
Freak (Book one)

Amber Williams is a 16-year-old girl who's very much different than the others around her. Her parents own a sanctuary for wildlife and domestic to rehab them before releasing them to the wild or finding them new forever homes. That's all Amber knew as she was so close to the wolf pack that stayed the longest in the sanctuary, but when one day her parents relocate the pack she does everything in her power to get them back. She defies her parents and runs away to search for them meeting new people along the way, ones that either want to get her caught by police or ones that help her along the journey. What will happen to Amber Williams along her new journey? Will she get her pack back? Or will her efforts be in vain?

ChesireWolfKing24 · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

I don't know how long I was out but when I opened my eyes I could see the sky above me any noise sounded muffled as I thought someone was screaming my name. I looked over to see the truck tipped over in a ditch with smoking coming up from it. I felt numb almost all over with heaviness, I blinked slowly trying to recall what happened.

I remember Will telling me how they knew Sirius Bernard. I remember how they explained exactly where my wolves were and that's how they knew where to go. I remember feeling guilty for yelling at Jacob even though he was only trying to help me in his own asshole ways.

Then...I gasped remembering pain, agony, and glass flying everywhere as another vehicle rammed into us out of nowhere. I tried to force myself to get up but pain flared on my right leg and my arm, and my neck felt like it would snap at any moment. I desperately looked everywhere I could to see if I could spot Will or Jacob anywhere.

I finally spotted them not too far ahead of me looking pretty beaten up holding guns in front of them. A couple of men were in front of them with guns as well pointed back at Will and Jacob, what's going on? Did they hit us and try to blame us? I forced myself to slowly get up grunting, my body trying to collapse on itself. My breathing was heavy as I pushed myself to get up.

I held my arm to my front as I limped closer "miss Amber! Stay back!" Will shouted at me when he noticed I came too, I froze, confused and in pain "it's not safe! Please stay there!" I didn't want to listen and wanted to help in some way even in my condition when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

I peeked over to see a wolf in the tree line staring at me. What is a wolf doing out here? I stared at the wolf trying to make sense of why it was there when I saw a familiar puppy beside it. Oh my god, it was mother wolf and her pup! What was she doing all the way out here? She looked at me worried looking between the men in the standoff and looking back at me.

I shook my head at her wincing in pain not wanting her to put herself in danger let alone her pup. She kept herself at a distance even though I could see her struggling with herself, she said something to her pup and he took off in a hurry. I looked back at Jacob and Will noticing the other men were talking to them, but I was just too far away I couldn't hear them, it didn't help when cars drove by.

But what I could hear was a pack of wolves howling and very close by. Everyone looked around confused and maybe even with slight fear in their eyes "why the hell are wolves this close to the highway?!" The lead man shouted looking at his men "I don't know!" One of them shouted back I peeked over to momma wolf seeing her wolf grin I knew what she had her son do now.

I smiled at her grateful as the wolves showed themselves from the tree line closer to where I was. Growling and snapping their jaws at the men inching themselves closer challenging the men to do something. "I ain't taking this chance man I'm outta here!" The men took off leaving the lead man behind as Will, Jacob, and the other man looked in shock at the wolves.

I decided I was done hiding who I truly was I wanted to protect people too, I wanted to protect myself, but I also wanted to protect the two men who have been helping me get my family back.

I straightened myself the best I could call to the mother wolf "don't let them hurt Jacob or Will! The one with the scar and the one with the bald head! There protecting me!" They all looked at me like I was crazy but became even more shocked when they saw that same wolf nod to me in response.

The pack didn't touch Will or Jack but they definitely had the other guy backing up his legs shaking in fear, dropping his gun out of instinct he started running. The wolf pack stopped making sure the guy kept running before turning back into the forest. Will and Jacob lowered their guns turning to me watching how I interacted with momma wolf and her pup as they came over to check on me.

"I'm alright momma wolf I promise, just some major bruising" she whined giving my arm a lick and making me wince she whined some more her worry growing some "I just need to get somewhere that will help me ok? Thank you for the-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I started coughing, blood spattered on the ground, and my vision started blurring as I wobbled to keep standing.

