
Forgotten Love A Tale Of Two Conflicted Hearts

A new family moves across from Ciara’s during her junior year she doesn’t think anything of it families come and go in this neighborhood days go by it’s the first day of the new school year Ciara’s with her friends in history class when she hears a name being called for attendance usually she doesn’t pay attention to it but today it’s different the name sounds familiar she looks up to see her she hasn’t seen since she moved she’s in disbelief “that can’t be her can it? No that can’t be she looks breathtaking then she did when we were kids” she thinks to herself

Dasia_Reed · LGBT+
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Character description and background

Hey guys it's Dasia I just came on here to give you guys background information for the main cast of characters, since you guys met 2 of them already some of these characters will be introduced in later chapters of the story their subplots play a role in the story as well.


Background info-Ciara was born with wealth while Marissa family struggled but they had each other so that didn't matter until they lost contacted Ciara had cheerleader mean girl with a closed small circle of "friends" while Marissa has a small group of what people in Ciara case called outcasts who's on the debate team good grades top of her class kinda rebellious.

They have their ups and down throughout the story due to their social circles,friends,breaks ups,divorces etc


Ciara Nettlemyer- 17 years old junior standing at 5"3 white female slightly curvy hips average sized bust with back length flowy jet black with brown highlights not nerdy mean girl will do anything to protect her reputation at school being the student council president on the prom committee newspaper editor but she's definitely in that it popular crowd co captain of the Brooksfield warriors cheerleading team the picture perfect life rich doctor parents but she's hiding a dark secret her picture perfect family isn't so perfect after all she has a alcoholic mother with a workaholic cheating father on a verge to divorce town and to make matters worse a seemingly old face brings back old scars sending her in a spiral of self discovery.

Marissa Brooks- 17 years old junior Hispanic female standing at 5"2 with a average slim not too big not too small hips with a ample bust flowy brunette brown hair dyed red In neither crowds she rather be with the outcasts then the popular crowd everyone loves her soft spoken nice follows her own rules . Wasn't too keen on moving back to her old town on the middle of the school year but since her dad wanted a new start since her mom is in rehab for her alcoholism hopefully this year she makes this year her year when she sees Ciara will that make her experience better or worse.

Alexa Torres- 17 years old Junior Mexican female standing at 5"5, with chestnut brown hair slight rounded figure average sized bust apart of the popular crowd apart of the warriors cheerleading team dating Jesse summers the quarterback for the warriors football team.a born leader who tries to come up with any solution to defuse any situation best friends with Ciara but she wants to be more than just the QB girlfriend or some dumb cheerleader she's actually been secretly involved with the Scientific Olympics her friends can't find out they despise nerds.

Tia Lopez- 17 years old junior Mixed biracial Hispanic female standing at 5"1 on the short side with jet black hair with blue streaks curvy figure wide hips mainly round bust also on the warriors cheerleading team friends with Alli and Camryn bubbly friendly personality in the l.A.R.P club, on the cheer team knows with a busy working brother she lives with along with her doctor mother and mechanic father someone looking on the outside see her with the put together family but inside her parents are in marriage counseling due to her mother infidelity has severe OCD and anxiety due to all the arguing in her household.

Natasha Williams- 17 year old mixed biracial female standing at 5"3 curvy wide hips full round bust curly brunette brown hair captain of the warriors cheerleading team, apart of the drama club best friends with Ciara will do anything to stay at the top even if it means hurting people in the process typical mean girl lawyer dad with an attorney mother picture perfect right? Wrong recently Natasha grades have been slipping due to all the stress her parents put onto her wanting the perfect daughter wanting her to be her perfect brother.

Camryn Strong-16 years old African American brown skinned female standing at 5"1 curvy wide hips slightly round bust with shoulder length brown hair on the newspaper editing team second in command for student council works at the Fall cafe as a waitress trying to balance her mom's medical bills with balancing work along with school is a lot of stress to put onto herself but since her dad left and her brother in the army she has to sacrifice a lot of her personal and social life will this school year be different?.

