
Chapter 67

It seemed weird that he hadn’t been scared of Padraig, just wary, when he’d first moved in. He’d felt about him like he would any new person he spent time with, including Emil, for fuck’s sake, and Emil was the least threatening human being he’d ever met. The incident had affected everything, and he knew he’d be lucky if he’d ever get over it completely. Fortunately his sometimes-absentminded veterinarian was on the same wavelength with him.

Living together as an official couple had changed some things. They now had pet peeves when it came to each other. Somehow they managed to discuss them, though. It had been eye-opening to find things about Padraig he didn’t really like, and to realize it went the other way too.

He didn’t like the way Padraig sometimes whistled along with commercial jingles or other music on TV, because somehow his ears hated whistling in general. It made his skin crawl. Whistling once to a dog was fine, but whistling a tune was horrible.