
Ch10 First Blood!

The shift was instant, Josh Groban's reiatsu momentarily condensing as he processed my words, before the previously calm aura was replaced by pure killing intent.

My body automatically responded as the killing intent washed over, time slowing down as my perception of it increased. I raised my hand, the blade pointing towards the man in the distance.

"Shatter! Ky-" My mouth suddenly clamped shut as I felt a searing hot pain run across my palm causing me to flick the blade into the air. My eyes blinking as I noticed Josh Groban's closing figure. The man had a hand stretched out, put into a strange gesture, pointing towards me. The glow of reiatsu signifying the pain as his fault.

That's a forbidden techn-

Aizen's explanation fell on deaf ears. In fact I barely even noticed the fury painted across Josh Groban's face as he reached my position within an instant, nor did I notice Hitsugaya's curse as he dropped his own blade, my attention preoccupied, mind idly wondering if the steel of the blade was just as hot-

For the love of the bloody Soul King focus!

That's a perfectly reasonable question!

You can't overheat something designed to be overloaded-

But the pommel was overheated-

Don't let him take my blade!

The sudden yell echoing through my head almost caused me to wince. I quickly snapped my attention back in front of me, the zanpakuto was currently inches away from my face, Josh Groban stood less then a metre away, his posture narrowed as his hand reached out, closer to both steel and pommel then either my own hands and with the real Aizen screaming bloody murder in my head... Naturally I did the one thing I could think off in that second, immediately shutting him up in the process.

I closed my mouth and snapped my teeth on the, thankfully, flat side of the blades edge. My reiatsu, funnily enough, immediately sticking said teeth to the cold steel. Josh Grobans expression infinitesimally changed to a look resembling sheer bewilderment, the small lapse in focus giving me the perfect chance to lean forward the slightest, twist my head and promptly smack the still searing pommel onto his face.

Yoruichi's gasp of surprise was the only thing that reminded me she was there.


Author Notes: Figured I'd start ch 10 on a bit of a fun note.