

Lester went through the portal and everything turned white, then golden and green as his body felt like it was free falling through an endless sky. He closed his eyes as he tumbled through what seemed like a void . He fell and fell until finally he just stopped, he opened his eye and found himself in a dark void, he saw a bit of light and walked towards it. It was like a wall of light and through it he could see the human realm, thoughts and memories seemed to just upload into his brain. He was seeing someone else's life, his destined's life.

"Im inside of his conscience, I was really hoping to actually meet him even though she said it would be like this. Well lets see what i can find out about him." Lester said to himself as he touched the wall of light, it changed from a view of the world to a kind of home screen. Lester clicked a button that read customize. He set it to his old house in the spirit dimension, then turned on the voice control setting.

"Show me his name." Lester said to the screen of light, and the it searched through memories till if found one that it zoomed in on

"Welcome to this world my child, your name shall be Sullivan." A woman holding a little kid said. From the look of it Lester was able to gather that this was his mom .

"Hmm, so the voice recognition works and i have free range of his memories. Then i might be able to communicate with him through this." Lester spoke to himself as he began to ponder on how exactly he could communicate with Sullivan. He sat down and let out a deep sigh.

"Maybe it has like a communicator of some sort that can transport my words to him?" He asked him self as he sat there thinking. The house flashed red, quickly switching back to a view of the outside world.

"Danger!" The screen shouted to Sullivan. He turned around to see Sullivan walking down a street with a girl his age, it seemed normal enough to Lester until he saw a man stalking them from behind on the rooftops, he had a crossbow in his hand and was pointing it at Sullivan's chest.

"Would you like to take action?" A monotone female voice said to him.

"Nah just let him die, what the heck? Of course id like the take action, what can i do?" He said to it quickly spotting more than a few other men tailing he two.

"Would you like me to activate conscious communication?" It replied completely disregarding his sarcasm and any remark beside a question or command.

"Yes please i'd like that very much, like now." He said to it getting more annoyed by the second, he could see the man on the rooftop rasing his crossbow to fire at Sullivan.

"Activated, your communication will now be relayed to Destined ID: Sullivan." She said as a mic came out of the floor underneath him and stopped at his mouth."

{Well telling him directly probably would be weird as a conscious, so i should try to act like a thought.} Lester thought to himself.

" Somethings not right, you should look behind you." He said into the mic.

He looked up to watch Sullivan look behind him and sure enough spot the man with the bow. The man fired at Sullivan who quickly managed to duck under it and drew his sword.

"Move it!" The man shouted, more cloaked men began to come from allies and buildings crowding around Sullivan and the girl.

"The missy there has a bounty on her head, one that were after." The man from the roof said using signs and boxed to climb down swiftly, he quickly loaded another bolt into his crossbow and pointed it at Sullivan. They were surrounded 6 to 2.

"I cant do that, plus i doubt she'd go willingly." He said stepping aside to show her holding two daggers.

"You should listen to him and back off now." She said.

"Can't do that, and if you aint gonna come willingly we'll have to make ya." he said. He did some sort of hand sign and the other men began to draw their weapons and move closer. The one that seemed to be the leader quickly took aim at Sullivan and waster no time shooting. Sulllivan has already broken through the gard of one of the men surrounding them and used him as a human shield.

"Nice shot piss for brains, you've taken out your own man." He said rushing forward still holding the guy. He threw the mans body onto the leader causing them both to tumble to the ground. He raised his sword to finish him off but had to block an attack from another one of the crew. Sliding the new opponents sword off to his right Sullivan kneed him in the stomach and quickly pierced his chest.

Seliana had problems of her own as two of the men has rushed at her to take her away as the others fought her companion. She dodged under the grasp of the first one to rush at her, slashing behind his knee and using her other dagger to stab pit of the second.

Sullivan dashed swiftly moving in to the deal with the last the last two aside from the leader. He locked swords with one who pushed Sullivans sword to the ground and elbowed him on the jaw as the other raised his sword above Sullivan, The one with a raised sword never got to bring it down as Seliana came from behind slashing his neck and Sullivan quicky tripped he one that managed to drop him he stood up and plunged his blade down finishing off the last of the crew.

"You're welcome." Seliana said sheathing her daggers.

"Last time I checked they were after you, but i supposed i can thank you this once." He said sheathing his sword as well.

Lester noticed the man with the crossbow loading another bolt and aiming at Seliana.

"Its not over!" He shouted into the mic attempting to warn Sullivan.

Sullivan jumped in front of the Selliana wrapping his arms around her and shielding her from the shot. The blot pierced his lungs and he slid off of her falling to the ground. Seliana quickly drew her dagger flinging it into the leader and dropping down to check on Sullivan.

"Danger, fatal injury occurred." The voice alerted Lester.

"No crap! What can i do to help him?" Lester said to it frantically.

"Would you like to lend your spirit power?" it asked him.

"Yes, do that." Lester said. A stone altar emerged from the floor in front of him.

"Please place you hand on the altar." It said to him. He placed his hand on it and green mist began to drain from his body and enter the altar, lester could feel all the power drain out of him and he fell to the ground as the last of the mist entered the altar.

Mist began to spread all around Sullivan and entered his lungs, the bolt began to fade and while Sullivan was no longer gasping for air he did not wake up. Lester however could not continue to watch, the energy that was drained from him was great and he began to lose consciousness and passed out before long.