " Heh you watch your tongue young lady , Nana is like a mama to me and I would never do anything to hurt her " He declared a little too seriously.

" First of don't refer m- " .

" Tsk please ignore my sister " Ayra said smoothly to the pleasant stranger . " Do you know my Nana? " .

" Yeah I live next door and I was actually coming on to pay her visit when I met with this man and I knocked him off " He said pointing towards the still sprawled man .

" Oh my thank you so much you saved me and my sister lives, we're her grandchildren " Ayra enthused.

" Ayraaaaaaaaaaa why are you telling a total stranger about us " ? Alice groaned out in consternation.

" Didn't you hear him? He saved us from this burglar and he is Nana's friend, be nice!! " .

" Gosh he could be lying" .

" He doesn't look like a lier "

" Thank you, what's your name? " He asked softly.

" Oh I'm ayra and she's ali- " .

" No I didn't ask for the arrogant 's girl name just yours " He said frowning at Alice .

Alice jaw dropped in surprise while ayra merely smirked , this was the first time a full fleshed boy was not enthralled by Alice's beauty and was actually rude to her.

" I didn't get your name? " Ayra requested liking him already ,seems like her dearest sister has met her Waterloo in him but before he could reply his eyes widened , he shouted at Alice to move " Hey rude girl watch out " then he slipped into blankness.

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