I could hear Will and Jacob shouting my name as momma wolf tried to help me stay up, but the last I remember was falling and then landing on something warm before darkness consumed me.


A beeping sound slowly brought me back from the darkness. I groaned hating the noise as I struggled to open my eyes, I heard movement next to me "Amber" I know that voice, it was Jacob. I cracked open my eyes slowly flinching a little from the bright light above me "turn the light off" Jacob ordered someone. The light disappeared making it easier to open my eyes.

I noticed Jacob and Will in the room as they looked at me Will had more of a worried expression on his face while Jacob didn't seem to have any emotion "where am I?" I asked my voice sounded dry as I coughed Jacob ordered Will to get me some water as I struggled to breathe.

"Don't push yourself to talk your in the hospital, after you collapsed near the highway the police showed up and helped us take you to the hospital" I looked at him trying to open my mouth to speak but he placed his finger over my lips "I said don't push yourself wait to get some water before trying to speak." I glared at him a little but he still wouldn't budge.

After getting some water and feeling a little better after a nurse checked in on me I turned back to Jacob "what happened?" Will pulled up a chair next to my bed "after you collapsed one of the wolves stayed behind and refused to leave your side until authorities showed up, did you know that wolf? Was it one of the wolves you grew up with?" I shook my head feeling slight pain in my neck "no I didn't grow up with her, I met her shortly before I ran away, she didn't trust me at first cause she also had her pup with her."

It almost seemed like they had more questions they wanted answers to so I made to drink more water to quench my dry throat "how-how did the wolf understand you?" Will stumbled over his question like he didn't want it to sound as crazy as it did. I smiled sadly looking down at the water cup in my hand "if I tell you, do you promise not to laugh at me?"

Jacob and Will both looked at each other and looked back at me "we promise" Will said gently placing his hand on my shoulder making sure to not cause me pain. I took a deep breath being careful of my ribs "for as long as I can remember I had this...gift" I started with drinking the rest of the water, Jacob threw it away for me, "my parents noticed when I was able to talk and I started hanging out at the sanctuary, they noticed I would have entire conversations with different animals that were there."

Their full attention was on me as I fidgeted with my fingers, but a hand placed itself on mine I looked up seeing it was Jacob. He had a gentle look on his face encouraging me to continue my story, for the first time I smiled a real smile at him almost catching him off guard "but what my parents didn't know is that I really was talking with the animals, I could understand every word they were saying in great detail, that's how I met the wolves I grew up with."

"The leader of the pack took me in under his paw after he realized my gift, I'm closest to that wolf pack cause they always protected me, and I always talked to them about everything that happened to me over the years including when I was in high school. I even fell asleep in their enclosure!" I giggled a little the memories flooding in as my eyes stung from the tears trying to escape.

"They are my family and they've never betrayed me, I consider them my family than my own parents, I've been so angry at my parents because they got rid of them like they meant nothing instead of thinking with a straight head I ran off, I just want to see my family again" I tried to steady my breathing as the tears rolled down my cheeks. Will tried to help me but Jacob stopped him.

"She's not done talking yet" I took a deep breath "and..I want to apologize for being a bitch to you guys like I have, I know being 16 you guys probably think I'm just a spoiled brat who gets her way with throwing tantrums, but please, believe me, I've just been trying to protect myself, I've gotten into fights before, I've gotten into bad arguments with my parents because they don't understand me and treat me differently, I have no friends at school, I've been bullied for as long as I can remember, I keep to myself because I don't want to get hurt anymore."

"Getting hurt is a part of life" I looked at Jacob "you don't know when it happens, but it will, cutting yourself off from everyone will only hurt you more, being as young as you are you have a lot of learning to do" I nodded not feeling angry at his words but almost like a sense of awakening or peace.

"Though I will have to say that we did have to contact your parents about what happened" I wasn't surprised by what Will said to me being a minor the police did have to know who I was "are they coming?" Will nodded sighing "they should be here in the next few hours by flight" I nodded suddenly yawning "let's leave you to rest up before they do show, you'll need as much energy as you can get."

