

Ayra woke up with a start and reached out for Jack like she had done most of the time in the night but this time no hands wrapped an arm around her waist and snuggled closer to her. Flirting her eyes open she stared at the position in her bed which had been occupied by him the previous night but was vacant now, " Had he spent a night with her? Or was last night as a result of her overactive imagination? She questioned herself because it had been too peaceful and good to be true but she could smell his Cologne on her body and his jacket wrapped around her shoulders was enough proof that yesterday night had really happened, smiling ruefully she rubbed the jacket against her checks and wondered when he left and the reason he didn't wake her up before leaving .

Ayra stood up from her bed still smiling and feeling warm but immediately her foot touched the ground, the events of the previous day that featured her mom's shameful conduct played in her head and she frowned mightyly. " What a mess she muttered under her breath and decided to check up on Alice after freshing up " . They had zero classes to attend for the day as they were given a two days break to rejuvenate from the excursion saga , getting to Alice 's room the door wasn't locked from the inside but she still knocked for the sake of peace to reign because Alice disliked people barging into her room unannounced .

After knocking for a couple of times without getting any response she mentally counted to ten before walking inside and her eyes widened in shock at the sight before her, Alice was in her bed she was deep asleep quite alright but on a closer look it seemed as though she was having a difficult time taking in air , ayra stared keenly at her and saw her struggle for breath as her heart fell up and down rapidly.

" What could be the problem? was she having a nightmare? "

Alice hey wake up she shoved her awake unable to bear the sight of her struggling anymore Christ it was terrible, in her mind and imagination Alice is always strong and capable and seeing her vulnerable for the first time turned her stomach the wrong way. " Alice are you okay? Take a deep breath please wake up already" Ayra pleaded tapping her checks and wondered if she should get help from their mom , luckily for her Alice darted scared eyes opened and sprang up from the bed and without glancing at ayra she shoved her bedside drawer open and searched madly for something.

Ayra went from shock to confusion, how can she just wake up from a troubled sleep and begin to search for stuff immediately and what the hell was she even searching for ?

" Ali- Alice " She started off softly " What are you looking for? " She voiced out in concern " I can help you look for it " but Alice ignored her and continued in her search.

" Stupid stupid me " Alice cursed at herself internally, how could she have forgotten to take her damn medication before sleeping , justified she had been so mad but the repercussion of missing the medication was deadly , she could literally feel her insides burn plus her lungs were about to fail her and to cap it all off ayra was in her room starring at her as though she had lost her mind. Thankfully she found her pills and clutched at it tightly , swallowed two pills with shaky hands and used her last strength to spring it down with a bottle water .

Ayra watched her swallow some pills then lean against the wall in complete exhustion 'what the heck is wrong with her?. '

Ayra approached her slowly " Alice what's wrong? Please tell me you are making me scared " .

" Don't come any closer to me " Alice warned wading ayra off with her hands ,her eyes was still shut tightly but she could feel ayra advancing towards her . " Christ this was the worst part, the concern , worry and pity that will always trail her if anyone ever finds out " .

" What the heck are you doing in my room this early in the morning? " Alice questioned harsher than she had intended " You know I hate when my beauty sleep is being disrupted yet you do it over and over again " She muttered trying to rile ayra up and make her leave in anger, that's the only solution she could come up with.

" Alice it's not that early anymore and I knocked twice before I ent- "

" Did I give you the permission to come in? " Alice interrupted holding her head in her hands, hoping ayra would leave already.

" No but I'm glad I came in because you probably needed help and God knows what could have happened if I hadn't woken you up in time " .

" Tsk you are the last person I would need help from little sister ,as you can see I'm fine please kindly close the door after you " .

Her last statement had hurt ayra but she brushed it off and stood her ground " I know being mean to me is your favorite hobby but I ain't leaving this room till you tell me what's wrong with you " .

" The Fuck ayra, nothing - is - wrong - with - me " She said spewing each word slowly and wished she had the strength to shove her out of her room. " Gawwwd first she forgot to take her medication and then to lock her door before sleeping what the heck happened yesterday that made her forget her routine ? Oh yeah they had found their perfect mom in bed with another man in their home. She thought remembering the events of yesterday and if only that didn't happen she wouldn't be in this situation right now with ayra interrogating her.

" You don't even sound fine " Ayra stated wondering what she could do to get Alice to talk to her " Are you pregnant? " Ayra questioned out of the blue , remembering the day before the excursion Alice had come back upset and angry at the world maybe it had something to do with her boyfriend Troy she thought to herself.

Alice 's eyes blinked open at her statement

" Preg - what? I'm hardly pregnant ayra " Having regained her strength she stood up from her position and donned a robe .

" Then what Alice? And don't tell me nothing because I saw you struggling for breath in your sleep and - and your hands were shaking " Ayra accused .

Alice took a deep breath " If you must know I didn't have any food all through yesterday and following what mom did I slept with anger in my heart, my body is merely weak from stress nothing more nothing less now please leave me be in peace "

Her explanation was plausible enough ayra reasoned looking her over from head to toes " I'm sorry you had to go hungry Alice I would go get you something to eat in a jiffy " She replied but there a was a light knock and someone came in with a breakfast tray in her hands.