
Chapter Sixteen

Alex had never been more afraid in all his life. He panicked and he quickly began calling his friends.

"Cara. It's Alex. Something's happened. They took her." He ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"They took Adriel." He held back the lump that had formed at the back of his throat.

"We're on our way Alex, everything's going to be okay."

Alex gulped, hanging unto her words as his very life depended on it.

Alex looked out the store's window. The night was dark.

Even though the storm had subsided, the clouds still hung low, dark, and menacing.

Alex prayed with everything he had that she would be okay. His heart was beating so fast, it might beat right out of his chest.

If anything ever happened to her, he'd never forgive himself.

"Meet us at the church. There's still a chance Alex." He heard her say. He nodded closing his eyes.

"Okay." The line went dead and an X sign immediately replaced the signal bar. It was a miracle the call had gone through in the first place.