

Punishment bestowed by the god has left the world in shambles... Demons lurk the word killing most of the population and while almost all of us were wiped out, those who sought retribution gave us a chance at survival. Blessing us with powers that helped us rival those monsters who drank our blood and cooked our meat. Even though we humans went through all of this, 1000 years later we still discriminate, steal and lie. Orchid's born into the healer class, he seeks a change. He who once tried to find it in a peaceful way later turns to gain strength to destroy the very people who discriminated against him and caused him pain.

DimSum · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Scatter Zenbonsakura

The healer checked his pulse once again after noticing that Orchid was responsive. He called in the nurse to bring in an ECG to check his heart rhythm.

"Move aside" he pushed Jake aside, he started to attach electrodes and clamps onto him,

Jake was quiet, he wasn't bothered by the doctor's rudeness, the only thing he was concerned by was Orchid condition. The doctor scrambled around before rushing out of the room. Everyone was stunned not knowing what to do, all they could do was watch in silence as the medical team took care of Orchid.

The nurse finally instructed them to move out of the room,

"We need space, please wait outside while we check on him." she was stern with her tone and pushed everyone out not waiting for a reply.

A minute later 3 doctors rush in, one of them being the doctor that Jake drag in before. The three of them didn't understand what was going on, when Orchid spoke to Jake, it didn't seem like he was in that serious condition. He got restless, thoughts started to cloud his brain.

"What's wrong?" Racquel asked him

"Don't worry he'll be fine." Racquel placed her hand on his knee, trying to console him. At first Racquel, didn't understand why he concerned himself this much with Orchid. He would come in most days and just sit in his room. At the start, it annoyed her but later she soon understood that there's something more to their relationship than what Orchid told her about.

Jake looked at her, giving her a nod, it didn't cure his unrest but maybe just a bit of the worry went away.

One by one the members of the medical team walked out of the room, the three rush to their side to ask them about Orchid, and the older doctor noticed them.

"You three are the patient's acquaintances I presume?" he acknowledged them as they rushed to his side

"Yes we are" Racquel replied

"Honestly, we don't know what to say other than he's okay, we can't really explain how though" he spoke slowly

"What do you mean doc" Alek asked

"He wasn't supposed to get up this early." the nurse added

"We are going to do some tests just to make sure everything's alright before we allow the 3 of you to meet him, just to be safe." the senior doctor replied

Jake pulled his collar, he asked in a fierce tone.

"Is he alright? Did you do your job right? Or did you just fool around in there?" the senior doctor answered him calmly,

"Sir, we did everything we could so far, we just need to do a few more checks to make sure nothing is going wrong in his body."

Jake let him go as Racquel pulled him away from the doctor. The doctor stepped back and adjusted his coat and spoke to Racquel calmly.

"If everything goes well we can probably let him go soon. But I have to say honestly, I don't know how did he get well so soon. It didn't seem like his condition was doing that good before." he replied

Jake looked at him with a stern stare,

"You probably didn't do your job right that's why he didn't get up." the junior doctor came from behind his senior to reply.

"We did all we could, so speak to us with some respect. You, idiots, get hurt with a sword and expect us to heal you in an instant."

They both locked stares, non giving way to the other. The head doctor ended it by pulling his junior doctor away.

"Okay now, we have to make more rounds," giving a stern stare to his junior.

"We will tell you how everything goes but not to worry, everything, for now, seems to be going in the right direction."

Racquel pulled on Jake's shoulder, pulling him back.

"What's wrong with you, why would you shout at the head healer, you might be a warrior but he still outranks you."

"I don't care what rank he holds, he hasn't done anything for Orchid other than just run tests. He has done nothing but just talk, he's probably a quack."

"No matter which class we are home to, someone who doesn't do their job properly doesn't deserve respect." As Jack utters those words the junior healer almost rushes to him but is instantly held back by his colleague.

" We are doctors, not thugs, go and do your rounds instead of fighting."


"No excuses just go." he sternly instructs, he walks away but not before giving Jake a mean stare.

"Don't worry your friend's in good hands, we will do our best to treat him."

"For now I would suggest you relax and wait until we can give you news on the test results."

Guys, I have started a new book called "The Empyrean Heaven", please give it a read.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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