

Hi!,My name is Alexia Born to the great Vampire King and Queen whom were betrayed and killed,lost the only sister l had, then suffered from memory loss and became one of the most powerful female CEOs there's is until l met Mr Robot,then l clocked 25 things took a drastic turn for me. Follow me down the road of self discovery, romance, friendship, werewolves,vampire's, loyalty, betrayal and revenge AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone, my name is sofia and this is actually the first book l have written please do well to drop a comment and show your love towards this book. Thank you ❤️

Sofia_Edward · Fantasía
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14 Chs

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I was angry, shocked but relief that guy finally went away

"Alexia let's go" Clara said

"you go, l will fine my way home" l said

"Are you sure" Clara said

"I am, and um..... Where's Naomi " l said

"Oh l forgot to say, Naomi went home yesterday due to some urgent emergency but don't worry she's fine " Clara said

"Wow so much for telling eachother everything " I said

"Come on, don't be upset she didn't mean to "Clara said

"Who said l was upset "l said

"Your face did"Clara giggled

"Ma'am, is time to go"

"See at home" she said before running off

"Oh hi Felix, long time no see huh?" I heard her say from a distance

I looked around at the mess does Buffon's have caused

"AHH whatever "I said making my way upstairs as l have packing to do, then l saw it, footprints leading up to... My room!!!

"What the heck"I murmured, taking a stance for anything as l open my room slowly but l saw nothing, nothing at all but the window which was locked before was opened now, looked outside but nothing, hmm whatever l'm leaving anyway, I turned around but suddenly l felt cold, abnormally cold something weird was going on and it looks like packing up was going to wait.

I ran out to the yard to find something anything so that my mind could be at ease, l walked into woods searching, and I saw that man from earlier, l quickly hid behind a tree and listen he was talking to three other bulky men looks like they were making an agreement or discussing about something important, l tried to move closer to hear what there was saying

"Scan the area, we can't let them escape,once you found them bring them to the headquarters immediately" he commanded

"Yes sir" and they left

I waited for a few more seconds, to make sure they were all gone before stepping out and immediately crashing into a wall wait ..... A wall??l looked up and saw that guy from earlier l gulped, suddenly out of nowhere he yanked my hand

"Hey what's your problem"l cried out in pain, wow this dude grip is strong

"Why are you stalking me, are you a spy"he said

"Please,What are you?, Some celebrity l should know about that l will be stalking?, l just came here for my morning jogs and l was resting here before you showed up, now let me go"I tried to free myself but he's grip is just too strong

"Hmmm, kidnapped my sister, watching me from a distance now stalking me just who are you? He asked as he released my hand

"Ouch, see you leave a mark now"I grumble at the bright red sight "I told you before I wasn't stalking you l was jogging now if you excuse l have some packing up to do" l turned and started walking but I heard footsteps behind me l turned around and saw him behind me

"What are you doing"I asked

"Walking with two legs, what else"? He said

"No, you are clearly following me" I said

"And why will l do that?"he said

"Because.... because..." Yes why would he follow me, l'm overthinking again

"Nevermind"I continued my walk finally l reached the mansion then rush up to pack up and leave this crazy place.

"What do you mean you can't come to pick me up" I yelled at the phone

"I'm sorry ma'am but you told me to take a day off for my sick child" my driver said

Ah l completely forgot"oh ok I remember now, how's your child now?"l asked

"Still sick but getting better"

"Take care of her"I said, then the line went off

AHH the train it is, l made my way downstairs and met a stranger leaning against a black mercedes car,the newly released one this person must be rich but who is he and why is different people showing up at the door today of all days when l'm supposed to go home

"And who are you supposed to be" l called out, the guy turned around and l was frozen on my spot; I have never seen such beauty before, he was like a Greek god;tall, well-build, his hair was messy but so dark, sharp jawline and those eyes l felt like l have seen them somewhere before it was green , emerald green it looks so magical and magnetic l couldn't remove my eyes

"Take a picture, it last longer"he sneered

Wait a minute..... l know that voice it was the man of this morning, wow he cleaned up nice

"Says the person that was gawking not too long ago" l fired back

He just stared at me, then said "get in"

"What"? I asked dumbfounded

He ignored me and entered the car and started the car

Geez, can he be less human anyway no train for me yippee!!