
Four Villainess in Another World

In an another world where four powerful women, Tatiana Tremaine, Lily Violetsteel, Blanc Whitewinter, and Sakuya Kurogane, were once feared as villainesses, their lives take an unexpected turn when they find themselves transported to a new and mysterious realm. Despite their dark pasts, fate brings them together, and they form an alliance with a shared purpose—to restore balance and find peace in their newfound world

Azanami_Sensei · Fantasía
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60 Chs

Chapter 38: Spider Queen Cavern First

Lily's Perspective

Part 1: Afternoon (Spider Queen Cavern's Entrance)

"We've arrived," Lady Sakuya announced, her voice breaking the silence like a blade. Our horse, Kaze, halted near the entrance, bringing our journey to a temporary pause.

Staring at the entrance of the Spider Queen's Cavern, a mix of excitement and tension surged within me. Our mission was crystal clear: dismantle the Spider Queen's operations entirely. Our journey from the town to the east had been quite the trek, but now, standing here at the entrance, I felt a curious blend of fascination and apprehension.

The entrance itself was cloaked in glistening webs that extended all the way to the cavern's gaping mouth. It was almost poetic, these intricate structures weaving together to form a chilling invitation, reminiscent of the spider-filled environment that awaited us beyond. It was as if the webs held a hidden symbolism, mirroring the very essence of the spiders that claimed this domain.

In contrast to the eerie surroundings, my maid outfit surprisingly offered me a sense of comfort. However, Lady Sakuya stood beside me, decked out in a full ensemble of leather clothing, topped with a sleek black hood. As she casually removed her hood and handed it over, I took the opportunity to neatly fold and stow it in my sling bag, appreciating her efficiency in these matters.

With genuine gratitude, I turned to Lady Sakuya and thanked her for the ride. "I truly appreciate the ride, Lady Sakuya. It was quite an experience."

Lady Sakuya's attention shifted to Kaze, and her gentle strokes accompanied her command for the horse to graze on the nearby grass. Obediently, Kaze trotted off to a nearby open field, taking in the lush greenery.

A thought crossed my mind, and I leaned in to whisper to Lady Sakuya, "Is it safe to let Kaze roam freely like that, especially with potential observers?"

Lady Sakuya's response was as composed as ever, her confidence unwavering. "I don't believe they're interested in the horse. Kaze can handle himself if any trouble arises."

While observing the distant figures who seemed to be watching us, I swiftly counted their numbers and roles: four armed with swords, two archers, three wielding magic, and a lone observer stationed at a distance. Their level of preparation for our arrival struck me as both amusing and intriguing.

"It's quite generous of them to grace us with their attention, isn't it?" I remarked with a wry smile, injecting a hint of humor into the situation.

Lady Sakuya's response was matter-of-fact, and her tone remained steady. "Let's proceed inside."

Taking her lead, we ventured into the depths of the cavern, leaving behind the prying gazes of the strangers. The interior of the cavern was an intricate tapestry of webs, each strand a testament to the laborious efforts of the resident spiders. Though the environment carried an undeniable unease, there was also an odd beauty in the intricate design – a delicate reminder of the harmony found even in the depths of nature's darker corners.

"Their hesitation to follow us inside is quite telling," I mused aloud, noting the sudden halt of the strangers' advance.

"Most likely, they're anticipating that we'll face some monstrous entity within and aim to strike when we're at a disadvantage," Lady Sakuya analyzed, her deduction reflecting a sharp understanding of their potential strategy.

As we ventured deeper into the cavern, I couldn't help but be captivated by the unique ambiance it offered. Glowing moss adorned the walls, casting an otherworldly glow that illuminated our path. This ethereal illumination, combined with the complex webbing, painted an atmosphere that was both enchanting and eerie.

"Isn't this sight simply mesmerizing, Lady Sakuya?" I couldn't resist teasing Lady Sakuya, eager to glimpse her perspective on the enchanting scenery.

Lady Sakuya's response carried a hint of nostalgia, a fragment of her past brought to the surface. "I've encountered something akin to this before."

Intrigued, I prodded for more details. "Oh? Care to grace me with the story of this encounter?"

"Lore speaks of the Tsuchigumo dwelling within dense forests and secluded mountains, intricately weaving webs to ensnare unsuspecting travelers. Its visage is a terrifying one, with multiple eyes that gleam with malevolent intent and sharp fangs poised to inject venom into its unfortunate victims," Lady Sakuya shared, her voice tinged with a gleam of terror, though her strength remained unshaken.

"It's quite intriguing. In my own world, such entities were nonexistent," I commented with an amused smile, recollecting the absence of monsters in my previous reality.

"The Tsuchigumo is a master of illusion and deception, with the ability to transform into an ordinary object or even masquerade as a human, enticing its prey closer. Once its unsuspecting quarry is within striking range, this arachnid menace pounces with lethal precision," Lady Sakuya continued, painting a vivid picture of the creature's chilling tactics.

"And how does one overcome such a formidable adversary?" I inquired, curious if there was a way to counter such a cunning creature.

