
Forsaken Myself

Without pain you can-not understand peace. Without pain, you won’t protect the peace. Story of a young prince who's bound to face a cruel fate, but even through lies and deception he conquers Life. "I have forsaken myself as I am tired of this Fate. Now. whatever harm comes my way; I'll cut it with my sword." "Beloved by all?" He scoffs at his misery, spitting out blood, and clenching his sword once again, he whispers, "I never loved myself." He breathed out the cold air in the midst of a battlefield.

AbyssWriter · Fantasía
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16 Chs

To the Lands Unknown

Eidan stood at the edge of the hill, staring out at the vast, bustling capital, which stretched before him.

Eidan's outfit for this journey is a reflection of his noble status and his personal taste. His shirt is made of high-quality cream silk with delicate silver embroidery on the collar and cuffs. His pants are a matching shade of lavender and cream and are made of a soft, lightweight fabric that allows for ease of movement.

Over his shirt, Eidan wears a fitted silver vest, intricately designed with ornate patterns and adorned with small, glittering gemstones. The vest is complemented by a long, flowing cape made of the finest velvet, which has a beautiful gold pattern woven into the fabric. The cape is lined with silver and falls in soft waves behind him as he walks.

Eidan's boots are made of supple leather, dyed a rich lavender hue to match the rest of his outfit. They are decorated with silver buckles and small gemstones, adding a touch of elegance to the practical footwear.

The scent of lavender lingers around Eidan, emanating from the small vial of oil he carries in his pocket. It's a calming aroma that helps him stay focused during his journey. Overall, his outfit is a perfect blend of sophistication and practicality, suited for the challenges that lay ahead.

He had heard tales of the demonic realm, a place where the spirits of the dead were said to reside, and now he had decided to embark on a journey there.

A Sanctuary was built on top of another hill near the Imperial Palace, which held a brilliant idea of a magic portal and agreeable passageway to other realms. Such that the receiving party should approve of the arrival party first.

It was a sight to behold, perched atop a verdant hill and overlooking a breathtaking vista of rolling hills and meandering streams. The approach to the Sanctuary was lined with a verdant canopy of trees that provided shade and respite from the heat of the sun.

The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of wisteria flowers that cascaded down the walls of the Sanctuary and intertwined with other blooms, creating a kaleidoscope of colors and scents.

The entrance to the Sanctuary was grand and imposing, with pillars made of gleaming white marble that reached up to the sky. As visitors entered, they were greeted by an atrium filled with shimmering jewels and sparkling crystals that refracted light and created a dazzling display of colors. The walls of the atrium were adorned with intricate murals that depicted scenes of natural beauty and wonder.

Beyond the atrium was the heart of the Sanctuary, a vast central chamber that was filled with natural light and open air. The chamber was surrounded by lush gardens and cascading waterfalls that created a tranquil environment. The sound of running water mingled with the sweet songs of birds and the rustling of leaves, creating a symphony of natural music.

In the center of the chamber stood an ornate altar made of shimmering gold and studded with glittering jewels. The altar was surrounded by a ring of stone benches, where visitors could sit and reflect on the serene beauty of the Sanctuary. The altar itself was adorned with intricate carvings and engravings that depicted scenes of natural beauty and wonder, including forests, rivers, and mountains.

At night, the Sanctuary was bathed in a soft, warm glow, as thousands of tiny lanterns were lit and hung from the trees and walls. The flickering light created a magical and ethereal atmosphere as if the Sanctuary was a portal to another world, a world of beauty, wonder, and serenity. Visitors would leave the Sanctuary feeling rejuvenated, renewed, and uplifted by the natural beauty that surrounded them.

But there was also a secret kept from the people who visit the altar, only the Prime Mage could access the inner gate that was opened with his powers. The real portals to other realms.

A small close circle of the Imperial palace gathered for the crown prince's grand departure. They did not want unnecessary attention to his absence in the Palace.

However, there was still someone who gave the crown prince extravagant attention.

"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own? Won't you feel lonely? Why don't you take someone with you?" His mother, Empress Isabelle asked while shedding tears upon tears.