Alliana Mahari- 16 year old Indian female standing at 5"1 slim figure on the short side average sized hips not too big bust with jet black straight her apart of no clubs secretly super smart but wants to be apart of the popular crowd but with Sebastian, as her big brother she has to live up to the picture Indian family image as the perfect teenager with doctor parents what could go wrong? A rebellious streak will do anything to break that perfect image with a crush on the wrong boy on the track will do just that.

Sebastian Mahari- 18 years old Indian male standing at 6"6 bulging huge biceps and firearms in his final year of high school trying to get through without any girl or sister drama lead guitarist and singer to his band The revivals trying to get the best grades possible for his parents forgetting to live his dream not theirs? I mean he's gonna 18 years trying to be the best for his parents will one more year finally be his year to tell his parents he wants to study music?but when a girl comes along and changes his plan.

Elijah Stevens-16 years old white male chestnut brown hair standing at 5"5 on the scrawny slightly skinnier side due to his chest bandages

growing biceps and forearms chestnut slightly long bowl cut hair past his ears he hides under a beanie being the new transfer isn't easy especially with his biggest secret looking over his head what secret you may ask? Elijah was formerly Ellie Elijah is transgender he had to transfer to 10 different schools due to him being "different" no one really accepts him not even his own therapist mother and dentist father but maybe this year it will be different at least that's what he tells himself with his big brother Drew maybe he'll have a somewhat descent school year.

Andrew Stevens- 17 years old white male standing at 5"9 bulging forearms and biceps older brother to Elijah,transferred from his last school to Brookfield to keep his brother safe he doesn't want anyone to hurt him but will him wanting to be the new starting quarterback for the warriors football team along with the glitz and glam of being on the team will he get wrapped up in his new found fame.

Jesse Summers- 17 year old male standing at 5"9 bulging biceps and forearms star quarterback for the warriors dating Alexa Torres the ideal love story picture life right? Wrong he's been dealing with having an anger problem due to having a verbally abusive father at home trying to live up to his standards is willing to do anything to stay on the team with his grades slipping left and right I mean anything!.

Jacob De Luca- 18 years old Mexican male standing at 5"9 isn't a fan of any group at the school does his own thing has a small group of friends bullies the easy targets when he sees fresh meat he goes after, he doesn't do relationships typical hook ups here there but when a certain girl becomes interests in him will he hang up his jersey? Or keep playing in the game.

Bianca Diaz- 16 years old Hispanic female standing at 5"7 curvy wide round hips round bust with long flowy brunette curly hair very rebellious and promiscuous bully how you may ask?. Has a file the size of an apple has a history of hooking up with various girls boyfriend will do anything to mess with anyone in her way her target for this year?. Jacob De Luca,but when a certain girl wants him Bianca will do anything to stop that from happening.

Giovanni Marino- 16 years old Hawaiian male with bulging biceps jet black short hair basketball team captain for the warriors can't seem to catch a break why you may ask?. Jailed mother  workaholic father wanting just to be the best provider and son for his father who wouldn't care if he was an athlete only a real job like being a doctor or lawyer secretly taking drugs even selling them to make his father proud.

Marley "Makena" Vernado- 16 years old African American brown skinned female standing at 5"3 slightly average sized curvy wide hip full round bust jet black hair with honey blonde bleach highlights best friends with Alli on the warriors cheerleading team with straight As on the scientific Olympics team.

Doesn't like Ciara or her group of friends because of their bullying of other's, bubbly friendly girl open to new people trying to not feel like an outcast even as a cheerleader constantly looked at as some goody two shoes with her mechanic father and computer engineer mother, Brookfield alumni parents trying to do the best for her parents legacies not wanting to have any distractions this year but when a certain beanie wearing boy comes around will all that change?.