Lady Sakuya's response held a touch of reminiscence. "In my previous world, there was no need to. We respected certain territories and avoided encounters like these out of cultural norms."

Drawing a parallel, I offered a comparison. "So, it's like predators refraining from attacking their own kind?"

Lady Sakuya's smile hinted at shared understanding. "Precisely."

As our conversation flowed effortlessly, our steps led us deeper into the cavern's heart. Suddenly, a sound pierced the stillness – the sound of a young girl crying. My attention shifted toward the source, where I noticed a white-haired girl crouched against the cavern wall.

"Take a look over there, Lady Sakuya," I directed her gaze, eager to hear her thoughts on the matter.

Lady Sakuya's eyes followed my gesture, and though her expression remained unchanged, I could sense a hint of intrigue in her demeanor. It was as if this encounter was a puzzle piece she had been expecting.

Intrigued by the situation, I took a step forward, bringing our exploration to a momentary pause as we assessed the scene before us.

Part 2: Evening (Spider Queen Cavern's Ground Level)

Approaching the distraught girl, I couldn't help but be moved by her desperate pleas. "Are you alright, little girl?" I asked with genuine concern, closing the distance between us.

Between sobs, she managed to communicate her urgent plea. "Hic hic, please, you have to help my mom!" She clung to us as if we were her last hope, her grip a mixture of fear and desperation.

I gently embraced her, trying to offer comfort amidst the turmoil she was experiencing. "We'll do our best. Tell us what happened," I encouraged, hoping to piece together the situation.

Amidst her tears, she shared her harrowing story. Her mother had valiantly distracted a monstrous entity, allowing her daughter to escape to safety. But her mother had been captured and taken deeper into the cavern against her will. The girl's resolve to save her mother was palpable, and I couldn't help but admire her determination.

"Where is your mother now?" I inquired, my expression shifting from concern to determination. We couldn't leave her mother in danger.

"She's further inside, this way. I can guide you to her," the girl responded, urgency driving her actions as she positioned herself in front of us, ready to lead the way.

Turning to Lady Sakuya, I couldn't help but voice my suspicion. "Lady Sakuya, there's something odd about this situation, don't you think?" I whispered, subtly pointing out the girl's rather unusual behavior and the speed at which she had become our guide.

Lady Sakuya's response was pragmatic, her focus on the task at hand. "Yes, but let's proceed for now. We'll figure things out."

With Lady Sakuya's lead, we followed the girl into the depths of the cavern, leaving the ground level behind.

Entering the Spider Queen Cavern's Middle Level

Guided by the strange girl, we arrived at an open area that revealed a unique feature – small holes dotted the ceiling of the cavern, hinting at the presence of potential lurking spider monsters above. The sight brought a smile to my face, as I continued to follow the girl, intrigued by her apparent knowledge of this terrain. 

"Lets stop over here," Lady Sakuya declared, bringing her stride to a halt, her demeanor reflecting a sense of boredom that had seeped in.

Perplexed by Lady Sakuya's sudden pause, the girl's voice wavered as she questioned, "…What do you mean, big sister? My mother is in trouble." Her expression held a mixture of bewilderment and surprise, her gaze alternating between Lady Sakuya and the uncertain pause.

"Ufufu…," I couldn't suppress a chuckle as I joined the conversation, "I'm afraid your little act has its flaws." My smile was warm and revealing as I admitted to our realization, standing alongside Lady Sakuya.

Determined to hold on to her ruse, the girl persisted, her voice slightly panicked as she pleaded, "Wh-what are you talking about? My mother needs help!"

Lady Sakuya, in her usual perceptive manner, observed the ceiling and deduced, "Hmm… I suppose if we continue any further, we might find ourselves blocked off from retreating." Her voice held an analytical tone, as she painted a vivid image of the potential scenario, highlighting the significance of the holes and their placement, which hinted at an imminent confrontation.

I eagerly expanded on Lady Sakuya's deduction, agreeing with her assessment. "Indeed, Lady Sakuya is quite right. It appears that they've laid a trap for us, intending to crush us from both sides." My smile turned slightly mischievous as I unveiled our understanding of their strategy.

A sharp exclamation escaped the strange girl's lips as she reacted to our deductions. "Tch! You think you're so clever."

The sudden shift in the girl's demeanor was startling. From a seemingly helpless maiden, she had transformed into something darker, exuding an air of malevolence.

I couldn't resist offering a word of advice, my tone soft but unwavering. "Oh, one more thing – your attire doesn't exactly befit a casual traveler. Perhaps you weren't aware, but those clothes are reserved for the nobility. It's not common for noble ladies to travel alone."

The girl's façade crumbled further, revealing her true nature. Her eyes blazed with an eerie red hue, a transformation reminiscent of a spider's essence. "It matters not. My mother will have a new meal, just like always."

Intrigued by her proclamation, I leaned in slightly. "And how do you intend to accomplish that?" I inquired, genuinely curious if this spider girl possessed some sort of secret.

-Chapter 38 End-