
Fragments of a Billionaire's Heart

In the luxurious beachside home of multimillionaire Mark Matthews, a hidden battle rages. Mark, afflicted with a mysterious illness that is slowly consuming him, has all but given up hope of finding a cure. His reclusive existence is shattered when he hires a new housekeeper, Isabella, whose arrival brings unexpected light into his life. As Mark and Isabella navigate their tumultuous relationship, from a rocky start to a blossoming love, Mark finds new reasons to fight for his life. Little do they know, the source of Mark's illness is someone close to him, a revelation that will test their bond to its limits. As their love grows stronger, so does the threat against them. Those who seek to harm Mark see Isabella as a danger and will stop at nothing to eliminate her. Caught in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, Mark and Isabella must rely on each other as they uncover shocking truths and race against time to find a cure. In this tale of love, romance, betrayal, and resilience, Mark and Isabella must confront their demons, both internal and external, and find the strength to fight for their future together. Will they find a cure before it's too late? Will their love survive the trials that await them? Find out in this gripping and emotional story of love's power to overcome even the darkest of circumstances

David_Ale · Ciudad
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14 Chs


"Pling"… The notification tone on his PC disrupted the stillness of the office as Mark Matthews sorted through his morning emails. Opening the message, he found the previous month's report, customarily sent by Elizabeth.

He glanced through it and acknowledged that she was excelling in her role. Since he put her in charge he had never been given cause to regret it. She was running the company quite smoothly, a peculiar feeling crept over him – She ran the company as well as he ever did.

He knew he should be grateful that he had someone as capable as Elizabeth running his company for him while he dealt with his health issues, but a part of him couldn't help feeling sad that life seemed to be going on smoothly without him. Trying to shake off the notion, he dismissed it as a caffeine-induced hallucination, noticing his third cup of espresso growing cold.

Attempting to shift his focus, Mark let his mind wander to thoughts of Isabella. Since revealing the truth about his health, she had occupied his thoughts more often— as more than just a drinking partner. He had expected a wave of pity, but Isabella bypassed it, earning his gratitude. Though not the most trusting or accommodating person, Mark wondered how he had coped before she entered his life.

When the clock struck 1 pm, signaling lunchtime, Mark headed to the kitchen, hopeful that Isabella had prepared something. Finding her at the sink, hands wet from washing, he admired the crispness of her black uniform from behind, momentarily questioning the necessity of the attire before recalling it as another of Elizabeth's ideas.

"Hey, what are you up to?" Mark asked from the kitchen entrance.

"You're just in time," Isabella replied, waving him over. "I prepared a little surprise for you."

With a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind, Mark eagerly approached her. As he entered the dining area, he was met with a table adorned with vibrant colors and the inviting fragrance of a Mexican feast.

His eyes widened in surprise, realizing it was Chicken Mole – a dish he had casually mentioned to Isabella just three nights ago during a late-night conversation on the bench. She had playfully promised to look into it, and now it lay before him.

The Chicken Mole was displayed on an intricately patterned platter, the dark, velvety sauce drizzled over succulent pieces of tender chicken. The dish was garnished with toasted sesame seeds and fresh cilantro, creating a visual masterpiece that mirrored the richness of its flavors.

As Mark took the first bite, the depth of the mole's taste transported him back in time. He was pleasantly surprised by both the authenticity of the dish and Isabella's culinary prowess.

"Thank you," he finally remembered to say after the lunch was done and cleared. "I guess I was so excited I forgot my manners."

"Well, you pay me well, sometimes your manners can be forgiven," she replied with her wicked sense of humor, and they both grinned.

"Besides, it was my way of saying thank you for letting me use the truck," she said.

"Oh, if that's how it is, maybe I owe you another favor soon," he teased.

"Maybe you do," she agreed, and they burst out laughing.

The crunching of a car tire on the driveway caught their attention as they went to investigate. Mark recognized the familiar soft humming of the BMW outside and suspected it was Elizabeth – he wasn't expecting her, not that she needed an invitation.

Meeting her at the foyer, Mark called out, "Hey, I didn't know you were coming."

