
Fragments of a Billionaire's Heart

In the luxurious beachside home of multimillionaire Mark Matthews, a hidden battle rages. Mark, afflicted with a mysterious illness that is slowly consuming him, has all but given up hope of finding a cure. His reclusive existence is shattered when he hires a new housekeeper, Isabella, whose arrival brings unexpected light into his life. As Mark and Isabella navigate their tumultuous relationship, from a rocky start to a blossoming love, Mark finds new reasons to fight for his life. Little do they know, the source of Mark's illness is someone close to him, a revelation that will test their bond to its limits. As their love grows stronger, so does the threat against them. Those who seek to harm Mark see Isabella as a danger and will stop at nothing to eliminate her. Caught in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, Mark and Isabella must rely on each other as they uncover shocking truths and race against time to find a cure. In this tale of love, romance, betrayal, and resilience, Mark and Isabella must confront their demons, both internal and external, and find the strength to fight for their future together. Will they find a cure before it's too late? Will their love survive the trials that await them? Find out in this gripping and emotional story of love's power to overcome even the darkest of circumstances

David_Ale · Ciudad
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14 Chs


"Where to, miss?" The cab driver asked as Isabella bundled herself into the cab with her small luggage that morning. It was her first day at her new job, where she was to meet Elizabeth at the house by 9 am.

"Malibu," she answered him as she settled into the backseat with nervous anticipation.

"You work in Malibu, miss?" The driver asked after a while with a southern accent, sensing her apprehension as he glanced at her through the rear-view mirror.

"It's my first day at a new job," Isabella replied with a smile.

"That's lovely. Is it for anyone famous?" He asked again.

Contemplating whether to answer, she finally replied, "Well, kind of. Maybe you might know him… Mark Matthews."

"Oh… him? Yes, I've seen him a couple of times on TV. I would be careful though if I were you," he told her, with a look of concern on his face.

"Why is that?" She asked, suddenly curious.

"Ain't nobody seen the man in a while, miss. Someone like that doesn't just up and disappear… he's either dead, in prison, or worse. Either way, I would be careful if I were you," he answered.

"Maybe he just took some time away from public life… people do it all the time," she told him. She had heard the rumors too but was trying her best to take them with a pinch of salt.

"Maybe?… but have you seen him yourself since you got the job?"She shook her head, so he continued, "You see, something ain't right… just be careful."

After that, neither of them said much till he dropped her at Mark Matthews' gate. As he turned to go, he reached out to give her his card and said, "If you ever need me to come pick you up anytime, just call me. The name is Moses," and with that, he zoomed off, leaving her alone at the gate.

A few minutes later, she was shaking hands with Elizabeth at the entrance to the house.

"As you can see, Ms. Fernandes, this is more than a house. It's a sanctuary. Mr. Matthews values privacy above all else," Elizabeth explained, her heels clicking against the polished marble floors, as she showed Isabella around the house.

"He is a very busy man, but recent events require him to stay away from public life for the main time so it would just be the two of you. As long as you do your job well and stay out of his way, you two will get along just well." she continued as they climbed the stairs.

The morning sun stretched across the estate, casting a golden glow on the duplex that stood like a fortress on the small hill overlooking the ocean.

Isabella marveled at the surreal beauty that had eluded her during the interview. The house, an architectural masterpiece, exuded an air of luxury that made it seem almost otherworldly.

Elizabeth, dressed in impeccable elegance, led Isabella on a tour through the sprawling property. Isabella nodded as she spoke, taking in the grandeur around her. The building was a symphony of luxury, with five rooms, walls adorned with priceless art, and windows framing picturesque views of the ocean. 

"Your main tasks involve tidying the whole house, laundry, and preparing his meals. Beyond that, there is not much that will come up. He won't be receiving any visitors so you should have privacy as you do your job and your free time is yours to use as you see fit." Elizabeth said as she rounded up. 

"Any questions?" She asked turning to face Isabella as they stood in front of one of the rooms

"Yes," Isabella answered, glad she would finally be able to ask the question on her mind since the tour started. "I wonder if Mr Matthews has been made to understand my predicament as regards my evening classes.?

What she truly wished to ask was where Mr Matthews was. They had been to the length and breadth of the house but the man was nowhere to be seen. He seemed to be elusive as the gossip claimed.

"Yes, he has been made aware. As I said, once you are done with your daily chores, your free time is yours to use as you see fit… Although now will be a good time for me to tell you that you can't have guests over, do you understand?". Isabella had expected that and she nodded her agreement. 

Elizabeth opened the door to the room, leading her to a cozy room that was twice the size of any room Isabella had ever slept in. "This will be your living quarters, Ms. Fernandes. Your uniform is laid out on the bed. You'll be responsible for keeping it clean and presentable."

Isabella entered the room, her eyes widening at the sight of the uniform neatly arranged. Black silk shirts, a short skirt, body socks, and shoes were all meticulously chosen to match the aura of sophistication permeating the estate.

Everything about the house radiated wealth, but the need for a housekeeper became obvious to her during the tour. She could tell that it had been a while since someone kept the house tidy. 

