
Forging an Empire with technical knowledge : oliver path to prosperity

In this medieval tale, we follow the journey of Oliver, a reincarnated soul in the body of a young nobleman. With his newfound knowledge of modern technology and a desire to bring progress to his medieval world, Oliver embarks on a mission to revolutionize his barony. After reuniting with his family and exploring his surroundings, Oliver presents his blueprints for the production of steel and the harnessing of water power to his father, Lord Harold. Impressed by his son's ingenuity, Lord Harold praises Oliver's efforts and recognizes the importance of steel for warfare. Meanwhile, Oliver's brother, Edmund, engages in romantic affairs with a commoner lover. Unbeknownst to Oliver, Edmund stumbles upon a secretive weapon exchange in the forest, prompting him to alert the guards and seek his father's assistance. While Edmund deals with the impending threat, Oliver focuses on his own endeavor of soap-making. With the help of his loyal servant, Thomas, Oliver purchases the necessary ingredients, including animal fat and iye (alkali substance), to create a luxurious soap called Eliza Soap. They meticulously follow the soap-making process, infusing scents of rose and lavender and packaging the soap in exquisite boxes. Excitement and anticipation fill the air as Oliver's inventions and entrepreneurial spirit bring hope for progress and prosperity to his medieval world. With the production of steel and the creation of Eliza Soap, Oliver envisions economic growth and the rise of a thriving industrial hub within his barony. As the stage is set for economic expansion, Oliver also senses the stirring of exciting times ahead. The looming threat of war and conflicts in the realm present opportunities for Oliver's barony to play a significant role in the unfolding events. With the combination of technological advancements and his strategic vision, Oliver seeks to position his family's fief as a key player in the wars to come. With dreams of economic success, thrilling battles, and the potential for growth and influence, Oliver eagerly awaits the future, ready to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

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Chapter 26: Search for Mining Expert

Oliver woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. Today was the day he had been eagerly awaiting—the day he would take a significant step towards transforming his barony and bringing about industrial progress. With the profits from the first batch of soaps in hand, Oliver's mind was filled with ambitious plans for the future.

As he sat at the breakfast table, his thoughts revolved around how to invest the newfound wealth. He knew that in order to expand his production capabilities and bring about lasting change, he needed to focus on developing key industries. Two ideas stood out prominently in his mind: a steel blast furnace and the production of Portland cement.

Oliver envisioned a steel industry that would not only meet the local demands but also rival the renowned steel manufacturers of the region. With his barony having rich potential for natural resources, such as iron ore and coal, he saw great potential in establishing a blast furnace to produce high-quality steel. The thought of bringing modern steel manufacturing techniques to his realm excited him, as it would create job opportunities, boost the local economy, and elevate the status of his barony.

Additionally, Oliver saw the importance of infrastructure development. He knew that the construction industry played a vital role in any growing economy. By producing Portland cement, a versatile and durable building material, he could support the expansion of infrastructure projects within his domain. This included the construction of roads, bridges, buildings, and other structures that would enhance the lives of his people and attract further investments.

After finishing his breakfast, Oliver made his way to his study, where he meticulously examined his financial records and calculated the amount required for his ambitious ventures. He wanted to allocate a substantial portion of the soap profits towards these projects to ensure their success. With the necessary funds in mind, he prepared a proposal outlining the benefits of the steel blast furnace and Portland cement production for his father, Cedric, and his trusted advisor, Edmund.

Later that morning, Oliver entered his father's study with a sense of determination. He presented his proposal, emphasizing the potential impact these investments could have on their barony. Oliver highlighted the long-term benefits, including job creation, increased revenue, and the overall growth of their domain. He also explained how these industries would attract skilled workers, and investors, further driving progress and prosperity.

Cedric and Edmund listened intently, their interest piqued by the ambitious plans laid out before them. After a brief discussion, they recognized the potential and importance of these ventures. Cedric, impressed by his son's vision and business acumen, gave his blessing for the allocation of the funds and the commencement of the steel blast furnace and Portland cement projects.

With their support secured, Oliver's excitement grew. He knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, as establishing and operating these industries required meticulous planning, training skilled workers, and constant innovation. However, he was confident in his ability to overcome any challenges that came his way


Now, first thing Oliver has to do is, finding right person for finding mines of raw material.

Oliver, accompanied by his loyal servant Thomas, set out to visit an old mining expert recommended by his father. The expert, known as William Harcourt, in his late forties, was reputed for his extensive knowledge of mineral resources and had spent decades working in the mining industry.

Oliver and Thomas arrived at William's modest cottage, nestled amidst the rolling hills on the outskirts of the barony. The cottage exuded a rustic charm, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sound of a nearby stream. They knocked on the weathered wooden door, and after a brief moment, William opened it with a warm smile.

Oliver: Good day, Mr. Harcourt. I'm Oliver, and this is Thomas. My father spoke highly of your expertise in mining. We are in search of someone who can help us locate important raw materials for our industrial endeavors.

William: Ah, young lord Oliver, I've heard great things about your ambitions. Please, come in. Tea, perhaps?

Oliver: Thank you, Mr. Harcourt. Tea would be delightful.

They entered the cozy cottage, and Oliver couldn't help but notice the shelves lined with dusty mining books, maps, and a collection of rocks and minerals displayed proudly on a wooden table.

William: Now, tell me, young man, what raw materials are you looking to find?

Oliver: Well, I'm particularly interested in iron ore, limestone, manganese, chromite, and other valuable minerals. We believe the barony holds great potential, but we need an experienced expert like yourself to guide us.

(William was confuse after listening to some new mineral name such as chromite manganese but with his life experience in mining, he collected himself. After hearing some familiar mineral like iron and limestone, he spoke)

William: Ah, the barony indeed holds a wealth of mineral resources, waiting to be unearthed. I've spent most of my life exploring these lands, and I must say, it's an exciting endeavor you're embarking on.

Oliver: That's reassuring to hear, Mr. Harcourt. We've heard rumors of deposits in certain areas, but we need someone with your expertise to verify and pinpoint their exact locations.

William: Well, young Oliver, you're in luck. I've spent countless hours studying the geological formations of this region. There are promising areas I believe are worth exploring further. It will require meticulous surveys, geological assessments, and some good old-fashioned fieldwork.

Oliver: That's exactly what we're looking for, Mr. Harcourt. We want to ensure we make the most informed decisions when it comes to mining operations and resource extraction.

William: Excellent! I can see the passion in your eyes, Oliver. Mining is not just about extracting minerals; it's about understanding the land, its history, and working in harmony with nature. Together, we can unlock the potential of these lands and unearth the treasures hidden beneath.

Oliver: That's precisely the approach we aim to take. We want to develop a sustainable mining operation that respects the environment and benefits the community.

Their conversation continued late into the afternoon, as Oliver and William discussed various mining techniques, geological surveys, and the challenges they might encounter. Oliver was captivated by William's wealth of knowledge and his genuine enthusiasm for the subject.

By the end of their meeting, a bond had formed between Oliver and William, rooted in their shared passion for exploration and the quest for valuable minerals. Oliver knew he had found the right person to guide him on this important journey.

With William on board, Oliver's plans for mining exploration gained momentum. They would soon embark on expeditions, conducting surveys, identifying potential mining sites, and laying the foundation for a prosperous future.

Little did Oliver know that this partnership would not only lead to the discovery of valuable raw materials but also forge a lasting friendship and set in motion a series of events that would shape the destiny of the barony and its people.