
Forsaken Memories

In a world full of miseries, mistrust, and suffering which was once the birthplace of peace had now perished and had set out a distinct view for the future life. During the tensha era, a mysterious rock approached Earth at an outstanding speed , upon impact with it's atmosphere it dispersed into 10 different pieces of rubble racing towards the surface of the Earth. All of them lost their origin point and chose another path to fall on. They fell on the Earth with a huge impact and upon it's breaking revealed crystals with vibrant colour and glow. Those individual crystal absorbed themselves in the ground and blessed the people living at a certain radius with supernatural feats. To the people it was a gift of god to revive humanity but to some was a curse to perish mankind. Each crystal gave its own corresponding power to the people who lived there. Hence Clans were formed with the ones stronger than other towering above them and due to these rivalries and alliances were formed to over through each other. But when the jealousy of the minors grew they joined many forces to defeat the superior and it was their luck that a catastrophic event took place that changed the outcome of the battle.

LostMz · Fantasía
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41 Chs

Team 8!

"The Apex Assassins!"Exclaimed barry while looking at Alan to see his response to the team's name to which he gave a nod with the same level of energy.

"Alright sir, here's your file containing all information on how to exceed from this point forward. Here are your badges and from now on you will be known as Team 8" narrated the man.

Barry held the file and left the office with pure excitement.

"You know I always wanted a student, but in all of the students I presented before the master he rejected them but you were the only one he found something special in". Commented Barry while sitting down at a bench in the facility.

Alan listened to his thoughts and was contended as well.

"let's open it up"

Barry opened up the file to reveal a neat white sheet with bold letters saying "Congratulations on signing up for the light residencies. As it's formal member you will be assigned some missions to help prosper this residence,(next page), As per the guidelines the teacher has been instructed to train their student with him as time passes so that he will also be helpful in some missions and in addition to this you will also have to train him for the upcoming championships on which his/her rank will be determined. The championship starts in Two weeks until then you are free to use our training sessions to improve your skills. Lastly, upon every successful mission, you will be awarded by us,(the award depends on the difficulty)."

"Ok, then Alan let's train until we don't receive a mission," said Barry in a taunting manner.

They left the signup facility and started to walk to the training rooms, on their way many teachers could be seen walking with their students to the same session.

"You nervous?" asked Barry.

"No, I'm just curious to find what other students are capable of," responded Alan while entering the huge training room where portions were marked for separate training areas.

Barry and Alan entered a portion and were met with a bright screen upon their entrance.

"Hello, fellow user Welcome to the training grounds, Pick from the following.


[A.I Bot]







[Friendly Battles]

[Self Training]


"Hmm, quite the choices" responded Barry, he didn't think for a while and just pressed [Friendly Battles]. Alan was quite stunned at how was he gonna fight him and was screaming inside.

"let's go, partner" yelled Barry

Both of them took their stances and Alan could be shaking upon seeing who his opponent was.

"I wonder what skills he has?" pondered Alan


[Error: opponents level too high, the skill can't be used]

"Well, that sucks!" screamed Alan in his thoughts.

"Don't worry Alan I will go easy on you just try and learn from this battle" stated Barry.

Alan took his stance and the Bell of the arena began, along with the many other students who also started to fight in their respective portions.

Alan decided to use his speed as his offense and dashed at Barry with a zigzag movement to make his moves unpredictable, Barry also rushed in and met him far quicker in the center than Alan anticipated, Alan immediately performed a shallow jump and with the momentum of his speed got just below his right side below the waist, Alan knew that due to him taking a 180° flip like that he would fall on the mat but yet deal damage, but to his surprise, he heard a faint voice moments before impact.

"Ah, so you used both your speed and intelligence but it's not over yet," said barry

As Alan's leg was about to hit Barry's waist, Barry ducked down and with Alan's attack being incredibly low he was yet still able to duck even lower and stay balanced only on his toes.

Alan dropped on the floor with a thud and went rolling, the spectators also started to get interested in the fight now.

"Not bad kid, but now it's my turn" commented Barry

He rushed on Alan while he was still on the floor with his fist aiming for his head, Alan quickly analyzed the situation and instead of deflecting his attack he instead grabbed it barely and with all might and use it as a pivot to slide between his legs and gaining a slight height advantage through the momentum. While in the mid-air alan decided to perform a full swing kick to his back as it was Barry's blind spot, but he had taken Barry's skill as a joke.

Barry quickly rotated to counter the kick on his own and with the remaining leg gave himself a jump boost to match the height level. Both of their legs collided as both of them were sent back at a distance. They both regained their balance and decided to spar head on purely relying on their fighting skills. They battled hand to hand with each of them deflecting the others' attacks creating a constant movement that kept getting faster. People around them started to gather up even more as they saw the intense battle. The fight got incredibly fast with alan dodging attacks with pure luck and instincts. He knew barry wasn't even using his half potential against him but still, he was impressed with how he was able to go on for a while, but as they continued to fight,the wind around them also started to swirl like crazy due to those intense attacks.Alan decided to see a flaw in Barry's attacks and started to investigate it.

A punch barely missed Alan's head as he dodged just in time sending back a slight shockwave.

"You're getting slow" added barry.

Alan decided to still carry on his hand-to-hand fight while looking for the flaw, and there it was. Barry had completely left his waist unprotected and had put his hands up to go offensive and mainly relied on his feet to defend it. Alan quickly thought of a plan and decided to use it, even though it had a slight chance.

Alan waited for the perfect moment, and there it was, Barry used one of his hands to attack Alan in the face and the second one in his stomach, Alan had anticipated this and when the first arm reached his face he was barely able to dodge only by moving his face and not using his hands and for the second hand he raised his legs to block it as the attack was low, Now both of his arms were opposite, one being blocked and sent back and one still going as it wasn't deflected. Alan used this moment and through the use of his elbow sent his first hand upwards to reveal the waist and used his other leg to misdirect the other one. With all of this combined, he was sure he would be able to land a blow and yelled out a great scream as he formed a fist aiming at his waist.

The Aura around the area became very dense as this was his final attack.

"You fool, you fell for that" a voice came from above Alan as Barry couldn't be seen in front of him. Barry performed a half-front flip jumping across alan and midway canceling the flip to deliver a blow with his leg backward, without even seeing Alan.

Alan was sent dragging along the carpet as he traveled a certain distance and finally stopped.

"Uh, you said you would go easy on me" said Alan in a dying manner making the scene funny for the audiance.

"You fought well, my student I see why master chose you, but still there is a long path ahead of you"remarked barry.

Alan listned to him while laying down on the mat with a annoyed look.

"Uhh, I was so close someday ill beat him and show him that I'm better than him" thought Alan,at least that was what he could do at that time.

A young lady entered the training room and with a loud voice stated, Team 8!, you have been selected for a mission please report to the front office immediately"

"A mission?, this is great now I can prove myself to him"pondered Alan
