

Hui Ying is the daughter of her parents who lives her life unknown in the palace for the past three years. Not that she isn't pretty or ugly probably because her husband didn't want any woman around him for some reasons. Getting married into the royal family. The respects, reputation, food, money, servants and so other things which would make one feel that he/she was on top of the world was something dream come true to most young maiden but never did she expect her husband to be cold hearted and heartless. Emperor Mu Chen lives in his cold and dark world for some years after the death of beloved and believed he can't be able to break free from the darkness in his heart. However, he didnt know that his forgetten concubine will be the one to bring him out of his dark world into the world of warmth and light. Though it was something dire for Hui Ying to take up when she found herself entangled between the emperor and his brother.

Lily_Kim_7884 · Historia
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1 Chs

1 Soccer Ball

It was midsummer at this time. And the sunlight was yet to fall on the palace as the atmosphere was chilly this morning.

A slender figure could be seen walking along the narrow stone path and her tiny body was covered with a fur white long coat.

Shang Hui Ying just came out from the forbidden city where she lives going to Xian Tian Palace.

She is now 19 years old. And today is the third anniversary of her being the fifth concubine of the recent emperor. As for Hui Ying, she seemed to be the youngest among other concubines and one with the least presence. Although she came from a solid background, she isn't known as the concubine of the emperor like others by the people.

Behind Hui Ying was Wuyi, her handmaid. These two shared a master-servant duo. Other servants pretended to be courteous towards Hui Ying but she wasn't a fool as she could see the disdain in their eyes. She was, however, wasn't as her handmaid, Wuyi served and treated Hui Ying like a master from childhood.

Arriving at the Xian Tian Palace gate, Hui Ying halted in front of the gate, she took a deep breath and composed an elegant posture. It has been days since the refreshing and sweet wine made by her was sent to the Grand Empress dowager's residence.

Today, the Grand Empress Dowager ordered Hui Ying's presence in her chamber. She raised her leg, entered the gate, and looked up when her gaze caught a big round object whirling fastly with the wind.

She swiftly followed in the direction where the object would go and hit, seeing the person whose back was to her, looking up at the blossoming white peach in Xian Tian Palace while the soccer ball was going fastly with the wind towards that person without his acknowledgment.

Hui Ying got worried, realizing the person would get hit by the soccer ball at any moment.

"Watch out!"

The person turned around to the yelling voice and saw the slender figure running towards him. He froze for a second, in the span of that one second, that person literally flew towards him before pouncing on him. He stumbled backward but ended up falling to the ground along with that person.


His eyes went wide open turning to the side, seeing his long sleeve spread into the mud.

When the servants standing at the side witnessed what was happening, they were stunned as they gasped.

Eunuch Ma tried to catch up with his breath as he called out softly, "Your Highness!"

Emperor Li Mu Chen goes out to visit the Grand Empress Dowager today but he was told the Grand empress dowager wasn't done with her morning bath yet. He decided to wait, Seemingly it had been a long time since he had visited the old woman. He couldn't bear the old woman troubling him to come over so he brought Eunuch Ma and a few servants with him. They are slow in reacting and can only watch their emperor being toppled over by that flying fei.

Mu Chen's other arm wrapped around the young lady's waist as she stayed immobile. The body that was currently still in his embrace felt so soft and supple, thin and slender. She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving up and down, and her breath felt warm when it fell on his face. 'His ears redden'

His skin is fair, his lips are cherry red, and his long black hair is tied into a topknot which has been held firmly by the gold crown headdress. Beneath the thick black eyebrows are small brown eyes in an orb shape, appearing cold. He is attractive but his calm disinterested eyes make him appear manly instead feminine.

'He is still the same, he didn't change

Her moist eyes rolled side to side, staring intensely into Mu Chen's pretty eyes, however, there was an aura of coldness in these brown eyes and the eyebrows are now narrow. Acknowledging she has gotten herself into a big mess. She jerked up, leaving Yichen still on the ground.

At this moment, the soccer ball has hit the wall.

This was the first time the emperor was being pressed down by someone. This incident only can make the emperor angry and it got the servants disarray as they rushed to their emperor and helped him get up.

Wuyi, who carried the tray of a white porcelain wine jar in her hands, slowly moved to Hui Ying and stood behind her with her head bowed and then whispered "My Lady, are you hurt anywhere?"

Hui Ying shook her head in silence while swallowing hard as she looked at the upsetting emperor.

Eunuch Ma fetched out an embroidery handkerchief from his sleeve and started wiping off the stain "Your Highness are you okay? Y..your–"Before he could complete his sentence, Mu Chen flinched his sleeve from Eunuch Ma's hands.

Eunuch Ma noticed Mu Chen's fist was clutching tightly under the long sleeve. This body language shows the emperor was upset.

Eunuch Ma tried to save his head, "Outrageous! How can you just jump on the emperor like that?" He said seriously as he glared at Hui Ying.

Hui Ying's shoulder trembled slightly; "I'm sorry Your Royal Highness! This Hui Ying Fei(Concubine Hui Ying) has com…mitted a mortal sin! Please spare me!" She stuttered, lowering her gaze.

