
Four Villainess in Another World

In an another world where four powerful women, Tatiana Tremaine, Lily Violetsteel, Blanc Whitewinter, and Sakuya Kurogane, were once feared as villainesses, their lives take an unexpected turn when they find themselves transported to a new and mysterious realm. Despite their dark pasts, fate brings them together, and they form an alliance with a shared purpose—to restore balance and find peace in their newfound world

Azanami_Sensei · Fantasía
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60 Chs

Chapter 45 Night Parade of One Hundred Monster

Tatiana's Perspective

Part 1: Night (Lily's Room)

Guided by Lily's words, I found myself face to face with a girl with striking white hair. Lily had mentioned that a creature, a kind of monster, expressed a keen interest in establishing contact with me. Intrigued and with a sense of anticipation, I followed Lily to her bedroom, where this unusual encounter was set to unfold.

Lily's request echoed in my mind, fuelling my eagerness. We stood together, hand in hand, our foreheads almost touching. The room was aglow with a soft radiance as the magic began to weave its enchantment. The creature that lay before us, a being named Lyra, awaited the contract's embrace. As I channeled my magic into Lyra, a subtle connection was forged, sealing our fates together.

"That should suffice, you are now Lyra," I announced, my fingers tenderly ruffling her hair. Our faces gradually withdrew, a sense of accomplishment mingling with curiosity.

Lyra, a vision of porcelain skin and flowing white hair, possessed an air of innocence that mirrored Blanc's petite stature. Her red eyes held a certain depth, a glimpse into the world that only her heart could illuminate.

My exuberance bubbled forth uncontrollably. "So utterly adorable!" I exclaimed, enfolding Lyra in an affectionate embrace. The maid's uniform she wore was the perfect accompaniment to her cute demeanor. Her face, though lacking in overt expressions, exuded a captivating charm.

A subtle nod accompanied by a gentle tug of my hand solidified our bond. Lyra's presence was as captivating as it was enigmatic. "Emotionless yet enchanting," I mused.

Lily's voice resonated, a reminder of the reality around us. "Thank you, Lady Tatiana. I shall take it from here." Her bow of gratitude was sincere, a testament to the bond we all shared.

Welcoming Lyra into our eccentric family, I couldn't resist another gesture of affection, my hand finding its way to her head. "Welcome, Lyra," I whispered softly, savoring the warmth of the moment.

With a sense of accomplishment settling in, I addressed Lily. "If there's nothing else, Lily, I believe it's time for me to rest." The night's events had left their mark, and a well-deserved rest awaited me.

I walked back to my room, my footsteps echoing softly on the second-floor hallway. The ambient light was dim at this time of night, casting elongated shadows along the corridor. As I neared the study room, I expected to find it in darkness, yet the room was eerily empty.

A moment of confusion settled in, and then it dawned on me—Blanc must have already retired to her room. A gentle smile tugged at my lips, appreciating her decision to rest rather than succumb to the allure of burning the midnight oil.

"Hey there, Lumi. What's the rush?" I inquired with a smile, my eyes catching a vibrant light bounding gleefully along the hallway toward me.

"Kyuu!!" Lumina's exuberant response echoed, her bouncy movements dancing atop Jiggly the Slime.

"Late-night playtime with Jello, huh?" I chuckled, channeling a hint of Lily's playful scolding. I couldn't help but tease her about her penchant for sun-soaked naps. My ever-changing names for the slime were my quirky way of addressing her—perhaps an unintentional consequence of my own forgetfulness.

A subtle sadness tinged Lumina's response, her kyuuu carrying a hint of remorse. It seemed she interpreted my words as scolding, an unintended consequence of my banter.

I softened my tone, offering reassurance. "Oh, Lumi, don't be sad. You're free to play, just remember not to stay up too late, alright?" I sighed gently, my expression a mixture of understanding and care. Lumina's happiness was palpable as she nodded, a silent agreement that bridged our understanding.

As I observed the pair—Lumina atop Jiggly—merrily frolic through the hallway, a warm chuckle escaped my lips. "Off they go, a dynamic duo." My amusement was undeniable, though the reminder of the danger lurking in the late-night corridors lingered. After all, Lily's vigilance was a force to be reckoned with, as proven by yesterday's incident.

Sakuya's presence, unexpected yet oddly fitting, drew my attention as I approached my room. Her customary attire and a sense of anticipation hinted at an adventure in the making.

"Good evening, Sakuya. What brings you here at this hour?" I greeted with a respectful bow, curious about the unexpected sight of her standing outside my room.

"Perfect timing," Sakuya responded, her voice carrying a note of excitement. Her outstretched hand extended an invitation that seemed to hold an air of mystery.

A smile touched my lips as I accepted her offer. "I'm in. But where exactly are we headed?" My curiosity got the best of me; I was eager to uncover the secret behind this nocturnal venture.

