

Sullivan turned around quickly at the sound, his face brightening up at the sight of his partner back on her feet.

"You ok? you took a pretty long nap." He said to her setting the fish back over the fire and standing to his feet to greet her.

"Just fine, though you're going to have to give me a run down of where we are and why." She said walking toward him. She stepped around him and quickly grabbed the fish that he had placed over the low burning fire, sitting down on the log that sat across from him.

"What do you think you're doing? that fish is mine. I caught and cooked it." Sullivan said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh shush up, i'll get you some more later so let me have this one." she commented, more of a statement than asking for the fish. Sullivan simply smiled to himself as he sat back down and grabbed a fish for himself.

"So, where are we exactly?" Seliana asked in between bites.

"I actually cant say, after you got knocked out I thought we were done for. I tried to run but was cut off by the guy who was most likely that groups leader. Just when I thought he was gonna kill me, he just seemed to freeze, the whole group did actually. I just ran and didn't look back, and once I got to tired to carry on I set up camp here."

Seliana finished her fish and threw the bones into the fire, then looked up at Sullivan.

"So we don't know where we are, but were still alive at least. And for some reason you were able to escape from a situation in which you should have most definitely died in?" She asked pulling her hair out of her face. She had rare, snow white hair and sapphire blue eyes. It was one of the reasons that so many bandits attempted to capture her, it's a dead give away that you have noble blood flowing through your veins.

"Yeah, I'm not sure why exactly they froze but it doesn't matter. We'll stay here for a few more days then set off to see if we can find a town or village near by." He said finishing his fish and also tossing it into the fire and getting to his feet.

"You should rest a bit more." He said beggining to walk towards the stream which he had found not to far away.

"Where are you off to?" She said standing up and walking back towards the tent.

"To wash up, I haven't had the chance to in a couple days." He said as he continued to walk off. Sullivan and Seliana while partners hadn't actually known each other all that long as Sullivan was not a noble but actually a commoner who had helped her in her time of need. He does however have golden eyes which is quite unusual for a commoner, and his ginger red hair makes them seem to stick out even more.

"Right, we can discuss living situations when you get back, see you in a bit?" She said pushing aside the flap to the tent.

"Yeah, see you in a bit." He said walking off.

Lester stood to his feet now back in front of his house, he looked around still slightly confused about his encounter with what claimed to be time itself. It had been common knowledge that each element had an embodiment, and that kitsunes could actually get the power of the time element. However you had to be chosen by an element and time was indeed extremely rare as the embodiment of its elemental force seemed to be quite picky. Hearing that he had this element from a machine meant little to him compared to actually meeting his element for the first time, as weird of an encounter as it may have been.

He turned to look at the stream behind him and reached his hand out to it. He had barley begun to concentrate on it when it froze it place, and even began reverse its flow a little. He however found that his energy was being drained at a considerable speed and chose to stop reversing and instead concentrate on simply holding it in place. As his energy began to lessen more and more, he found that green mist once again began to spread from his hands. He put his arm down and let the water continue to flow as not only was he running low on energy but a small dam like effect had begun to occur on the water that had not been frozen by his abilities. He walked to his house entering it and sitting down at his table, he thought silently to him self. As he sat he found before long the sun began to set and he stood up his eyes growing emerald green in the night as he walked to his chambers, finding the idea of resting his fatigue away and sleeping on all that he had found happen to him self recently to process it quite appealing.

I know this one could be considered long as well but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please make sure to leave a review and comment as it really helps me understand if you guys like the story and also helps get my work out there so more people can read my work as well.

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Jordan_Futchcreators' thoughts