"Mother, I'll be fine, you need not worry, the demonic realm will uphold the vow and certainly will never try to harm the crown prince of Lucidnia." Prince Eidan spoke calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Empress," Rupias spoke to further assure her, "I have sent a message to the Lord of the lands, he will give a welcoming environment for his highness, the crown prince."

"But…but…my son…you're leaving once more…I don't know when I'll see you again." Empress couldn't hold back her tears and her sniffles slowly turned into sobs.

Seeing his mother in this state, the crown prince sighed while smiling; he went to his caring mother and gave her a warm embrace.

Everyone gathered there gasped at such a comforting moment.

"I know you're worried, but I would love to hear that you will wait for me to return victorious in my mission. And I will ensure that you'll receive the news of my travels." Prince Eidan gently patted his mother's back while hugging her and continued, "Please pray for my safe return and look forward to the tales of my journey."

The Empress seeing her only child be this confidant, cried in her son's arms.

After she calmed down, her voice was gentler, "To think the boy I cradled in my arms would grow up so tall and handsome, that he would comfort his mother like this."

The Empress's eyes shone like pearls and her smile became happier, "Oh my dear child, please come back to me safely." She held prince Eidan's cheeks and remembered how small and chubby they used to be that they would fit inside her palm.

"Yes, mother." The crown prince held the Empress' hand back and placed a small kiss on the back of her hand.

"Such a gentleman, I didn't know you grew up to be such a lady-killer." The Empress was back to her usual self.

The crown prince grinned while saying "Must have been your influence."

The mood swiftly lightened as both royalties laughed at the end.


They heard a rough, deep voice behind them.

The Emperor, Einar stood there with his hands behind his back. He

was mesmerized by seeing the two figures shining brightly and surrounded by glittering flowers resonating with the energy of the Sanctuary.

"There is something that I must talk to you about before you leave, Eidan."

Everyone greeted the Emperor when he arrived from the Imperial Palace to the Sanctuary for the departure of the crown prince.

"Greetings to his Majesty, the Emperor." Everyone bowed and said in union.

"Oh, I didn't know you were going to grace us with your presence, dear." Empress Isabelle walked toward the Emperor and they held hands while standing together.

He looked back at the crown prince with a mix of anger, desperation, and anxiety, "Eidan…" he took a deep breath, his voice weary but laced with softness, and continued, "Come here." He stretched out his other hand.

Prince Eidan was surprised at this gesture. It was neither an order nor a tense action from his Majesty.

A wave of relief washed over Eidan as he quickly approached his parents and held both of their hands lovingly.

"I know we have had our differences and clashes, but that doesn't stop us from being a family, you are my only child, the heir of these vast lands. I…only wanted for you to be free, unconfined from burdens and your harsh fate…I thought if I could just shoulder even the half of what you'll bear, I would be satisfied."

Hearing this Eidan couldn't help but be resentful towards himself, blaming and arguing with his father. 'So that is what Rupias meant by regretting the actions my emotions do.' he thought while looking down.

"Look at me Eidan; if I can't be the one to carry the weight of this fate, I pray…that you find people you can entrust with it."

At this, Prince Eidan's heart ached and he once again firmed his resolve to gain strength and protect the people who have protected him for a long time.

He took a deep breath and gathered his strength, knowing that he would need all his courage to face the dangers that may lie ahead.

With a final glance back at the familiar faces behind him, Eidan set off to cross the portal that leads to the Demonic Realm. Driven by a fierce determination to see this quest through to the end, he took one step in and then the other. The last thing he saw was the smiling faces of his people, and voices of cheers diminishing behind him.

The area around him abruptly changed, he arrived at a different scenery. A Sanctuary? But it wasn't the Sanctuary he was used to seeing and visiting.

As he looked closer at the demonic Sanctuary, he could feel an inexplicable sense of foreboding. The Sanctuary was situated at the foot of a towering mountain, shrouded in an eerie mist that clung to the air like a cloak. But as he drew closer to the walls, he could see that the Sanctuary was unlike any other he had ever seen before.

The walls of the Sanctuary were made of dark stone, but interspersed throughout were red and black jewels that glimmered in the dim light, giving the Sanctuary an otherworldly aura. The entrance to the Sanctuary was flanked by two statues of demons, their faces contorted in fierce expressions, but there was an undeniable beauty to their intricate details.

