

Jack tiptoed till he got to the entrance of his home, hell it hadn't been easy leaving muffin's heavenly arms but unfortunately dawn came too early and he had to go else he would be courting problem. Tsk spending a night with ayra was one of the memories he would never forget and to think he could spend a night with a girl without indulging in a sexual activity with her but ayra was special and different and elicited a different kind of gentleness and affection from him which he didn't know existed in him previously . Because he wasn't expecting to see anyone in the living room nor was he aware of what has transpired the previous night, he opened the door loudly and was surprised to see his parents sprawled on the bare rugged floor snoring in sleep.

Jack stopped in his tracks and simply stared at them, this was the first time in years he was seeing them in close proximity with each other, seems they were a bit peaceful and kind towards each other while asleep. Still shocked at their position he peered closely and noticed his father's hands were five feet apart from touching his wife's face, he felt nostalgic " Why couldn't they be happy? Why did his father always have to hurt his mom? He questioned into the thin air ? Sighing deeply he brought out his phone and without thinking he took a snap of them, he honestly couldn't pinpoint the real reason he did that maybe he wanted to keep this memory of them alive forever and always reassure himself that once upon a time his parents had been in love with each other. Turning his back towards them he made for his room Catherine roused from sleep that moment and on seeing form moving in their living room she quickly blinked her eyes open and sprang from her lying position.

" Omg jack where have you been? " She asked crushing him in a tight embrace.

Jack was surprised at her actions and gaped at his mom with open mouth unable to reply her question.

" Are you okay? Where have you been you had your father and I worried sick about your welfare, how did you even get in? "

Following the noise Philip also roused from sleep and seeing that Jack was back home safe he heaved a sigh of relief and simply watched as Catherine banged him with numerous questions.

" Ain't you gonna speak? Your mother almost died from worry yesterday, you can't just up and leave without informing anyone " Philip said yelling at him.

" I'm sorry for making you guys worry that wasn't my intention, I honestly didn't think you guys would notice my absence " Jack said primly refusing to meet Catherine's hurt eyes.

" Young man what the heck do you me- " Philip started but Catherine cut him off .

" Jack we noticed your absence son you are our only son and we love you of course we would always notice your absence " Catherine said with emotion filled voice sad at the thought that Jack felt unloved.

Jack gently patted her checks " That's nice to know mom I will be in my room now and I apologize again for the stress " He said focusing on only Catherine and didn't spare a glance at his father it was as though he didn't acknowledge the fact that he was part of the search party and it infuriated Philip to no end.

" Where do you think you are going jack? " Philip questioned glaringly.

"Does he have a hearing deficiency? " Jack thought to himself but knew better than to say it " I am heading to my room father I thought I said that earlier " .

" Not so fast after the stress you put us through so you are just gonna work out without any form of explanation to your parents? How uncultured and disrespectful can you get, is this how you trained him?" He asked glancing at a fidgety Catherine.

" Why do you always blame her "? Jack started genuinely curious to know his reply, " For everything that goes wrong it's always her fault for once in your life take responsibility !!! ".

" Jack please don't speak to your father in that manner " Catherine pleaded.

" No no let him be I can see he has turned into a man to talk back at his father, young man do you know what is irresponsible? The little stunt you pulled last night and God help you don't ever repeat it next time " He warned hating the fact he could never have a proper conversation with his son without getting angry .

" I guess the Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree unfortunately I have your blood in my veins so I am bound to be like this and maybe if you hadn't been such an absentee father I wouldn't have grown wings enough to talk back at my elders therefore this is all your fault " He concluded and wasn't surprised when Philip raised his palms to hit him but unfortunately or fortunately Catherine stepped in and held tightly to his hands.

" Please don't hit him " She begged holding tightly to his curled fist.

" Jack Frost you would explain exactly where you were yesterday night and go up to your room and I restrict you from coming out till further notice" She shouted right at him.

Jack could handle his father's rage gosh he loved annoying him anyways and getting on his nerves but one thing he couldn't handle was seeing pain in his mom's eyes and her being mad at him, it simply broke him to pieces. " A friend of mine was troubled and I stayed with her " He mumbled.

" Does this friend happen to be ayra? " She interrogated still holding on to Philip 's fist.

His eye's sparked immediately at the mention of ayra's name " Yeah mom I stayed with my muffin " .

" Seems like your new friend is doing you more harm than good boy " Philip chimed

" I hope she knows you have a litany of girls around you " He continued.

" Don't speak about my muffin in that manner " Jack countered heatedly.

" Jack go up to your room now!! " Catherine commanded with her last strength. Begrudgingly he obeyed and when he disappeared from view, Philip forcefully removed her hands from his and made for his room without uttering a word to her.

Tired and exhausted of trying to hold the pieces together and always failing she gave a long shrill cry in frustration.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

simply_mackycreators' thoughts