
Forgiven Lust

Twenty-one years old Deven has a life, but to her, it’s not a life at all. She drives herself into a world of desires; a world that shouldn’t be tampered with; but she has no choice. She wants to run away from it; shut herself from it; wash clean of it, but unfortunately, she has not where to run to, or so she thinks. Will she find someone to render her the freedom she wants, or will she be caged for the rest of her life?

Winifred_Onyemachi · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 2— Chaotic Glee

Deven's POV:

It's another day. Another miserable, suffocating day.

It's late at night, and I'm currently walking down the streets of New York City. The busiest city I've ever seen; then again, it's the only city I've ever been in, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I love the bright lights that illuminate the buildings; the people, who are returning late from work, rushing to make it home; the headlights from the vehicles that practically blind you; the noises that fill the air from the honking cars in traffic; and the distant music that comes from most stores.

You're probably questioning, 'why the heck I would love things like this?' Well, it's grown on me, and I love it. It's my home. I mean it's chaotic, but at the same time, it fills me with glee. My chaotic glee.

Mrs. Bulgarie is probably pissed off back at the club. She hates it when I leave the club without her permission, especially when she has those many customers.

While I'm alive, let me bask in these ten minutes of freedom. There's this one place I've heard about from customers that sounds amazing. It's a bakery called Nile Bakery. Apparently, they have the best sweets, pastries, and drinks. Ever since I heard about it, I've been dying to go there, and tonight I finally get to go there.

As I make my way to the bakery, I get looks from people, not the 'oh, she looks so sweet look', it's the 'oh my gosh. What a skank' look.

I mean I get it, unfortunately. My dress covers covers, but not as much as I want it to.

"Does she own any decent outfit."

"Oh my gosh. Why's she dresses like that?"

"She looks like she got tossed around by seven different men or more."

I hear it. I hear all the insults, and sinister giggles, and I see all the disgusted looks from the ladies and pervy looks from the men. I wish I could say I'm not used to it, but that'd be a lie. It's a miracle something hasn't happened to me yet.

"Yo! Check it out! It's a chick from that club. She's even wearing their uniform. Men! She looks smoking. Watch. Imma tap that," I hear someone try to 'discreetly' say.

I subtly look behind me to see who said those vile words, and I shudder, not from content, but displeasure. They are the most horrifying looking humans ever.

My face contorts into the most horrid expression, as the guy, who I think is the leader, and his gang smirks at me revealing their next-to-orange colored teeth while winking at me.

I envelope myself in my own arms, to provide some sort of security and speed up my walking.

I hear someone whistle behind me, and I don't have to look back to know exactly who it is.

I ignore them and keep on walking like I didn't hear a thing.

"Hey ! Turn around! You know we're talking to you! We're looking for some one to play with and you seem like the perfect person!" He calls out.

I clamp my hand around my waist, gripping tightly at my skin, as I feel cold sweat mixed with anxiety wash over me. I walk faster; as fast as my 5'5 legs could carry me.

"Come on ! You know you want to. Why else would you be wearing that outfit?" he implies. I can hear the lust dripping from his voice. The want. The need. I can hear the vile things he wants to do to me dripping from his voice; it's abhorring.

I hear his footsteps getting closer. Dang it! Why'd he have to have long legs?

Tears prickle my eyes as I begin to run. The sound of my heart sounding erratically against my ear drums. I try to breathe, but It feels like the air is so thin I can't breathe through my nose, so I open my mouth, hoping to make it easier.

"I hate it when they run," he hisses.

I make the mistake of looking behind me, only to find them closing in.

Oh no! I'm about to become a victim of rape!

I almost trip on my left foot, but I stable myself. I look behind me once more, and they're only arm's length away from me.

No. No. No. This is not happening again!

I look around frantically, trying to find a place to hide.

"Don't even think about it. Hiding won't help you. I'll always find you," he agonizes, and I can hear the mischief in his voice.

I keep on running, trying to create enough distance to where I could possibly divert them.

I get to the end of the sidewalk, and look to my right to find the bakery; my main destination.

But now's not the time, Deven.


I could hide behind the bakery.

I run toward the bakery, as I quickly make my way behind the bakery, settling down by the big trash can.

I place a hand over my mouth, trying to control my panicked breathing; while gasping in between breaths.

I peek out from beside the trash can, as I hear multiple footsteps.

"Split up and find her. When you find her, bring her to this alley way," he orders.

They're gonna find me! They're gonna find me! I have to move! I have to go!

But I'm not moving. Why can't I move?

Why can't I-

All of a sudden, I can feel the doom of someone's shadow lurking close behind me. I can hear the slow and steady steps of someone walking behind me.

I want to get up and run; but I can't.

"Hey sweetheart," he says, in that menacing voice.

I feel the blood in my head drain.

"I told you I'll find you. I'll always find you," his dreadful voice hits my ringing ears.

No. Gosh no! Please, don't!

"Turn around."

I sit frozen on the floor, barely able to move my hand.

"I said- TURN AROUND!" His hand slams against the trash can.

My eyes widen in fear, as I turn my trembling body towards him.

"Guys I found her!" He shouts out to his gang, still holding my gaze.

Why? Why can't I look away from those hunting eyes?

His hand cups my cheek, as he yanks me forward to meet his lips. Kissing me hard. Bruising every part of my lips.

I don't kiss him back.

He pulls away.

"Kiss me back!" He exclaims, his bad breath wafting against my face.

He places his lips back on mine, but I don't react.

He pulls away again, but this time he slaps me, and repeats, "Kiss me back. React. Do something."

No. I have to push him away. Deven react. Push him away.

I snap out of my senses when he grabs the top of my dress and rips it.

He lets out a villainous chuckle.

"Tonight. It's gonna be you and us," he states, and that's when I notice the others behind him, waiting like starving animals.

That's when it kicks in, I'm about to be raped, not by one, but by three men.

Tears begin to cascade down my cheeks one by one, leading to a heavy flow of tears.

I try to shove him away; I try to pull away from his grasp, and I manage to do that, at least I thought I did it; he was the one who let me go, only to forcefully shove me against the wall, making me hit my head against the wall.

"Stop," I whisper, lying helplessly.

"So you can speak," he smiles up evilly at me.

I hate his breath on me. It's nauseating. I hate it! I hate it!

"Stop!" I yell, clawing at his face.

"Somebody help! Help me!" I yell, tears streaming profusely down my cheeks, as I ball my fist and continuously hit him.

"Shut her up," he says to the other three.

"No!" I scream out, but my voice cracks.

"Leave me alone! Someone help! Help!" I sob out, while shaking my head vigorously trying to keep their hands from touching my face.

"I thought I told you to shut her up?" He yells.

"We're trying," one of the other guys say.

"Bang her head against the wall again or something. I don't care, just shut her up," he exclaims.

I open my mouth to scream for help once more, but I'm cut off when someone shoves my head against the wall.

This is the second time.

I can feel my head pounding. My consciousness is slipping away.

No. No, I have to hold on.

My eyes start to shut slowly.

"That's right. Close you-"

What happened? Why did he suddenly shut up?

I look up slowly, trying not to risk another pounding headache, and I find a man beating those idiots up.

I smile drowsily, before slowly letting my eyes drop.

I feel myself being lifted by something warm and comfy.

"Hang in there, mea ," I hear this man say.

"Cookies," I mutter, before finally letting my drowsiness fade away.