
Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker

Huiyin carried on with an ordinary life until one day when she met a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed mysteriously. Promising to figure out the reason for her dad's death and take her revenge, she decided to go to the school and pretend to be a boy. She met Kang, a cool unforgiving Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has eyes only for. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who have handicaps and are no longer friends, her life was tossed into a blend when she fell genuinely enamored with one of them. But trouble begins when she realized a powerful witch and wizard from her past life was after her life to steal the magic light from her divine tea and that an invisible enemy was bend on destroying them all. Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker is a story that will melt your heart. Be the miracle that you want the world to see.

Minja_Okeke · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


❤️❤️❤️ HUIYIN (The Street Fighter) 1 ❤️❤️❤️

The lady's eyes widened at the news.

"Huiyin has been reborn and you saw her?" She asked still in shock.

The Hawk nodded his head. "Yes mistress. I couldn't believe my eyes either." He answered her flapping his wings.

"I have to see her immediately." The lady said coming out fully from the nameless grave and began floating in the air. "Do you know where she lives?" She asked stopping to face the Hawk.

"Not really my mistress I didn't follow her home, I hurry here just to tell you what I saw, but I do know where she will be tonight." The hawk answered his mistress.

"How do you know it was her?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Her aura gave her away." The hawk answered.

"Oh, I can't wait to set my eyes on Huiyin after so long. Does she look the same?" The lady asked with a smile.

"Yeah, but she appears a little different. I can't really describe her until you see her yourself my mistress." The Hawk replied the spirit lady hovering around him.

"Fine, I just hope she can remember me once she sees me," the lady said and pause for a while before continuing, "If Huiyin is reborn that means everyone will be reborn as well." She added.

"And you know what that means mistress…"

"Yes, everything will work according to my plans if Huiyin remembers her past life. Only she can lead me to the Emperor's soul." The lady said with a wicked grin which was replaced by a sweet smile. "Now where did you say she is going to be at?" She asked.

"At a fighting arena tonight my mistress, I know the place like the back of my left wing." The Hawk replied her.

"Then we have to be there," the lady said and made her feet to touch the ground, immediately she did so, the nameless grave split opened to reveal a deep dark pit, she jumped in and the Hawk flew after her, the nameless grave closed.

She floated in the dark pit until she reaches the bottom. As soon as her feet touches the floor, candle light of different size was seen been magically lit by itself brighten the dark pit and a tunnel was seen. She began walking instead of flying further inside the tunnel as the hawk followed closely behind her. They arrived at the end of the tunnel and she entered the wall leaving the hawk behind who couldn't penetrate the walls like she just did. She came upon a room and her human flesh was seen floating in the air surrounded by candlelight in the mid air. Saying some magic words, her flesh body floating in the air came down and lay on the ground. Going towards her body, the lady stared at her cold pale body that didn't decay and wasn't smelling. She smiled. The tea Huiyin had given her worked. It preserves her body from decaying and smelling. Even though she has magic, powerful magic, Huiyin Tea making technique is much stronger than hers, that was why she had ran to her for help.

She floated in the air and lay down on her cold lifeless body.


Nianzhen Home:

Two hours Huiyin had returned, her father came back from his place of interview with a huge smile embedded on his face.

Hugging Nianzhen and twirling her around in happiness, he drops her to her feet and narrate how his interview went. He gave her the already cooked ramen (noodles) putting in a take away plate. "I had already eaten my dear. This one is only for you," Nianzhen said as Huiyin collected the Ramen from him and started eating it immediately. They were seated under the plum tree.

"I am so happy for you father," Huiyin said with a smile as she ate the Ramen quickly. She was so happy for her father and she didn't fail to show it on her face.

"Yes, I got the questions I was asked right and they told me to resume fully tomorrow morning," Nianzhen said as he watches his daughter eating the Ramen very fast.

"I also got good news for you father," Huiyin said after she had finished eating the Ramen.

"Tell me, I am listening."

"I went around Guangzhou today and saw one fighting arena. I spoke to a man called Zou and he told me to come back around 8pm today to fight the Bull." Huiyin said with a bright smile.

Nianzhen smiled. "Thank you Huiyin for lifting up this bundle away from me. Now that you have been accepted to fight-"

Interrupting her father gently. "I have not been accepted yet father. Coming by the time he said is my first trial, and defeating the Bull will qualify me." Huiyin explained. "But do not worry, I am sure I will defeat the Bull in the arena tonight." She added with full confidence.

"Then go and rest my dear, you need all the energy and strength to fight the Bull. And I will follow you tonight, tomorrow, I will resume my night duty in King's High School," Nianzhen said standing up to his feet and going inside.

Huiyin climbed the tree to rest her eyes. She couldn't wait for night to come.


The Nameless Grave:

10 minutes later, her eyes opened and she stood up to her feet quickly. She looked beautiful with her raven dark long hair. Her eyes were as pitch black that shows cruelty. She was tall and slender with the right curves.

With a snap of her hands, the candlelight still floating in the air vanished into thin air and she cracked her bones, stretching her body that hasn't been used for 2,000 years.

Touching her hands to the wall had she passed through, the wall broke into pieces and she came out of the room and started walking away together with her Hawk. The candlelight started going off as soon as they pass it and the walls started falling behind them.

"Mistress, what about the empress? Do you think she has been reborn like Huiyin?" The hawk question.

"Yes, the empress has been reborn." The lady answered simply, she could feel the aura of the empress now that she is now in her body. They reached the pit and the grave opened above them once more. She jumped out of the pit with inhuman speed and landed outside in the open air. The grave closes as the hawk flew out of it. The lady turned to face the hawk and touch it. The hawk changes into a young man with a hunchback, his black coat of fur which was made from bird wings was covering his hunchback, his eyes just like his mistress was as dark as midnight.

"You are now free." The lady said with a smug look.

"Thank you mistress." The hawk man said staring at his human hands he hasn't seen for a very long time all thanks to the Tea Maker.

"The spell isn't fully broken, you will change into your hawk by night and by morning into human. If only she had taught me her secret technique, I would have been the strongest Witch ever in history. She doesn't know how to wield a sword but she is very smart." The lady said with anger and suddenly smiled, her dark eyes turning into dark brown. "By night falls, I will meet Huiyin and then, our story shall begin."

The hawk man and his mistress laughter filled the forest.