As she looked around the room, Isabella felt a sense of purpose settle over her. The tasks were straightforward enough, but the idea of sharing the same roof with her new boss was going to take some getting used to.

Soon after Elizabeth excused herself citing the need to go to the office but not before saying "Mr Matthews, will be back tomorrow. I would expect him to find his house clean and tidy when he gets back. 

Isabella found herself alone in the expansive house. The grandeur seemed to amplify in her solitude, but she shook off the notion, realizing that the intimacy of the arrangement only added to the allure of the job plus the generous pay, erased any lingering doubts. 

The opportunity was not merely a career move; it was a lifeline for her mother's well-being. As she paused to reflect, her thoughts drifted back to the arduous journey they had undertaken since leaving Cielo de Aguaviva, a small town nestled in the southern part of Mexico.

The memory of that fateful night echoed in her mind. Nine-year-old Isabella was roused from her slumber by her mother, who, without explanation, urged her to gather a few belongings. Silently, they navigated the dimly lit streets, guided by the shadows, to a clandestine meeting point known to those seeking the aid of coyotes for an illegal journey across the border to the US.

The scenes from that night blended with the countless near-death experiences they endured before and after crossing the border. The arduous journey was etched in Isabella's memory—a narrative of resilience and survival. From one menial job to another, they scraped and worked tirelessly, navigating the labyrinth of uncertainty to reach the present moment

With determination, she changed into her uniform, letting the silk cool against her skin. As she made her way through the vast house, the silence amplified the echoes of her footsteps. The mansion seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the return of its elusive master.

Her first day on the job unfolded in a routine of meticulous cleaning, organizing, and overseeing the daily operations. Isabella moved through the rooms like a silent guardian, tending to the needs of the estate with quiet efficiency, until she got to the master's bedroom, which she found locked.

Next to it, a striking glass mosaic portrayed Mark Matthews, a man whose allure was unmistakable even in the artful depiction. His handsome features seemed to leap out of the mosaic, leaving an indelible impression.

As she gazed at the portrait, Isabella couldn't help but understand the rumors that swirled around Mark's romantic escapades. The charisma radiating from the mosaic hinted at a man who effortlessly navigated the world of high-profile relationships. His dark, tousled hair and those hazel eyes spoke volumes about a playboy lifestyle.

Isabella's thoughts drifted to the infamous affair with the McCarthy twins, a scandal that had gripped the tabloids. The mosaic seemed to capture a moment in time when Mark had been at the center of a storm, entangled in the drama of a love triangle with two identical sisters.

A wry smile played on his lips in the portrait, leaving Isabella to ponder the absurdity of twin sisters publicly tearing at each other over a man. Yet, looking at Mark's attractive visage, she couldn't help but agree that there was something irresistibly magnetic about him that could drive such a dramatic rivalry.

Next, she headed to the spacious eat-in kitchen. Like most parts of the house, there was a little dust settled all around the table and cabinets, inviting her to begin her cleaning duties. On the kitchen table was a paper bag filled with groceries that included two loaves of sliced bread, a pack of eggs, oatmeal, a liter of milk, and some fresh fruits.

As evening descended, the house took on a different charm. Warm lights illuminated the surroundings, casting a cozy glow on the polished surfaces. Isabella found herself standing by a large window, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean.

Suddenly, the shrill of her phone's ringtone pierced the still night. A glance at the screen showed it was Maria, and a knowing smile played across Isabella's face. Maria wouldn't have missed hearing from her on her first day.

"Hey," Isabella answered when she picked.

"So, tell me everything. How was your first day? How was he? Are you pregnant yet?" Maria screamed into the ear.

Isabella smiled as she replied gently "No, not pregnant yet, and and am not doing that. Besides, I haven't seen the man yet." 


"Yeah, I am alone in his house right now," Isabella said casually.

"Wow, maybe the rumors are true after all" Maria said

"What now, what did you hear this time?" Isabella asked her. Maria never seems to disappoint when it comes to gossip.

"Honestly Izzy, they say the man hasn't been seen in over 3 months. He just suddenly disappeared from the public life he was used to and no one has seen him since then."

"Well, maybe he just needed some space or he left the country." Isabella found herself defending her invisible boss again. 

"No, I bet there is more than that. Maybe…maybe he did a sex change. He is now a woman and no one knows yet"

Isabella didn't know when she burst out laughing. As far as ridiculous ideas go, that one topped the chart. She couldn't imagine the man she had gazed upon his portrait tonight turning into a woman.

"Well, I was told he would be back tomorrow. If he comes in here wearing heels, I promise you would be the first person I would call" Isabella said when she finally stopped laughing. 

"Ok fine, laugh all you want. But you better keep that promise." 

"I will"

A Few minutes later when Isabella finally hung up, The question continued to linger in her mind—where was Mark Matthews? His absence, now more than ever, felt like a lingering enigma. She wondered if he watched over the estate from a hidden vantage point or if he roamed the world, a phantom in the shadows.

The next day held the promise of answers, as Elizabeth assured Isabella of Mark's imminent return.