
Forgottens: A Strange World

A new creature forms, what will the adventures be, stay tunned to see what will it do next.

Matheus_Lou · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 - The First Adventure

With the news of the church everybody was in shock, Chief's actions were not seen in a good light by the population, but she was doing what she thought was best, and I couldn't shame her because I was selfish enough to abandon everything to come here alone, and I don't even remember. A few days passed and I used that time to ask about my new passive and visited the village to see what they had to offer. My passive basically made me able to understand things easier, and for the village of course I went with my big shiny armor. I met some new people, but the one that caused me the most uncanny feeling was this tall and frail human full of clothes and with a real long beard and hair, both white to gray. He was an inventor, a crazy one at that. One thing I couldn't think about when I got here was about technology, it was so many things, I just couldn't keep up, robots that made automation simple, from mining to butlers. Flying ships that made travel easy. Portals that grant you instant travel. And so much more, I decided to take a time and talk with that crazy, but genius, inventor.

Okay so basically there's this magic stone called Magic Ore, and it can be used to infuse magic in it, using is as a source of power you can built some mechanical paraphernalia that is able to transform it into a lot of things, an example is heat, using heat you can make warm air, that is able to lift some wild things, for example, the flying ships use the heat to fly, of course it's not able to lift much, that is why portal are more common, but there are some big cities that were able to get a big enough Magic Ore that produce enough heat to lift a ship that can carry about a hundred beings. Or it could be used to create electricity that can power robots, but they can't do much, they are more of a programmed being, and not considered living. - his eyes were glowing, he really likes this subject.

Thank you so much. - I feel like I understand more about the world.

After some time Chief said the battle between the church and the worshippers of the war forgotten had probably ended and so she asked us to go and retrieve the bodies, to make a real funeral. The group decided to go was: Me, she said it would be a good experience to see what the world had to offer by my own "eyes", Mike, because actually he's really strong, like I would know that, that human who gave us the news, he's good at tracking and hiding in a group, she would stay at the village to run things, and so we parted, just the three of us because it would attract minus attention.

Before we went out the human, who's name was Shert, showed us a map for us to prepare if anything went wrong. We were going to the north where there was a forest and right in the middle a fire dragon destroyed and made a clearing, that was where the fight happened, and also our final destination, it was about 3 hours of walking, not that far, and so we started our journey.

We made our preparations, I took a grand sword, I didn't know how to use, but Chief said it would be useful, so that was the only thing I took with me, Mike took two swords a little curved and smaller than medium size, food and some maps and things I didn't understand, Shert actually didn't take any sort of weapons, only a small round object, food and some papers, witch I didn't understand. That was it. We then went to the forest, in the first hour nothing happened, we made a small break for them to eat, in that time I kept an eye out for anything unusual, a little bit after we stopped I saw a small creature running from a wolf, I couldn't see very well so I mentally told them.

There's someone who needs our help, come on let's help it.

Who is it? - Mike said with a sense of urgency.

I'm not sure. - I told him.

Mike went running, but Shert actually didn't come, he was sleeping. I started to run after the small creature, Mike followed me, a few moments later we saw them, the small one was actually a robot, it was about 1,5 foot and for some reason it had clothes, I was told that robots don't wear clothes because they were not sentient, but for some reason I could sense something about that robot in specific that told me. He was alive. The wolf on the other end was big, about the size of my armor, pale fur with some kind of light blue lighting on each side. Mike shouted.

It's just a robot, it doesn't make sense for us to risk our life to save a robot.

It's not just a robot, I can sense a living inside it, we have to help him.

How do you know that? - He sounded shocked.

I have no idea, I just know, come on.

When I saw Mike he was already running towards the robot that was about to be slashed by the wolf, I started running as well, Mike got there but got slashed instead of the robot, it was superficial, but I could see that he was hurting, I took out my sword and attempted to cut the wolf, but he saw me and evaded the attack, Mike got up, while the robot hid on a bush, we then made a guard to protect the robot, but the wolf actually started running, we let our guard down, and I immediately started looking for the robot, he came out of the bush, he was wearing a cloth that was too big for him, his legs were kind of scrapped and he was missing one arm, his head was cracked and you could see the gears spinning inside.

We went back to the place we were eating, Shert was still sleeping, we woke him up, told him what happened, he didn't believe it at first, but then he saw the small little cute robot that for some reason could think and adapt to the environment. But the robot was really cute even though it was broken. It still gave a charm, so Shert put him inside his bag and we continued our journey. The rest of the trip was safe, we encountered some small monster but Mike who we patched up, could easily deal with.

The moment we got there we all were not only shocked but actually disgusted. A red river reflected the suave moonlight, a pile of bodies, each deformed in it's own way, limbs everywhere, heads rolling, you could see that this wasn't a battle, it was a massacre, the ones that survived until the end had their nails removed, fingers and then members, it was truly something awful, all the bodies were from the priests of the village's church, we didn't see a single one that was different, Shert passed out, Mike vomited, and as for me I couldn't do anything like that, but inside me I felt something different, I wanted to get payback I wanted to kill them, "Sensing too much feelings, activating curiosity… Successful. Calming mind… Successful. Analyzing information… Successful. Do you want to see what exactly happened here?" "NO", it was too much for me even with my mind calm it was too much, I now know what I felt, that was the first time I experienced anger. We gave time to Shert while we were retrieving the bodies, but one thing took my attention. Giovani, the priest I talked to, wasn't there.