
Fox Mccloud -Virtual Shinobi

A man begins a video game that claims to be a beta for the worlds greatest virtual reality video game. His memory has been erased. A unique, instinctual character creation leads to becoming the character class Ninja, or Shinobi. Join Fox Mccloud as he explores this world, undertakes new challenges, and finds out who he really is along the way.

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16 Chs

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

//author's note-Fox cannot see the level of anything more than 5 levels higher than himself//



The Panther-Man took some sort of object that was around his eye and handed it to me. "You saved me, so I want you to have this."


You have received an Enchanted maki lens-[Mystic Class]-A small lens that magically attaches outside the eye. This lens is very hard to detect. Enables the creation of a telepathic link. Only one link may be active at a time. Lens also allows the user to see the physical representation of maki[soul power] without the prerequisite training.

I thanked him and equipped the lens.

Suddenly, the area around me changed. I could see the wild sporadic energy that I thought I was fluidly controlling. It was not as I pictured in my mind.

My maki (soul power) was a mixture of colors, but it was thin and wispy. I thought I had made a huge impenetrable sphere. The reality was, my Maki was not that strong. There was a sphere, but it was made with wispy tendrils of maki.

The Panther-Man was using maki as well, but his control was much more fine-tuned. His maki was black and looked hard, like steel. He was using it as armor.

Monk class...

The Panther-man laughed and said, "Must be your first time to see the Maki, it can be overwhelming."

"Yeah...it is...How come your soul power is so tough looking? I asked.

" I have trained many years to achieve this control of my maki. You can do the same if you focus, and practice. Maki is strong by itself, but its true power comes from the strength of the mind. If it is a blade you need..."

The panther man illustrated his point by shifting the maki around his hand. It elongated into a four-foot black blade.

"That's awesome, " I said, "Now who are you, and why are you telling me all this?"

"You are right not to trust me. My appearance is similar to the rat-men. It would be easy to assume that I am being controlled like them. They could not, so they locked me up here and left the rat to guard me. My name is Keto. I wish to destroy the rat and all forms of corruption in this world. For, this, I will need your help. "


You have received a new quest.

[Keto's Request]

Do you accept?

I nodded in approval. " I will help you."

Quest accepted!

[Keto's Request]-Keto requests help in defeating the Gluttonous Rat[Boss].



I pulled out a piece of elephant jerky and gave it to Keto. "Here, eat this regain your strength before the battle."

With no hesitation, he began to devour the jerky.

In between bites, he thanked me. "Young Ninja, where did you get such a delicacy?

I laughed, " Turns out, the right-hand rat has been keeping a secret stash. That was where I found the key."

"Ha! I knew it!" Keto exclaimed. "That Rat! I knew he didn't lose the key! He just didn't want me to leave."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The Right-hand rat, his name is Kale. He is a victim as well. He would often talk with me. He's very into fitness. I consider him a friend. If there is a way we can not destroy him..."

I grinned a mischievous smile, "I have an idea. "


A few minutes later everything was in place. Keto had shown me a way to hide myself using my maki.

I had gained a new skill.

[Hide Presence]-Undetectable to low intelligence monsters.

This allowed us to simply walk by the rat-men without them noticing us.

The first part of the plan was already underway. I had created a temporary telepathic link with Kale. Which had successfully pulled him away from the boss rat to check his stash.

Keto would incapacitate Kale, and then join me in fighting the boss.

I just needed to sneak in...attach "the thing" and wait for Keto to get done.

Easy peasy.

I shadow jumped back to back through the boss room.

This placed me right behind the sofa.


[Corrupted Gluttonous Rat-Man[Boss]] has noticed you. Entering combat.


I rolled to the side as a huge flabby rat claw swiped where I just crouched.


"AGGH! WHO!", The boss rat yelled in frustration.

I shadow-jumped to a small shadow behind the portal. I quickly pulled out 'the item' and affixed it to the portal.

The rat boss had found me.

He laughed and spewed some kind of green gas from his mouth. It filled the area in front of him instantly.

I activated quick steps and ran...but I couldn't avoid it.


You are now affected by poison.

You have taken 3 damage! [22/25]

You have taken 3 damage! [19/25]

You have taken 3 damage![16/25]

The poison was quickly killing me.

The plan...

What happened...

How did he notice me?

I continued to move around the room as the rat laughed and spewed more poisonous gas.

You have taken 3 damage[13/25]

I focused on my Maki. If it could be used to make a blade, surely it could get rid of the poison. I imagined the current of my maki pushing the poison out of me.


You have expelled the poison!


You have learned a new skill!

[Expel poison]-Will expel poison currently in the bloodstream.



You are now affected by poison!

You have taken 3 damage! [10/25]


You have expelled the poison!

The room was now covered in poison gas. Even though I could expel the poison, I would get re-affected immediately.

I was doomed. I didn't care though. I just wanted to help these people, whatever the cost. Even if it costs me my life.

I activated telekinesis and tossed the shurikens I had in my hand. Two invisible hands grabbed the shurikens and sent them flying.

You have dealt 2 damage!

You have dealt 2 damage!

The blinky red light on the collar stopped blinking.


The room shook with the sound of the explosion.


You have destroyed the corrupted portal!

" NOOO!!! MY POW...AGH!" The boss screamed as his body began to contort and shrink.

The poison gas began to disappear as the Boss turned into a small, chubby, bald man. He was now cowering behind the couch in a very undignified manner.

Suddenly MashaMura was standing in front of me, smiling. "You did well, my student. You have passed my test. I will take it from here."