

Lester awoke, sitting up quickly and frantically looking around. The space around him wasn't the same, there was something in the distance now. It looked like a giant circle, he walked towards it and gradually and as he came closer he could see it was a giant clock. Right where the 6 should be there was a door and both hands were on 1. He opened the door and walked in, inside he could see green mist in a humanoid form. As he walked towards it, it looked at him and spoke in a voice that seemed to come from everywhere.

" Come, take my hand." It said reaching out to him. He couldn't seem to turn away, not that he wanted to. Lester grabbed hold of the mist hand, to his surprise his hand didn't go through, but actually made contact. It began to shape into him, taking his features, completely looking like him.

"Now awaken, and truly start down your path. With your own power." As it said this Lester quickly sat up, in the same house he was in before he passed out. He stood up swiftly, and began looking around, he once again found the screen he used to watch the fight go down. He scrolled through to get an outside view, looking out he could see Sullivan and the girl, Seliana, walking down a dirt road talking to each other.

"So, he escaped ok at least, but what the heck was that dream all about?" Lester questioned himself as if expecting some answer from the void, but unsurprisingly all the came back was silence. he leaned on a wooden counter and began to think back on the events before he passed out, the only thing that came to mind was when the arrow disappeared from Sullivans body. He sat up and paced around the house.

"Hey void, can you give me any information on what happened?" He said taking a seat at what would normally be the kitchen table.

"You lent Destined ID: Sullivan spirit power of Lester of the kitsune clan."

"And what would said spirit power be?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid that DNA from the altar interaction has not been processed yet, so this information is currently unknown."

"Well thats useful, then i suppose i'll rest for a bit." He said walking to his room. He looked around his room, everything was as it should be like back home but it still felt a bit lonely. He got into his bed and layed down.

"Turn on night mode." He said to the void.

"Turning on night mode, good night sir." it said, it was a nice sentiment but the monotone voice took away any sense of having a companion. So he just lie'd down and drifted to sleep.

Please leave a review and your thought about the chapter and the book so far in the comments. Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Jordan_Futchcreators' thoughts