Sakuya's hesitation was intriguing, yet her determination to keep the surprise alive was evident. "I have a place in mind—a friend of mine extended an invitation." A certain sparkle in her eyes indicated a surprise in store, a notion that had me grinning in anticipation.

"Ah, an intriguing proposition indeed," I replied playfully, already envisioning the adventure that lay ahead. It struck me that a change of attire might be in order, considering the public nature of our escapade.

As I voiced my consideration, Sakuya attempted to allay my concerns. "There's no need to..." Her words were cut short as her hand gently held mine, a sudden connection that left me momentarily speechless.

I blinked, struck by the unexpected touch. A mix of shock and curiosity played across my features as I met her gaze. Her gesture was both bold and unexpected, a captivating twist in our interaction that left me pleasantly surprised.

Part 2: Midnight (Archania's Forest)

Sakuya's familiarity with these surroundings was evident as she effortlessly leapt from building to building, carrying me in her arms. The cityscape blurred into a canvas of shadows as we moved toward the east, each leap eliciting a tightened grip from me, afraid to falter amidst this gravity-defying journey. A telltale blush warmed my cheeks, my proximity to Sakuya both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

And then, a soft utterance from Sakuya brought us to a halt. "We're here," she announced, her gentle descent placing me on the ground with a care that spoke of her regard for my safety.

As I cast my gaze upon the dense forest before us, a striking contrast emerged. Within the forest's embrace lay an open expanse, bathed in the luminous glow of the moon, transforming the night into an enchanted daylight. The beauty of this place, illuminated by the moon's radiance, was a sight to behold.

Sakuya's reasoning for bringing me here unfolded like a secret unveiled. "I wanted to invite you tonight because the moon is exceptionally lovely," she shared, her eyes meeting mine in a way that made me question if her words held a deeper meaning.

I nodded in agreement, my embarrassment tugging my gaze away from hers. "Indeed, it's a full moon tonight," I responded, my own blush heightening under the awareness of her scrutiny. Our silent exchange was an unspoken acknowledgment of the moon's splendor.

A new presence entered our midst, a figure that seemed to be an embodiment of power and grace. She lowered herself in a bow, a gesture that radiated both humility and honor. "Oh hoho, welcome, Your Highness, Princess Tatiana. It is truly an honor to meet you," she greeted, her humility striking me as genuine.

Her pipe drew my attention, its elegance mirrored in her demeanor, exuded a commanding presence, her white hair and porcelain skin a testament to her strength. The air seemed to shimmer as she exhaled, the smoke from her pipe intermingling with the night.

A burst of azure light illuminated the area, casting a warm and inviting ambiance. My thoughts mirrored the glow as I marveled at the blue flames, their dance casting an otherworldly warmth over the surroundings.

Caught in uncertainty, I hesitated to address her appropriately. "Uh..." I stammered, my uncertainty palpable.

Archania, sensing my hesitation, chuckled softly. "Oh, where are my manners? I am Archania, the Queen of Spiders. Please accept my humble apologies for any breaches in decorum," she introduced herself with a blend of regal grace and approachability.

With a relieved smile, I replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Madam Archania." Her presence was both awe-inspiring and comforting, a paradox that intrigued me.

Her amusement twinkled in her eyes as she remarked on my knowledge of her title. "Ah, it seems you are already familiar with my status. But 'Madam'? That does sound intriguing," she noted with a playful gleam in her eye.

"I meant..." I stumbled, my cheeks flushing as I tried to explain my word choice.

A sudden interruption diverted our attention to a pair of black-haired beauties approaching Sakuya. Their tugs on her arms were filled with a blend of affection and possessiveness, a display of sibling dynamics that seemed almost theatrical.

Archania's amused voice broke through the scene. "Ah, there they go again," she chuckled, her bemusement evident. Her gaze shifted to me, a silent acknowledgment of the familiar sibling rivalry.

Sakuya's detachment from the situation was intriguing. Her uninterested expression was a stark contrast to the energetic exchanges around her, an enigma within the familial interplay.

Amusement danced in Archania's eyes as she observed her children's antics. "Ah, it seems my children are rather taken with you, Lady Sakuya," she mused, her tone light.

The tugging on Sakuya's arms was a display of sibling rivalry in full swing. The elder sister, her fingers firmly clasped around Sakuya's right arm, issued her possessive decree, "Get out of here, dear sister, she's mine. I've already made up my mind."

In response, the younger sister's grip tightened on Sakuya's left arm, her voice dripping with mockingly biting words, "Hmph, as if I could concede to you, old lady. You're just not up to the standard of Lady Sakuya." Her jest, laced with age-related mockery, hung in the air, though Tatiana's discernment couldn't distinguish the minute difference between their appearances as exact twins.

Sakuya's demeanor remained stoically uninterested, her expression devoid of any discernible emotion, a portrait of serene detachment amidst the verbal exchange.

Archania, ever the amused observer, chimed in with a hint of playful intrigue, "Ahaha, it seems my children are truly taken with you, Lady Sakuya." Her tone suggested that she anticipated and relished this spectacle, reveling in her daughters' antics.