"Yeah, it was unplanned… I just wanted to drop this off," she said, stretching an envelope towards him. There was nothing written on the envelope, so he glanced inside, where he found two VIP tickets to the L.A. Galaxy vs. Inter Miami game that coming weekend

"Soccer tickets?" Mark asked Elizabeth with genuine surprise. "What am I to do with these?"

"Ronald Shaw just acquired a 30% stake in the Galaxy franchise, and as you know, he has been a long-term friend and client of the company. We also played a key role in his latest acquisition, so here is a little gift from him," explained Elizabeth.

"Oh, I see," Mark nodded. "So, two tickets for me and you? You can keep it, you know I can't attend."

"I know, and it's not for me and you. It's for you and a plus one. It's only right that the ticket reaches you even if you don't intend to come," Elizabeth clarified.

A loud gasp behind him alerted Mark to Isabella's presence. He hadn't noticed her enter the foyer.

"No ticket for you then?" Mark asked Elizabeth, surprised.

"Oh, don't be silly. I am Mr. Shaw's plus one for the game… plus, we will be having dinner tonight at Providence to finalize some agreements," Elizabeth replied.

Oh, that explains the excitement, Mark thought."Plus one? You do know he is married right? We can't have you starting a scandal right now"

"Oh relax. The man is in the middle of a divorce, I think he can be seen with whoever he wants"

Great, Everyone seems to be going on with their life except me. "Wow, sounds like fun," Mark commented dryly, feeling a twinge of envy. She is enjoying living my life, he thought.

"Yeah, well, I have to go now. I still have lots of preparation to do… oh hey there, Isabella," Elizabeth said, waving to Isabella as she turned towards the door.

Elizabeth was a hard woman, finding little humor in everything and having next to no life outside of her job. Her brief marriage had barely lasted two years before her ex-husband filed for divorce, claiming it was like being married to a ghost, but as he watched her walk back to her car, Mark sensed her genuine excitement.

Was it because of the dinner with Shaw? He didn't want to begrudge her for being excited, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he should be the one out there.

Turning back to face Isabella, who was grinning widely with her hands crossed on her chest, Mark couldn't help but wonder what she found so amusing.

"What?" he asked her. "Did I do something?"

"Elizabeth has a date? Can you believe it?" She asked

"I am as surprised as you are. I always thought hell would freeze over before I see that"

"I know right? Sometimes I wonder if she still has a vagina down there" she said, giggling.

He couldn't help but chuckle at that. "I hope she does, or Shaw would be in for quite the surprise," He said.

"I am happy for her though. She could use some fun"

"Yeah, lucky her" He replied dryly.

"Speaking of fun. A ticket to L.A. Galaxy vs. Inter Miami," Isabella exclaimed excitedly. "Do you know what that means?"

Mark could think of several meanings but decided to humor her. "No, I don't."

"Really?" Isabella looked a little disappointed. "It's the first game of the season, The first game Thiago will play for them since his signing. You do know he is the biggest football star in the world."

"Yes, everyone has heard of Thiago…but how do you know so much about soccer?" Mark inquired.

"That's because I'm Mexican. We watch a lot more football than you guys," Isabella replied, somewhat abashed.

Mark knew she was right. Mexicans were big football fanatics, and not of the American football popular in the U.S. It was a shame that neither sport mattered to him right now.

"Well, you can have the tickets if you want," Mark offered as he handed the envelope to her. "But I won't be going."

"Why?" Isabella asked incredulously.

"What do you mean why? You know why," Mark replied firmly.

"But Mark, it's just a two-hour-long game…surely you can manage that," Isabella argued.

"No, Isabella, you know the risk. I can't take such a risk," Mark stated firmly. "And that's final."

"Looks like Elizabeth isn't the only fun-killer around here" she grumbled as she sulked away, leaving him alone in the foyer.

But that wasn't the end of it. Isabella was a force of nature when she wanted something, as he learned that week. She hounded him relentlessly, day and night, without respite.

A couple of times, he lost his temper at her, but she would quickly retreat into her room, only to return a few hours later to continue her persuasion. She even went as far as reminding him of the favor he promised her for the chicken mole, but still, he refused to budge.