Mu Chen's lips pursed "Hui Ying Fei?" He called in a low tone, sounding unfamiliar to his ears.

He looked down at the lady whose head was reaching his chest level and looked frightened, shivering like a wet chick beaten by the rain.

He now narrowed his eyebrows more, "Xiao Fei (Little concubine) Do you admit your mistake?"

When Hui Ying heard him, she looked up at him and turned speechless. How could he ask such questions when she just saved him from getting hit instead of saying thank you? Hui Ying dared not to say these words as she buried them in her stomach.

After a long silence, Hui's ing's lips were parted to speak when they heard a voice behind

"Your Majesty, it is my fault, Please spare her!"

Hui Ying turned to look behind her and saw a young maiden with a little boy holding onto a soccer ball as they stood at the gate entrance. The young maiden with the little kid was now walking to them and some servants were following behind the children.

The servants that followed the young girl here bow to the emperor standing some steps away from the superior.

Observing the atmosphere for some seconds, the young maiden bowed and raised her head, before saying: "Your Majesty, My little brother is playing soccer when it enters the residence. It's my fault for not watching him properly and creating a scene. Pardon my reckless act."

Mu Chen looked carefully at this strange maiden and the little kid with a surprised expression. Obviously in the palace lives Emperor Mu Chen, Grand Empress Dowager, and his concubines with the so-called fifth concubine Hui Ying who he can't even recognize, and the servants as well.

This strange beautiful young girl was dressed differently like that of a noble girl, seemingly to be 14 years old, so confident to interrupt the emperor when he was busy with someone who offended him.

He looked down at the little boy who looked already scared by his emotionless face and the little kid should be at the age of 3.

Mu Chen became curious. His face straightened, "And you are…?"

"I'm Li Mei Lian the daughter of–"

Mu Chen cut in "The late emperor's brother, Li Feng, the distant niece from the south?"

Mei Lian smiled slightly, lowering her gaze: "Yes Your Highness. It's an honor for His Highness to still remember this distant niece. Please spare her, if anyone should be punished, I will take responsibility for it."

Mu Chen stared at Mei Lian. The last time he could remember, his distant niece was as little as her brother during the Grand Empress Dowager's birthday some years ago. How could he forget the little girl troubling him for sweets and toys but time actually went by quickly, now the little girl is growing into a beautiful young maiden.

Mu Chen couldn't help but snorted softly at his distant niece trying to act mature.

He turned his head in the direction of Hui Ying. After a long stare at her, Mu Chen turned around and left as the servants hurriedly followed him, trying to catch up with him from behind.

The atmosphere which was quiet when Mu Chen left for a while broke as Mei Lian spoke.

"My little brother wanted to play soccer so I did allow him. As his elder sister, I should have watched him properly. I'm sorry for trying to put you into trouble."

"It is nothing for you to apologize, Miss Mei Lian. Luckily I wasn't punished" Hui Ying smiled widely. Thus, she wasn't sure about Mu Chen's thoughts if he would let this slide or not.

She lowered her face to the level of that of the little boy before asking "What is your name, young lad?"

As a little kid who didn't feel comfortable around strangers, he took cover behind his sister. His face was half covered by Mei Lian's big dress and took a peek at Hui Ying.

Mei Lian chuckled, her hand placed gently on the little boy's head. "He is named Xiaodan!"

This little boy was so cute and his cheeks were round and soft, tempting the hand to make a pinch on it.

Hui Ying raised her face as she stood upright "Hello! Nice meeting you Xiaodan. I would love to play with you and be your Jiejie(Elder sister) in the future."

The little boy's milk teeth showed off, smiling at Hui Ying, looking pretty like a girl as if he could understand what Hui Ying said. She couldn't resist that lovely smile as she smiled back at Xiaodan.

"Young Miss, I shall leave now." Mei Lian said amiably. She bowed again and raised her head.

Hui Ying's lips twirled up into a pretty smile. This young maiden doesn't know who she is for Mei Lian addressing her with Young Miss. Moreover, there isn't any reason to say her identity out proudly when no one in the palace recognizes her probably because of her low status here, or maybe the emperor sees her less than other concubines.

Hui Ying bowed slightly and reciprocated the respect. She fixed her gaze at the back figure of Mei Lian leaving just now in a gentle manner like still water.

Hui Ying turned around, moving from her track and going further. The guards outside opened the door as Hui Ying stepped in with Wuyi behind her.

Last year on the birthday of the Grand Empress Dowager, the wine Grand Empress Dowager took was more tasty and refreshing than the wine which was brought from the East. Since then, the Grand Empress Dowager has been requesting the same wine and it was Hui Ying who made it.

Time went by slowly, Hui Ying was always requested to visit Xian Tian's residence by the Grand Empress Dowager.

'it is an opportunity!' Hui Ying thought of using this to gain favor from the Grand Empress Dowager.

They chatted as Hui Ying kept the Grand Empress Dowager accompanied but there was still someone who the imperial mother favors a lot.

Someone else!