

Matthew_Nattrass · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Fox heart

In the darkness the god of chaos awakens he shifts and stirs the darkens ripples then he freezes. The darkens was thick too thick as if enclosed, he tries to stand but a barrier stopes his movements 'ha they finally did it I guess years of me getting what I want didn't help actually what year is it' but as he thought this he had no way to tell the shadows around him were to thick even through they were of his domain and thus under his command their was nowhere for them to go then his container cracked.


As I slowly open my eyes I instantly close them my mother is standing over me with that look, you know the one, "what have I do now" I say as if I care in the slightest "well your going to be late for school and your brother needs dropping off and I'm busy so you have to do it" she replied with an indignant sniff as if she was my better then the cow trots out of my room for me to get ready for hell.

As me and Johnathan pulled up to the gate he turned to me "no matter what they do dont do what you did last time I actually like this place" he said in a very big brotherly voice "well its not my fault they thought the punishment did fit the crime" I replied chuckling slightly "you some how got a teacher and some kids to physically assault you because they were mean to you" "and now they cant hurt anyone" I cut in quickly he gave me a look that said I was and idiot "that's because they are in prison now because you recorded the whole thing" he was still giving me the look "shouldn't I be telling you this your my little brother" I couldn't keep a straight face while replying everyone know I my be older but Johnathan was the mature one I was a prankster (even if people said they weren't pranks but criminal offences).

I couldn't help it and all the people that got one of my lovely pranks always deserved it but because of me my family had to move three times in the past year alone my mother was sick of me but she has been since Johnny was born and dad left shortly after I got here, I dont even know why I stay sure Johnny loved me but he would be better of without me in the way he may have only been eleven but he was a genius, where as I was mediocre at best.

after saying his peace he hopes out of the car and heads in to school I decided I didnt want to go today to I go for a drive to get my head cleared then it happened, darkens enclosed my vision and I slipped away never to return to the world that didn't want me. In another realm the god of chaos chuckled "perfect" earth want his favourite creation but he had the perfect place for Eric.


author's note

hey this is my first story tell me what you think so far and you can say anything as long as its creative criticism dont be an as*hole