It was on Friday morning that she decided to change tactics and attack his pride. "You told me you weren't done fighting for survival, but it looks like there isn't much you are living for currently," she said to him as he was taking a bite of pancake glazed with syrup.

"What the hell does that mean?" he snapped, his temper flaring.

"Well, what I'm saying is if it's so difficult for you to go out and have some fun, to remember why you love your life… how do you intend to beat this sickness?" Isabella challenged.

Recognizing her ploy, he asked, "How is a football match going to help me beat my sickness?"

"Maybe not, but at least you'll remind yourself of the life you once had, the life you're trying to get back… something you seem to have forgotten," she replied.

It took a couple more exchanges like that before she finally wore him down that afternoon. If two hours of a football game were going to save him another twenty-four hours of nagging from her, it sounded like a fair deal.

Mark had never seen Isabella as excited as she was that Saturday morning as she dashed through her chores as someone possessed. For breakfast, she switched it up and made him smoked salmon toast with lots of cream cheese, along with his favorite espresso.

"We should leave by noon," she informed him as he ate. "It's a 50-minute ride to the stadium, and even though the game starts at 3, we want to avoid traffic."

By 12, they were both ready and dressed. Mark had opted for a stylish yet casual look with a sleek navy, well-tailored sports blazer layered over a crisp white button-down shirt, paired with tailored chinos and white Alexander McQueen sneakers. Isabella had chosen a lightweight blue bomber jacket over a pink graphic tee, paired with a black leather pencil skirt and white sneakers.

"Damn," he exclaimed when he saw her. "I doubt I'll pay much attention to the game with you looking like this."

"You like it?" she asked hopefully.

"I love it," he said. "You look beautiful," he told her as he leaned in for a kiss, her blood-red lipstick feeling sticky on his lips as he wiped it off.

"Now I have to redo my lipstick," she grumbled playfully.

Mark had been hopeful of avoiding as much attention as possible, but when he looked at her, he knew he was walking into a den of attention with her beside him. But he liked it. Let them stare, he thought.

Besides the Ford Raptor, the garage also housed his chauffeur-driven BMW 540i, a Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended Wheelbase, a Ferrari 812 GTS, and a vintage 1964 Ford Mustang hardtop. Feeling a little adventurous, he picked the Ford Mustang as they headed towards the Pacific Coast Highway.

It was two hours later before they were settled into their seats at the Dignity Health Sports Park, with the energy of the stadium enveloping them. Located in Carson, the stadium boasted a vibrant atmosphere, with enthusiastic fans clad in the white of the LA Galaxy team filling the stands around them.

The suites at the stadium offered a luxurious setting for the game, with comfortable seating and panoramic views of the field below. Isabella and Mark found themselves in a spacious suite adorned with the team's colors, where the plush leather seats offered prime viewing of the action on the pitch.

The suite was abuzz with excitement as guests mingled and enjoyed the pre-game festivities. Wait-staff circulated with trays of gourmet snacks and refreshments, offering a tantalizing array of options to indulge in before kickoff. From gourmet sliders and nachos to artisanal cheese platters and fresh fruit skewers, the culinary offerings catered to every palate.

Mark spotted familiar faces among the dignitaries and VIP guests in attendance. Celebrities, executives, and sports enthusiasts alike mingled and exchanged lively conversations, adding to the electric atmosphere of the event but Mark found himself being interested only in the sights of Isabella beside him.

He could feel her sense of excitement as she glanced around the room and tapped him whenever she saw a celebrity she knew. The atmosphere of the occasion coupled with the comfort of the VIP suite was sure to make for an unforgettable experience for her, while for him, it added a layer of anticipation, promising an evening filled with excitement, camaraderie, and perhaps even a touch of romance amidst the thrill of the game.

It was a few minutes to the start of the game, with the teams already out on the pitch for the pre-game processions, and the rest of the VIP guests arriving when Mark heard a familiar voice call out his name from behind.

"MARK?!" A familiar voice echoed through the bustling crowd, causing him to turn around to find her striding confidently towards him. The look of surprise mixed with trepidation on her face was unmistakable.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she closed the distance between them.