I laughed lightly at Will's joke as they both got up I suddenly panicked and grabbed Jacob's shirt, he looked down at me in question "I'll leave you two alone for a minute" Will walked out closing the door behind him gently. I let go of Jacob's shirt looking back down "I'm sorry" I said fidgeting my fingers again, he sat back down taking one of my hands in his big one "what are you apologizing for?" The heart monitor gave me away showing that my heart rate was increasing a little.

"I, I wanted to apologize to you for yelling at you the other day at the motel, it wasn't fair to you and I understand now that you were trying to help me, but I am still angry about my phone" I joked lightly seeing Jacob's lips curl slightly in a half smile "yeah I apologize about that as well, I'll pay for a new one" I held his hand "who knew almost dying would help me have a change of heart."

I joked again turning to the window and seeing the outside with other buildings, seeing life go by. I didn't realize I still held onto Jacob's hand as I slowly fell asleep feeling the comfort of being close to me filled me with a kind of peace I never thought I'd get from a human.

When I woke up again I heard the worried voices of my parents as I opened my eyes "I'm right here you don't have to be so loud" mom gasped in shock seeing me awake she rushed over to me hugging me "ow mom" I winced feeling extremely sore "I'm so sorry dear! I've been worried sick about you!" I sighed feeling bad I looked around trying to see if I could spot Jacob but he long disappeared, my hand felt cold without his. I shook my head trying not to think that, he was probably way older than I was! That's disgusting Amber!

I got hugs from both parents as they gushed over me and my injuries asking the doctor a million and one questions. He answered them all efficiently and told them I would be ready to leave in a couple of weeks with some physical therapy. My parents stayed until visiting hours were over and they had to go, they booked a hotel room to stay in during my time in the hospital, and they wished me goodnight, before leaving mom gave me a kiss on the forehead.

The only thing I didn't mention was that I knew they weren't my real parents now wasn't the time for that conversation.


"Where's Will and Jacob?" I asked the nurse when she came to check in on me "oh they left before your parents showed up dear" I don't know why but I felt sad knowing those two just left. Granted I knew they only did it to make sure I was ok but...why did it hurt so much? "I'm glad to see you awake dear, did you get enough sleep last night?" Mom asked walking into the room with dad "yeah I slept alright."

Mom and dad sat on either side of my bed "we want to talk to you Amber" mom started placing her hand on mine "about?" She sighed looking at dad "we know that you love the wolves very much, we didn't intend to hurt you as we did, but we had our reasons why we are shutting down the sanctuary." I sighed tucking some hair behind my ear "we wanted to shut it down because we wanted to be closer as a family and go on vacations and do things family are supposed to do instead of working all the time."

I didn't say anything as they continued "we never meant to make you feel like you were different or not loved, which you very much are Amber, we can't imagine our home without you" I looked up at mom "then why does my birth certificate not have your signatures on the bottom?" They both froze with surprise written all over their face "how did-did you do through my drawer?" Dad asked still in shock "before I left and before you got home I took money out of your safe and all of it is still in my bag I only used like 50 bucks before I met Jacob and Will."

They both sighed looking tired all of a sudden "we meant to tell you but we just didn't know when to" tears pricked my eyes "I wish I would have known sooner let alone at all because now I understand why I'm so different from you and everyone else." Dad placed his hand on my shoulder "please believe me when I say we never meant to treat you any differently, and there's no excuse for all of the things we did do and we want to make it right with you, one step at a time."

I looked at him a little confused "we will take you to the wolf pack" my eyes grew wide as I leaned a little forward "really? We are not going straight home?" Dad smiled gently at me "we will be going back after the doctor deems you releasable, but after you get out we will go the rest of the way to the sanctuary there and visit them." I pulled dad close to hug him as I cried into his shoulder finally being able to see the wolves again, but I'm also grateful I could see my parents once more even if they weren't my birth parents.

"After we get out can you tell me a little more about my birth parents?" Mom nodded giving me a kiss on the cheek "of course dear, we will give you all the information we know about them and what the case worker gave us, though to tell you it's a closed adoption which means the birth parents didn't want anything to do with the child they adopted out, and little information is given to the adoptive parents about the birth parents."

I nodded "I understand, it hurts a little knowing they did that and don't seem to care about me, but thank you for telling me." Both mom and dad stayed with me the rest of the day and even got me some food besides the hospital food, people are right when saying hospital food sucks ass.