

In the old country of Corellia, in the kingdom of Liarion, where creatures of myth and Lore coexist with mortal men. The benevolent King Alderian, ruled with kindness and wisdom. He watched over all the sub kingdoms of the city he holds ever so dearly, ensuring that everyone can live in peace.

The king had two sons, the eldest Besmuth and the youngest Isilios. When the king died of a disease and Besmuth took reign of the kingdom, his reign was peaceful for the first few years. He was like his father until the day he suddenly disappeared. For three weeks the entire kingdom of man and myths searched for the young king but no sign was found. Yet at the night of the blood moon, the king reemerged, covered in scars, and had a mark nobody but him would know the meaning of. Right after he was treated and back to his strong self, he proclaimed that all myths must be enslaved and if they refuse, then they must be eradicated.

The kingdoms of the myths all joined together to try and make things right but no amount of civil talk would sway the young king's heart. So some of the myths begged for help from the dark creatures of the Erathlian forest, where the necromancers, ogres and orcs lay low, but some of the other myths joined together to fight the war forcefully waged upon them. One of them was the king of the elves.

Now, King Westerio was afraid but he knew what he must do to protect his three children. The young elven royalties were fierce, talented, and brave, just like their late mother. The eldest Onyx, understood that his father must leave yet held confusion in the depths of his dark eyes as to why he can not join him in battle. He held his two younger siblings, Lazuli and Topaz close as they begged their dear father to stay and or run away with them. Just like the precious jewels they were named after, their father only wanted to protect them from the dangers of war by going out and leading the Mythical creatures who only wanted peace. Lazuli, the middle child, clung to his father's arm begging for him to stay, fearing that he would never see him after the battle…

"Father why must you leave?"

"My son, I apologize but father must help our fellow myths to have a better future" the king answered solemnly.

"Father why can't I join you on the battlefield? Why must I stay here like a coward?" Onyx asked

"Onyx, caring for your younger siblings is considerably braver, than anything."

"But father, I can also join you and make sure we win this battle against that horrible tyrant!" Onyx argued.


"Very well father. Just send a raven or one of your men, if you need me to fight alongside you. Know that I will be there."

"I know Onyx, but even if I need assistance the only message you shall hear from me are either warnings to flee the palace and scatter the people or that the battle is far from over and that I am dead . "

"Do not speak of death so casually father, you will win and bring news of peace and hope for our kind, and for the humans, who wish to not be a part of this massacre."

"Well then, I must try my hardest to win. I cannot let you lose me after losing your mother, but if the news of my inevitable death does come, tell the people to leave, hide and scatter themselves to keep them safe. Our kingdom is not the land we rule but the people who live in it. For as long as our people live, our kingdom goes on."

The king held his children close, uttering a prayer to whatever deity can hear them that no matter what happens, they'll be safe, for if the battle does not kill him, if ever the news of his children's passing does arrive, that would end him.

He stared at his children lovingly as he rode his steed, while teary eyes stared at him with solemn thoughts swirling at the back of their minds. The uncertainties of the battle to come was agonizing to think of, and the pain it brings of not knowing if the people you love would ever see the light of the new day was enough to send a grown man into tears.

Onyx looked at his father and smiled a small smile, just to encourage and reassure him. Although he wanted to beg his father again to take him, he understood that he cannot leave his siblings, he cannot abandon his people. For if the king dies, he must be the one to lead them, even if it's away from the fight.

Onyx knew that war is something You cannot predict, not even the strongest mages can see what the future holds. He knows that the chances are low for both sides but he must have faith. He mustn't let the dark thoughts cloud his judgement.