
forgotten Hero's Journey

It was called the War of Gods and Demons a long and forgotten war.

MadOtter · Fantasía
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8 Chs

central Doman


As soon as I heard those words I disappeared from my seat and used all the power of an 18th-star aura master to run toward the central regen where the Devine Pool and where the here summoning spell takes place as it's the place closest to the tree of words.

In a matter of minutes, I covered the destinations of hundreds of thousands of kilometers from my domain to the central domain it would have been better to use teleportation magic but I couldn't think strategy and ran instead.

when I finally made it to the city and could finally think straight l called Brahma to ask him where he was.

''lord, what happened where did you go?!'' he asked panicked even if he could see evething, it takes him a minute to circle in on things.

''I'm in the cereal domain where did you see the hero?'' I asked

''both of the heroes are currently at Lady Amaterasu's castle.''

as soon as I heard I hung up and started to walk towards the castle. 

the streets of the city where Baron, the usually bustling streets of the capital of the central Domain were not empty apart from the occasional guard going around the streets but I could tell from the auras, that most of the people were near the castle at the center of the city. they were gathered here not for the Golden hero but to try to give the new hero their blessings. As for a God to rank up they needs to have been born a certain rank like I was since I gove the void where only void beasts live or amass a massive amount of supporters like Amaterasu and Sheva did but this can be difficult for some gods as may gods share the same divinity and planet that they govern, also the strength of there supporters matters as well. So if they give so if they bless a hero they are almost guaranteed to send from a low God which 90% of gods are to a mid-God. 

As I walked over towards the crowd I started to think about the last 10,000 years. Even though most of all the mortal races have forgotten about him. And though the Gods and angle haven't forgotten the great deeds that he had accomplished whether it be when 17 Demon Dukes and 5 demon kings attacked him when he was injured after fighting the Demon God the first time a year after he joined the fight. He kills them all, or when he and Amaterasu fought against all of the Demon god's army that was being led by 4 demon kings and a demon emperor at the Valley of Darkness killing over 3/4 of the demons along with 3 of the 4 demons Kings and the Demon Emperor and some of the older gods and younger Gods that were born after the great war condemn his biggest feet killing the Demon God single-handedly saying that if he didn't kill the demon God that the countless demon lords, dukes, and kings that where born from the corpses of the Demon god saying wouldn't it have been better if he sealed it not believing us when we say that it was invented and so over the years the gods and angels started to despise and hate the hero for putting their worlds in turmoil forgetting how he saved us and all the great things he did.

I kept thinking about the amazing deeds that the heor did as I was making my way down to the castle but I had to stop when I saw the crowd even though I was still about a kilometer away from it and it was already crowded. I would use a teleportation spell but their defense array makes it impossible to use teleportation magic to get into the castle so I had to go through the crowd. 

''lord Ark'' Just as I was about to go through the crowd a familiar child's voice called out to me from behind me.

''Ryujin, what are you doing here shouldn't you be at Amaterasu's side?'' I asked as I turned around to see him, he looked a bit different from the last time, he had pale blue hire that was cut short different from the last time, along with sea blue eyes, and he was wearing a white Haori that's sleeves extended far past his arm was leth but the reason why that was is because be had blades at the end that color matched his heir.

''lady Amaterasu knew that you would come, so she sent me and the four divine beasts to look for you, I'm just the one who found you,'' he explained. 

after spending a minute talking we went through the crowd and into the castle's courtyard where you could properly see it. It was a traditional eastern-style blinding that sited atop a hill. The servant anglers were bustling around trying to get things set up as there would most likely be a welcome party for the Hero who was summoned and they couldn't stop just because a supreme God was in front of them.

we moved from the courtyard into the castle. The inside looked almost as traditional as the outside only for a couple of Western sty art and weapons hung on the walls, most of the weapons were from fallen heroes. As in the last 10000 years, 5000 heroes were summoned, and only about 25% killed their demon lord, duke, or kings and only another 5% of them live through their injuries the rest die. But as time passed the mortality percentage dropped as demons that were being born were getting weaker but that could also be a problem.

we moved until we came to the main room, the two gigantic doors were closed but when we stood in front of them they slid open revving seven being 3 were sitting at a table that I walked up to but I dredged the other two and stud in front of a man who fought to his last breath to stop the war I visited many times over the last 10000 years but never had the hour to speak to.

''good to see you, Ark.'' he siad to me.

''it's good to see you too,'' I replied.