Caught in the midst of the sisterly drama, my concern for their wellbeing took precedence. "Is it going to be alright?" I voiced, my worry directed not at Sakuya, but at the well-being of the sisters embroiled in their competitive banter.

The elder sister dismissed the age disparity with a clever argument, "What do you mean by 'old'? I was just born five seconds earlier, that's all. Really, dear sister, you might want to wash your mouth with soap water – it's been rather foul." Her words carried a hint of persuasion, a playful attempt to subdue her sibling's biting retort.

The younger sister, however, had her counter in place. "One second is enough to make you older. Why don't you back off like a good elder should? Give up, already," she argued, advocating for the older sister to gracefully concede to the younger.

As their bickering escalated, the air filled with their chatter, their voices intertwining in a symphony of sibling rivalry.

Sakuya's sigh signaled her desire for an end to the spectacle. "Sigh... Let me go now," she declared, the nonchalant flick of her arms sending her squabbling siblings stumbling backward, landing unceremoniously on their backsides. Sakuya's bored expression, unaltered by the chaos, was a testament to her unflappable nature.

With her sisters dismissed, my attention turned to Sakuya as she turned her focus to me. A coat materialized in her hands, a protective gesture as she gently draped it over my shoulders. The chill of the night breeze against my nightgown was abated by her considerate act.

"You all can't even match for her," Sakuya remarked with a chuckle, her eyes warmly fixed upon me. Her smile, as enigmatic as ever, held a magnetic quality that made my cheeks burn with a mix of embarrassment and delight. Yet, even in that moment, the full depth of her intentions remained a puzzle, one I couldn't quite decipher.

Archania's clapping hands signaled the next act in this familial drama, her amusement akin to an audience enjoying a soap opera. "That was quite a performance, Lady Sakuya. And both of you have thoroughly embarrassed me tonight. Brace yourselves for what lies ahead," she quipped, her words a playful warning to her daughters.

The scene shifted as Archania summoned her children, their united chant marking the beginning of a ceremonial celebration. Magic danced in the air as the forest transformed into a banquet of wonder, a testament to Archania's power and the unity of her family.

The night's festivities carried us away, a whirlwind of celebration and magic. The banquet, prepared by Archania's nearly one hundred children, enveloped us in a symphony of flavors and camaraderie. Amidst the revelry, a familiar figure caught my eye – someone who bore a striking resemblance to Lily. Uncertainty lingered within me, but fear of the unknown silenced my curiosity.

Sakuya's voice carried in the air as she inquired about my whereabouts. Archania's response was marked by a sip of her glass, an air of casualness that contrasted the magical setting.

I stood alongside the sisters, my presence a quiet observer to their spirited endeavors.

"Hey, isn't this a bit too short?" I voiced my concern, my worry stemming from the skirt's length that seemed to expose more skin than I was accustomed to as a Daughter of Tremaine. The standards of elegance and modesty ingrained in me clashed with the daring cut.

"Milady, you have to accentuate your features to ensure she falls in love with you," the elder sister reassured me, her deft hands working to adjust the dress. With a determined expression, she ensured that the outfit showcased me in the most alluring light.

"That's right, you want her to think twice if she ever considers cheating on you," the younger sister chimed in, her fingers nimble as they fashioned my hair into twin tails, a style that radiated youthful charm.

A weak laugh escaped my lips, my nerves tingling at the edge of this unknown path. Despite my apprehensions, I managed to utter, "Ahaha..." The notion of me and Sakuya held romantic intrigue was too far-fetched, given that she was a woman, a fact that remained resolute in my mind.

With their adjustments complete, the sisters stepped back, their eyes gleaming with pride at their handiwork. The mirror before me offered a reflection of someone new, yet strangely familiar, as the dress melded beautifully with Sakuya's attire. The camaraderie of our outfits brought an unexpected sense of unity, bridging the gap between us.

"How do I look, Lady Sakuya?" I emerged from the dressing room, eager for her opinion. Our eyes met, and my heart raced with anticipation. I couldn't wait to see how Sakuya would react to my transformation.

A slight hesitation flickered across Sakuya's features, her response measured. "You look very beautiful, Tatiana," she finally uttered. The moment was suspended, a delicate dance of emotions hanging in the air. Unexpectedly, she embraced me tightly, catching me off guard. My heart raced, and I instinctively returned the hug, my arms encircling her back, though my height limited their reach. The warmth of her embrace made my cheeks flush with a rosy hue.

Archania's voice, carrying a trace of amusement, echoed through the scene. "My children, you truly have a talent for stirring up chaos," she noted, her words a gentle reminder of the unbreakable bonds that defined family.

As the night drew to a close, the echoes of the enchanting forest lingered in my memory. With the echoes of camaraderie and magic accompanying us, we made our way back to the manor, where the moonlight whispered secrets to the night and the memories of this extraordinary evening found a permanent place in my heart.

-Chapter 45 End-