
Freak (Book one)

Amber Williams is a 16-year-old girl who's very much different than the others around her. Her parents own a sanctuary for wildlife and domestic to rehab them before releasing them to the wild or finding them new forever homes. That's all Amber knew as she was so close to the wolf pack that stayed the longest in the sanctuary, but when one day her parents relocate the pack she does everything in her power to get them back. She defies her parents and runs away to search for them meeting new people along the way, ones that either want to get her caught by police or ones that help her along the journey. What will happen to Amber Williams along her new journey? Will she get her pack back? Or will her efforts be in vain?

ChesireWolfKing24 · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

I didn't bother joining my parents for breakfast the next morning as I took a shower and got dressed before rushing out the front door towards the sanctuary. I wanted to make sure Alpha was ok as the rest of the pack. I used my spare key quickly unlock the doors and went through my usual routine like always before bringing Alpha and his pack their breakfast.

But I got the shock of my life when I noticed their enclosure was completely...empty. I looked all over the other enclosures thinking they'd just been moved, but to no avail...they were gone. I dropped to my knees screaming in pain and despair. I raced back into the sanctuary looking all over to see if I could find something that could tell me where the pack was relocated, I will get to Alpha and them even if it's the last thing I do.

I didn't even hear the front door chime letting me know someone entered until I heard dads voice behind me "that's enough Amber, they're gone" I stopped slowly turning to him pain still coursing through me "when did they take them?" I quietly asked my body shaking "early this morning when you were still asleep" mom spoke up with what seemed like a sympathetic look "where did they take them?"

Dad shook his head "I will not reveal that to you Amber knowing you, you'll go after them and I cannot risk that" I bowed my head as I slowly took the information I was given. Early this morning...when I was sleeping...they did this because they knew how I would react...I calmly walked towards the entrance "where are you going, Amber?" Dad asked me noticing how silent I am "I'm going home, there's no point of being here anymore dad, you guys won, you've officially lost me."

I walked the rest of the way home but what my parents didn't know is that this search of mine isn't over. I went to my dad's office making sure it was unlocked before I snuck in and went through his files and contacts. I noticed a familiar name in his business list "Sirius Bernard" I said out loud making sure to copy down his number in my contacts before searching again.

I don't know how long I was searching for but I finally found the file that kept all the information on Alpha's pack, I flipped through them making sure not to miss anything that could help me, and thankfully, knowing how my father is he kept the same papers of where they were going.

"Minnesota huh?" I took pictures of everything putting all of the paperwork away just as it was so dad wouldn't become suspicious of me. I went to my room sitting down on my bed to come up with a plan, I could run away heading towards Minnesota to find them, but I wouldn't have money and I can't starve myself I won't be able to make it to Alpha before I drop dead. I could contact Siriou Bernard and let him know what's going on, but he might also be in with my dad and helped him rehome the wolves too so I don't know if I could trust him yet.

Then I remembered that mom and dad had a safe that held their life savings in it from when the sanctuary became a thing. I don't know if I wanted to do that, but if I wanted to find Alpha and his pack I needed to do something, and quick. It's decided.

I made sure to pack clothes and some other things to help me along the way. I made sure to turn my location and GPS off on my phone so I couldn't be tracked by my parents. I hurried into their room opening their closet door and going to the very corner where a decent size safe was located with a 6-digit code, I didn't know what it was so I searched the room trying to find out what I could be.

I grew frustrated trying to find some sort of clue when I looked into my dad's side of the nightstand seeing a piece of paper I opened it hoping it would be the code but to my shock, it looked to be my birth certificate "what's my birth certificate doing here?" I asked myself as I looked it over. I don't down at the parent's signatures thinking it would be my parents, but it wasn't their signatures...they were two different signatures.

Wait...am I adopted? What is this? What's going on? I didn't have time to continue thinking when I heard the front door open, I quickly used the birth date on the paper not thinking anything of it..and it worked! I can't believe it! I grabbed as much money as I could and stuff it into my bag before quietly closing the safe again making sure not to leave a trace. Sneaking back into my room just as mom called up to me "Amber! We want to have a talk with you, please come down!"

I definitely didn't want to do that, especially after all that I've been finding out about them and myself. I opened my bedroom window making my way down the side with the help of the vine board mom put up when I was younger. The second my feet hit the ground I took off towards the forest, they would never think to check there for me. My backpack plus running made me run out of energy faster but I pushed myself until I got to the entrance to the forest as last time.

I looked back once more trying to make it seem like this was all a bad dream but a pinch to my arm confirmed everything for me, I took a deep breath walking into the woods and not turning back.

I soon made it to the same spot I met mother wolf and her son almost hoping to see them there but it was silent not a single sound of a twig snapping. I sighed sitting by the water for a bit just as tears filled my eyes I cried my eyes out all the feelings rushing at once to the surface, betrayal, hurt, pain, anger, resentment, I let it all out I needed to if I was going to make this journey. Crying isn't going to bring them back home and it certainly isn't going to answer my questions about who my real parents were.

I wiped my face free of tears as I took a deep breath to refocus my attention on the task at hand. I got up brushed myself off and walked further into the woods following a map on my phone in the direction I need to go.


It's been 5 hours since I began walking through the woods and I've made it to the highway walking along the edge making sure cars didn't come too near me. My phone has been ringing off the hook for the past 3 hours once 'mom and dad' realized what had happened. I declined their call each time not wanting to answer so they could track my number as I know they have some friends on the police force.

"I need some dinner" I muttered to myself under the harsh wind of the highway, haven't been able to find a gas station or a small truck stop just yet, a couple of people tried pulling over and asking if I need a ride, I declined each time not trusting them granted I know getting rides could help me to get to my destination faster but until my gut tells me to take it I'm not getting a ride just yet.

I declined yet another call from dad as there also messaging my phone trying to get me to call them and that they got people searching for me, but I didn't care I shut my phone off for the time being knowing what direction I'll be going for a distance.


After another 3 hours, I finally found a truckstop so I stopped there for the time being to get some food to eat and get some extra food with some drinks before taking off once more I'm not going to stay longer than I have to.

I finally hitched a ride from someone as my feet really hurt and I went with my gut feeling thinking I should be alright but if I need to defend myself I will. "Where you headed sweetheart?" The older man asked I almost cringed at the nickname "I'm heading towards Williston North Dakota sir" I said looking out the front window "lucky for you I'm headed in that same direction, may not be the same town but it's closer" he chuckled heading down the road 'don't worry Alpha, I'm coming for you' I thought with determination.