As he walked around the Sanctuary, he was greeted by a large atrium with a high ceiling, adorned with more red and black jewels that sparkled in the soft light. The floor was made of polished black marble, reflecting the eerie glow of the jewels above.

The atmosphere of the Sanctuary was not one of malevolence or hatred, but rather of a morally gray nature. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and in the corners of the room, candles flickered, casting shadows that danced and swayed along the walls.

The central chamber of the Sanctuary was bathed in red light, with intricate murals of demons and dark creatures adorning the walls. Yet, there was a sense of order and balance to the designs, as if the demons were not wholly malevolent, but rather embodied both good and evil.

In the center of the chamber stood an altar made of obsidian, inlaid with red and black jewels that glittered in the dim light. The altar was surrounded by comfortable seating, and visitors were encouraged to sit and contemplate the world around them. That was the altar where the crown prince entered from.

As he wandered around he could not shake the feeling that he had been touched by something both dark and beautiful. The Sanctuary was a place of moral ambiguity, where good and evil were not so easily defined, and where the line between them was blurred.

Prince Eidan stood there admiring the demonic Sanctuary, his heart pounding with apprehension. He was finally here, a mysterious force, a force that he had been unable to resist, hovered around him. He was unsure of what awaited him, but he knew that he had to move.

As he was walking down the altar, he was met by a demon servant of the demonic lord. The demon was tall and imposing, with skin as black as coal and eyes that glowed with an eerie red light. But despite his fearsome appearance, the demon servant greeted Eidan with a respectful bow.

"Welcome, Crown Prince Eidan Seraph Lucidnia, of the great human Empire Lucidnia," said the demon servant, his voice deep and resonant.

It was a while since the crown prince was addressed by his full name.

"The demonic lord has been expecting you. Please, follow me."

Eidan followed the demon through the darkened halls of the Sanctuary, his footsteps echoing off the stone walls. As they walked, Eidan couldn't help but notice the red and black jewels that decorated the walls and floor.

As Prince Eidan walked along the winding path toward the castle, he spotted a group of small demons playing near a stream. They were about half his height, with slender, agile bodies covered in smooth, glossy black fur. Their large, pointed ears swiveled as they chattered to each other in a language he couldn't understand. They were dancing around, jumping over each other, and having a good time.

One of them had a long, thin tail that ended in a tuft of bright green fur, while another had tiny, delicate wings like a butterfly's. Yet another had a pair of flexible antennae that twitched and curled as it sniffed at a nearby flower. They seemed to be having a grand time, laughing and chasing each other around.

When they spotted the prince, they paused in their game and turned to look at him curiously. He hesitated, unsure of what to expect from these creatures that were so different from the humans he knew. But then one of the small demons grinned at him, revealing sharp little teeth, and gestured for him to come closer.

Prince Eidan was initially hesitant to approach them, but as he got closer, he realized that they meant no harm. They were playful and funny, and they welcomed him with open arms.

The demons bowed their heads in respect and offered him small gifts – a glittering rock, a bright flower, a sprig of fragrant herbs. They chattered excitedly, seemingly delighted to have a visitor and even tried to teach him a few words of their language.

Despite their unusual appearance, the small demons were friendly and welcoming, and the prince found himself smiling and laughing along with them. It was a playful, lighthearted encounter, but he could sense the underlying respect and loyalty they had for their Lord, and knew that he was in good hands in this strange and unfamiliar realm.

One of the small demons approached him and bowed respectfully. "Welcome to our sanctuary, your highness. We hope you have a pleasant stay," although he said in a different language the servant beside Prince Eidan conveyed their words.

Prince Eidan was taken aback by the demon's polite manners. He had heard stories of demons being ruthless, but these seemed different.

As he continued his journey, the small demons continued to play and have fun, but they made sure not to cross any lines. They respected both Prince Eidan and their lord and did not want to cause any trouble. They knew he was a guest of the lord.

Prince Eidan couldn't help but smile as he watched the small demons play. He realized that not all demons were bad and that there was more to them than meets the eye.


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